The Ball Poem Summary
Written by John Berryman, the summary of Ball Poem Class 10 revolves around a boy who has lost his Ball all of a sudden while playing with it. He was dribbling the Ball and suddenly it fell into the water. He couldn’t bear the pain and became really sad. The poet compares the Ball with the emotion and childhood of every human being which ends suddenly and they have to deal with it and move on. There will be so many losses in our life. We need to cope up with them. It is a lesson for everyone for the entire lifetime.
Central Idea of the Ball Poem
The Ball Poem can be explained from two different perspectives - literally and metaphorically. First, let’s take a look into the literal meaning of the Poem followed by metaphorically.
In a short summary of the Ball Poem, the writer has painted the picture around a little boy who has lost the Ball that he was playing with. At one moment, the boy was very happy and cheerful while playing. Just in the next moment, he lost his Ball which must have slipped from his hand and fell into the nearby river. This incident left the boy in a very sorrowful situation. As the poet describes, the situation made him stand “rigid, trembling, staring down”.
There is no hope left for the boy to get the Ball back. It made him feel really dejected. That Ball was the sign of his entire childhood. With the Ball falling to the harbour, all the childhood memories have gone down as well. While the boy could get another new Ball, it would never bring back similar emotions and joy in his life. This loss would prepare him to be more careful with the future so that he won’t lose anything which is invaluable to him. This incident will invoke a sense of responsibility in him.
Now speaking of metaphoric depiction, the poet wanted to symbolize the Ball as the joyful days of childhood which was filled with innocence. If we look at those days, it is not easy to get these days back once they are gone. As mentioned in the Poem, once the Ball gets drifted from the little boy, he will suddenly have to grow up leaving the playful days of childhood behind. The Ball is used as an imagery of the boy’s childhood.
So, the Poem literally portrays how a little boy is learning to cope up with his loss upon suddenly losing his favourite thing. And, metaphorically, it is the story of every human being who has to learn to deal with all the loss that he loves the most.
Summary of the Ball Poem for Class 10 in English
Understanding the beautiful Poem, “The Ball Poem”, authored by John Berryman was made simpler through the above material.
You might get these summaries of other Chapters too but at the higher level of education, every time that may not be possible and that is why students shall be focusing on interpreting the meanings of the text.
Although there is no single strategy to do so, there certainly are some steps that can be followed to crack it.
Let us understand them.
Read the Poem
The key to better comprehension is reading. Hence, students are advised to deeply read the content. It works as an ongoing process, you read, you register and you remember. Whenever you read something for the first time, your mind picks up some of the highlights of it and as you stress over a particular paragraph or a line or a word, your mind tries to understand it better. You shall always try to repeatedly read a particular text so that you’re able to understand what makes the title and the content related. Apart from this, when you read it to yourself, you’ll be able to observe the nuances of it and also appreciate the small details, which you might miss if you read too quickly.
Read it Again Aloud
Read the Poem again but this time, read it loudly as if you’re reciting it to someone else. Go a little slow so that you’re able to observe the rhythmic patterns present in it. You might also ask someone else to read it aloud for you and you can patiently observe. These days, there are a lot of pre-recorded versions available online, search for one of them. Your job would be listening and understanding the pauses and breaks. Everything that has been stressed should catch your attention. Students shall understand that this is the most important step of comprehending a text and hence, should be done with utmost sincerity. It might take a lot of your time but it will all be worth it.
Understand the structure
Students are further advised to understand the structure of the Poem. You must be knowing that a Poem also has a visual dimension, it follows a particular pattern which means that there’s a way in how a line ends or how a paragraph ends. You shall be able to understand them. Apart from this, you shall also be able to scan it which means that you must be able to understand the language of the Poem, map out the rhyme scheme, know the stressed and under-stressed syllables, determine the links of the content and also, understand all meaningful relationships as highlighted. This gives you a thorough insight into what it is about and lets you see whatever is there inside and outside the box.
Draw Inferences
Once you’re done with a thorough reading of the topics, you shall be able to draw relevant inferences. As much as the comprehension part is important, it is also important that you are able to conclude it. At times, this step may require you to ask a lot of questions, either to someone else or to yourself. Some Poems also end on an open note and for those, it becomes more important for you to figure out all the possible ends that it could have and based on these observations, carefully look at all the details and come to relevant conclusions.
Paraphrase Line by Line
This might take a lot of your time but is also one of the most important things to do. When you read again line by line, you allow your mind to interpret meanings and make your mind map. For better results, you might consider making your own notes which later on, helps you to revise them quickly.
Class 10 English the Ball Poem summary by Berryman teaches us about the feeling of losing something that we love and how to accept that misery as a part of our life.
FAQs on Summary of The Ball Poem: A Poem by John Berryman
1. Who is the author of the ball poem of class 10?
John Berryman is the author of the ball poem of Class 10.
2. Give me a summary of the ball poem class 10.
The short summary of the ball poem Class 10 depicts a little boy who has lost his ball which eventually fell into the water. Hence he became really sad and worried regarding how to rescue the ball which he never can. He will be able to get another ball but this ball is a symbol of his entire childhood. So, losing it symbolises losing his entire childhood as well. The poet wanted to depict that we as human beings often lose many invaluable things in life which can be never retrieved. But eventually, we deal with the loss of keeping all the sorrows aside and learn to become happier.
3. Can I get a summary of other Poems that are a part of the NCERT syllabus of Class 10?
On the Vedantu website and the App, you can get the summary of all the Poems and the prose that is a part of the course syllabus. Apart from this, you can also get practice sample papers to test your understanding of the subject and prepare in a better way for the final exams.
4. This technique might help in understanding the short Poems but for longer Chapters, it is not possible. How do I understand prose?
The best way to understand anything is by reading slowly and trying to understand and comprehend simultaneously. The ones who can interpret meanings and draw relevant conclusions can master the understanding trick like no other.
5. Are there any questions available for practice that suit the latest pattern of question papers?
Certainly! You can check the section of Previous Year Question Papers on the Vedantu App or the website. Apart from this, you can also go through the other mock tests that are available for practice.