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CBSE Class 11 Physics Kinetic Theory Formulas


CBSE Class 11 Physics Chapter 13 - Kinetic Theory Formulas - Free PDF

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FAQs on CBSE Class 11 Physics Kinetic Theory Formulas

1. What are the four main postulates of kinetic theory of gases?

The four main postulates of the kinetic theory of gases are:

(1) The gas molecules are constantly moving and the motion is random. 

(2) The gas molecules have negligible volume as compared to the total volume of the container. 

(3) The gas molecules' collisions are perfectly elastic. 

(4) The average kinetic energy proportional to the ideal gas’s absolute temperature.

2. From where did I get free of cost pdfs containing CBSE Class 11 Physics Kinetic Theory formulas?

There are a number of websites available on Google which can provide you PDFs of important formulas, but they may be correct or not. Whereas Vedantu provides you with all PDFs of important  CBSE Class 11 Kinetic Theory formulas free of cost  with 100% accuracy. You can download PDFs from Vedantu's website or also can download the app.

3. What is the kinetic theory of gases?

A classical view of the thermodynamic behaviour of gases is the kinetic theory of gases. Many principal concepts of thermodynamics were established using this model. The forces that exist between molecules and the energy they hold are explained by the kinetic theory. The macroscopic characteristics of gases, such as volume, pressure, and temperature, are explained by the kinetic theory of gases.

4. What are the three principles of kinetic theory?

The three principles of the kinetic theory are:


(1) During the collision between molecules there is no energy loss or energy gain. The total energy is conserved in the collisions. 

(2) Compared to the volume of the container they are contained in, the molecules occupy a very small amount of space. 

(3) The molecules move in constant linear motion.

5. What is an example of kinetic theory?

Brownian motion is an example of kinetic theory. Brownian motion is the random, disorganized movement of molecules caused by their frequent collisions with other molecules. Even in the absence of any outside causes, this movement takes place. There is never perfect rest for a particle. The movement instead results from particles interacting with one another in a liquid or gas. The kinetic-molecular theory of heat, which has been found to have features that apply to all diffusion processes, governs Brownian motion. This motion is named after the botanist Robert Brown, who first described the phenomenon in 1827.

6. What are the important formulas for CBSE Class 11 Physics Kinetic Theory ?

(A)Boltzmann’s constant :-  \({k_B} = \dfrac{{nR}}{N}\) ; Where \({k_B}\) = Boltzmann’s constant, R = universal gas constant, n = number of moles and N = Avogadro number.

(B)Total translational K.E of gas :-\(KE = \dfrac{3}{2}nRT\) ; Where KE = Total translational KE of gas, T = absolute temperature, R = universal gas constant and n = number of moles.

(C)V_{RMS} :-  \({V_{rms}} > V > {V_p}\) ; Where \({V_{rms}}\) = RMS velocity of the gas, \({V_p}\) = most probable speed of gas and V = average speed of gas.