PS Full Form: PostScript
Etymology: Post Scriptum
PS long form is PostScript. The source of this term can be traced back to the Latin words ‘post scriptum’ meaning ‘written afterward’. As the term suggests, the postscript is written at the end of any message or write-up, to emphasize a particular fact or add some extra information. For example, in a letter or an email, the postscript is added after the signature of the sender. The postscript may be a short note or a short paragraph and at times to highlight the PS in an email, it is written in italics or in a different font altogether.
Purpose of Using Postscript
Postscripts are mostly used to highlight a message in informal letters, whereas in formal letters or business letters it is used to reinstate a fact, preferably the gist, or to highlight the final pitch. In other words, PS is used in sales promotional letters or memos to put forth a lucrative incentive proposal to customers.
For example, while writing a fundraiser letter or advertisement, most potential donors are likely to glance at the postscript of the letter in the first place. Hence, it is essential to mention the most compelling reason or information that justifies making the donation in the postscript. In fact, whenever people go through an email or a letter, they are more inclined to read the subject line, salutation, and postscript before going through the body of the message. Therefore, the most attractive piece of information in a business correspondence can be well-placed in the postscript.
Adding postscripts in letters helps your message to stand out and is a touching gesture for the recipient. It is a kind of rhetorical strategy to add P.S. at the end of your message.
How to Write a Postscript for an Email?
The postscript written at the end of the letter or email enhances the message that is being conveyed. The first thing to be taken care of while adding a postscript to your email is that it must be preceded by ‘P.S.’. The following steps will help you to understand how to add a postscript to your email.
Step 1: Jot down the information or part of the message that you want the receiver to decipher from your email, in a rough draft.
Step 2: After covering all the information in the body of the email, put down the closing salutations along with your signature.
Step 3: Your signature will be followed by the postscript. Leave some space between the signature and the postscript. Mention ‘P.S.’ before writing the message or note for postscript. You can highlight the note or message in the postscript to make an emphasis.
For example, ‘P.S.: The meeting will be recorded for reference at any later date.’.
What is The Full Form of PS in a Computer?
PS full form in computer is ‘postscript’. It is used as a file extension to save files with vectors, texts, and raster graphics. For example, such files are saved as <filename>.ps. With the prevalent use of PDFs, ps files are not much common today. However, the ps files can be converted into PDF files by using Adobe Distiller. Also, these files can be opened in various Adobe programs and can be printed with the help of a postscript printer.
Several other PS full forms are commonly used in computer terminology. For example, PS stands for photoshop or power supply. Also, the power supply is abbreviated as P/S or PSU. The PrintScreen key can also be abbreviated as PS or prt sc on the keyboard.
Another full form of PS in computers is PowerShell, which is a cross-platform solution for task automation from Microsoft. It involves a configuration management framework, a scripting language, and a command-line shell. Since PowerShell is a cross-platform solution, it can run on macOS, Linux, as well as on Windows.
What is The Full Form of PS in Linux?
PS is a command in Linux. It stands for process status in Linux. This command is used to display all information on the currently active processes. There is a different version of the PS command for every operating system. This command on Linux accepts several options.
For example, the UNIX options have to be preceded by ‘-’(a dash) and all the options have to be grouped. Again, the BSD options need not be preceded by a dash and may be grouped; and the GNU options that are long enough are preceded by ‘--’ (two dashes). Since the ps command is used with various options, at times a slightly different syntax can cause ambiguity of commands. For example, ‘ps -aux’ and ‘ps aux’. On skipping the hyphen, no warning or error messages are displayed instead, the command is compiled as ps aux.
What is The Full Form of PS in Photography?
PS full form in photography is photoshop. Adobe Photoshop is probably the most popular application that is being used by professionals for designing and photography. It is a graphics editor software that runs on macOS as well as Windows. It is now one of the most popular software used for photo editing. Also, people use this software for making digital art resembling hand-paintings.
Editing photographs in batches has become much more feasible with this software. Adobe Photoshop is also used in graphic designing and animations. There are several other features of this software for editing photographs that are pixel-based. The feature of layer-based editing on Adobe Photoshop makes it easier to create images and altering them with multiple overlays to achieve transparency.
FAQs on What is The Full Form of PS?
Question 1: What is the full form of PS?
Answer: The full form of PS is Postscript. There are other full forms of PS like PlayStation, photoshop, power supply, PowerShell, etc.
Question 2:What is the PS full form in address?
Answer: PS stands for Police Station in address.
Question 3: Is it important to add a PS in a letter or email?
Answer: Yes, adding a PS (postscript full form) in a letter or email is important. The recipients are always likely to glance at the subject line, salutation, and the PS, even before reading through the main body of the letter or email.
Question 4: What should I mention in the postscript?
Answer: The most important information or additional information is to be mentioned in the postscript. In the case of an informal letter, the postscript may include a sweet gesture of reminding the purpose of the letter or articulating the affectionate intentions. Whereas, in the case of a business letter, the postscript should consist of the most beneficial pitch for the potential customers.