Full Meaning of UNICEF
The UNICEF full form is the United Nations International Emergency Children Fund. UNICEF, also known as the United Nations Children Fund, is a United Nation agency responsible for delivering humanitarian and development aid to children throughout the world. It is the most renowned social welfare organization in the world. Presently, the organization has its presence in 192 countries and territories. UNICEF activities include providing immunization and disease prevention, directing treatment for children and mothers with HIV, promoting education, strengthening childhood and maternal nutrition, and providing emergency relief in response to natural disasters.
UNICEF stands for full form United Nations International Emergency Children Fund, established on December 11, 1946, in New York by the U.N.Relief Rehabilitation Administration to provide relief to children and mothers affected by World War II. During the same year, the U.N. General Assembly established UNICEF to regulate post-war relief work. In 1950, the responsibilities of the agency were further extended to fulfill the long-term needs of both children and women.
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What is UNICEF Full Form in Medical?
The UNICEF full form in medical is the United Nations International Emergency Children Fund.
UNICEF Mission Statement
The UNICEF long-form United Nations International Emergency Children Fund is authorized by the United Nations General Assembly to support the Children’s Rights, to meet their basic needs, and to expand their opportunities to completely achieve their full potential. UNICEF is controlled by the Conventions on the Rights of the Children. It strives to establish children’s rights by strengthening ethical principles and international standard behavior towards children.
UNICEF full form United Nations International Emergency Children Fund, emphasizes that survival, development, and protection of children are universal development goals that are crucial to human development.
UNICEF is highly devoted to ensuring unique protection for the most disadvantaged children- disaster, victims of wars, extreme poverty, all forms of brutality and exploitation, and those with disabilities.
UNICEF provides complete support to protect children’s rights during emergencies. In Association with the United Nation Partners and humanitarian, UNICEF arranges its special facilities for immediate response available to its associates for the suffering of children and those who provided their care.
UNICEF is unbiased and its complete cooperation is free of discrimination. Whatever it does, the most disadvantaged children and countries in greatest need have higher priority.
With the complete support of its country programs, UNICEF aims to promote the equal rights of girls and women and to support their complete participation in the political, social, and economic development of their communities.
UNICEF cooperates with all its partners towards the fulfillment of sustainable human development goals embraced by the World community and the realization of the vision of peace and social progress preserved in the charter of the United Nations.
UNICEF Long Form and Goals
The UNICEF long-form is the United Nations International Emergency Children Fund. Following are the goals of UNICEF:
To eliminate extreme poverty and hunger.
To achieve universal primary education.
Ensure that all children complete their primary education.
Provide humanitarian and development assistance to both mothers and children in developing countries for the long term.
Strengthen developing community services to enhance the health and well-being of children.
Full Meaning of UNICEF and its Functions
The full meaning of UNICEF is United Nations International Emergency Children Fund.
UNICEF works in over 190 countries to save children’s lives, defend their rights, and help them to achieve their potential from early childhood to adolescence. Following are some of the important functions of UNICEF.
UNICEF has helped to reduce child mortality throughout the world by reaching the most vulnerable children everywhere.
UNICEF works throughout the world to support quality learning of every boy or girl, especially those who are at greater risk of being left out.
UNICE world throughout the world to minimize child poverty and protect girls and boys from its long-lasting effects.
UNICEF is always on the ground before, during, or after an emergency. Working to reach children and families with first-aid and long-term assistance.
UNICEF works throughout the world to empower girls and women, and to ensure their complete participation in political, social, and economic systems.
UNICEF works with its partner in every sector to create innovative solutions that speed up the progress for children and young people.
UNICEF provides continuous support to lifesaving peoples where they are most needed, stimulating outcomes for the most vulnerable children.
UNICEF Global programs and initiatives are stuck in extensive research and thoughtful exploration about the situation of children.
UNICEF Strategic Plans 2018 - 2021
UNICE strategies plan aims to realize the rights of every child, especially the most disadvantaged through five goal areas. These are:
Every child survive and thrives.
Every child learns.
Every child is protected from violence and exploitation.
Ensures that every child survive in safe and clean surroundings.
Every child has an equitable opportunity in life.
These five goal areas span a child's life cycle, encircling antenatal care through infancy, childhood, and adolescence giving utmost priority to the most disadvantaged children. Equity for children is both an independent goal and a cross-cutting priority. The results target the key area that holds the young people and children back, refuse them the agencies that built their destinies and prevent them from accessing crucial services that can save their lives and achieve their potential.
UNICEF in India
UNICEF works across all over India to promote and protect the rights of children. UNICEF has spent 70 years in India to improve the children’s lives and their families. The goal of UNICEF is to enable every child born in India to have their best start in life, to thrive, and to help them to achieve their potential.
UNICEF Work in India
UNICEF works to improve maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health through cooperation with communities, government, and partners in India.
UNICEF works to ensure the realization of a child's right to grow up in a family environment, protected from violence, abuse, and exploitation.
UNICEF in India is committed to ensuring that all children have access to inclusive and equitable quality education.
UNICEF works with the government and partners to make sure that every child in India has access to clean drinking water, basic toilets, and practices good hygiene behaviors.
UNICEF works to form an enabling policy environment for equity and children's rights in India.
UNICEF ensures that every child in India deserves to reach his or her full potential.
FAQs on UNICEF Full Form
1.What is UNICEF?
UNICEF, full form United Nations International Emergency Children Fund, works in the toughest place to reach the most disadvantaged and adolescent children and ensures to protect the rights of every child all over the world.
UNICEF as the World’s largest provider of vaccines supports children's health and nutrition, safe water and sanitation, quality education and skill-building, HIV prevention and treatment for both mothers and babies, and protection of children and adolescents from violence and exploitation.
2.Where Does UNICEF Works?
UNICEF works in more than 190 countries and territories and in the World’s toughest location to reach the young people and children in the greatest needs.
3.Write the Full Form of UNICEF?
The United Nations established UNICEF on December 11, 1945, to meet the emergency needs of children in post-war Europe and China. The full form for UNICEF is United Nations International Emergency Children Fund.
4.What Are the 5 P’s of Child Protection?
The 5 p’s of child protection are Prevention, Parental Responsibility, Partnership, Protection, and Paramountcy.
Here, the term Paramountcy refers to the needs of the child, to always come first