Gale Definition
In the lower atmosphere of the earth, particularly in the troposphere zone, we observe the different atmospheric phenomena. The wind is one such element in the earth that controls various changes in the weather phenomenon. To understand the Gale meaning, first, we have to understand that it is also a form of wind. But in Gale, the wind is much stronger than a normal breeze. The wind velocity in the gale is about 50-102 Kilometers and number 7 to number 10 on the Beaufort Scale. A warning about gale is issued by the Weather Service when wind velocity is 34 - 47 Knots or 63 - 87 Kilometers per hour. Gale, meaning in English, is nothing but a strong wind force. We can also call it Fresh Gale.
Gale Company is basically a group that is very much active in doing research. The company used to publish academic, school library, and business magazine and newspaper databases. Gale eBooks’ also cover a wide range of geography topics, including maps, continents, about the people and environment.
To know about the life of David Gale, a popular movie character, we have to go through the movie. David Gale is a professor in Texas, US. He is about to die, and his lawyer explained his life story and secrets. David gale is a famous personality for keeping secrets. Gale is the head of the department at the University of Austin.
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Gale and other Wind Force
A famous scientist gives an interesting way to know the relationship between wind direction and horizontal pressure. This famous Dutch scientist in 1857 gave the law Buys Ballot's law. After doing certain research about the wind, he stated a formula empirically. According to him, a person will experience high wind pressure on the right side and low pressure on the left side when he will stand in the Northern hemisphere, and he will experience the opposite when he is in the Southern hemisphere.
As per this relation, the angle between the wind and the pressure gradient is a right angle. But later, it was revealed that this phenomenon is true in the free atmosphere but not near the ground surface. The angel is always less than 90 near the ground. This is mainly due to the frictional force between the air and the surface and tends to move the air towards the lower atmospheric pressure areas. But this law is not applicable in the equator region because of the weakness of the Coriolis effect, which is mainly formed due to the rotation of the earth.
The name Gale originates from the ancient Norse word Gallin which means mad. But weather forecasts sometimes use this term to signify wind force which is not extreme like hurricanes but a very strong wind force. Gale is also like a bad Tornado because its damage symptom is broad here as it has the ability to uproot shallow-rooted trees. Gale is mainly associated with coastal regions because here, the wind speed is a bit more. The minimum wind speed here is 50 kilometers per hour, and it can extend up to 102 km, so it can be dangerous and have the ability to destroy.
FAQs on Gale
1. What are the Different Types of Storms?
Ans: The term Storm indicates the different varieties of disturbances taking place in the earth's atmosphere. It may be an ordinary shower to snowstorms to thunderstorms. Disturbances that are related to wind such as Gales, sand storms, cyclones, tornadoes, etc. According to meteorological observations, the storm is limited to a certain wind velocity ranging from 103-117 kilometers per hour. It is also accompanied by heavy rainfall and lightning, and thunder from time to time.
A tornado is also a type of storm which mainly comes in the rotational form and comes in contact with both air and earth surface and a cumulonimbus cloud.
When a large number of sand and dust particles get lifted by a strong wind from the surface of dry soil into the atmosphere, the phenomenon is called a sand storm. It can be observed mostly in the desert areas like Dubai.
Gales have the same phenomenon as that of cyclonic storms, but the wind velocity is a bit lower. In gales, the wind velocity ranges from 51 kilometers to 102 Kilometers.
2. How is a Cyclone Form, and How is it Different From a Thunderstorm?
Ans: Cyclone is primarily formed in the area where the atmospheric pressure is low. The Ocean water near the equator creates a favorable atmosphere for the formation of the cyclone. The moist air over the ocean rises in an upward direction and creates a low-pressure zone over the air. To compensate for the air pressure, water from the low high-pressure area to the low-pressure zone moves faster. The moist air over the atmosphere also cools the upper air layer and helps in the formation of clouds. The whole system enlarges gradually with time, and finally, in the center, an eye is created. An eye is nothing but A concentrated low-pressure center to which surrounding air from the high-pressure zone flows, and the entire system creates a cyclone.
A thunderstorm also has the same phenomenon as that of a cyclone. Due to uneven warming of the atmospheric air, water droplets rise vertically. Because of this phenomenon, condensation of air takes place and releases latent heat. The droplets at certain heights get cooled and fall again on the earth with hail and lightning.