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Resources Distribution

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What are Resources?

Anything we find on the earth that can be utilized to fulfill our desires is known as resources. In addition, resources should be technically accessible, culturally appropriate, and economically viable. Natural resources are made by nature only. Hence, all the natural things and elements should be taken care of. If we don't care for them, there will definitely be a disturbance in natural resources. 

As natural resources are dependent upon many physical factors like altitude, climate, terrain, etc. So, here we can say that the difference of natural elements is much over the earth, and that is the reason why the natural resources are distributed unequally on the earth. So, resources are distributed unequally over the earth because of many physical properties differ from place to place. 

What is the Meaning of Resources and Resource Distribution? 

Resources include minerals, rain, water, land, and wealth in general like geographic entities (countries, states, etc.). The geographic occurrence of resources on earth is called resource distribution. In other words, we can say that it depends upon where resources are situated. It may happen that any particular place is rich in resources, and on the other hand, some places are poor in resources. 

As a result, in all areas of the earth, you can find an uneven distribution of resources. Furthermore, some evidence we can find practically proves that resources are distributed unequally. For example, in Africa, it is hard to get freshwater resources and whereas in California, you can get freshwater resources quickly. 

What are Different Types of Resources?

Actual Resources

Resources that are fixed or whose quantity is known are actual resources. It can be measured in a specific amount in the present time. Actual resources are the resources determined, surveyed by their consistency and quantity. Water, coal, petrol, and oil are actual resources. At the current time, that we are using. Such resources are surveyed, and also the amount and quality are determined as per the current use. Well, we can measure it through advanced technologies nowadays. 

Examples of Actual Resources: Some examples of such resources are hydroelectric power(Niagara Falls), iron (Madhya Pradesh), natural oil (Middle East), natural gas, and petroleum (West Asia), rich coal (Germany), and dark soil (Deccan Plateau).

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Potential Resources

Resources present in a specific region and that we can use in the future are called potential resources. Well, we can not determine or survey the quality or quantity of such resources as we can do for actual resources. The quantity and quality of potential resources are uncertain. In addition, to make the best out of potential resources, we need to use advanced technology. 

Examples of Potential Resources: Some of the examples of such resources are mineral oil (most areas of India), Uranium (Ladakh). Well, the wind was a potential resource 200 years ago and now it is an actual resource because it is used to produce electricity and generate energy through windmills in Nagercoil, Netherlands, and some parts of Gujarat. 

Difference Between Potential and Actual Resources

Now, you know what actual resources and potential resources are. Further, let’s figure out the difference between these two kinds of resources. 

Actual Resources:

  1. The total quantity is certain and can be measured

  2. In the present time, we are using such resources

  3. Technologies are available to obtain these resources. 

Example: In the Ruhr region of Germany, coal is present.

Potential Resources:

  1. Quantity is uncertain and we can not measure

  2. We may use such resources in the future.

  3. Technology advancement is needed to use these resources.

Example: Uranium that is found in Ladakh area of India 

Ubiquitous Resources and Localised Resources

Based on distribution, we can divide resources into two categories, ubiquitous and localised. 

Ubiquitous Resources: Resources that we can find most everywhere are known as ubiquitous resources. Furthermore, we can say that such resources are available everywhere. Air, land, and water are examples of ubiquitous resources.

Localised Resources: Resources that we can find only at certain places are called localised resources. Iron, petroleum, and coal are examples of such resources. 

Difference Between Ubiquitous and Localised Resources

The difference between ubiquitous resources and localized resources is an important concept while understanding resources. Let’s differentiate between ubiquitous and localised resources.

Ubiquitous Resource 

Localised Resource

Can be found everywhere

Can be found at certain places only 

Example: Water, Air, Land, etc. 

Example: Iron, Copper, Gold, etc. 

Types of Resources based on Ownership 

Ownership of resources means who the owner of the resource is, like, your home is owned by you but a public place including temples, parks, etc. is owned by the government. So, on the basis of ownership, resources are divided into four types. 

Individual Resources: Resources that are owned by a particular person or organization. Examples: plot, house, shop, car, etc. 

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Community Resources: Resources that are owned by a community are called community resources. 

Examples: Picnic spots, parks, temples, community halls, etc. 

National Resources: Resources that are owned by any country or nation are called national resources. 

Examples: minerals, forests, rivers, etc. 

International Resources: Some resources found beyond the nation’s boundary are called international resources. International institutes are formed that manage these resources. Any country can not use these international resources without the permission of the International Institute. 

FAQs on Resources Distribution

1. How community resources are different from individual resources?

Community resources are owned by a particular community or a specific group of people. For example, society has a clubhouse and it is used by everyone who belongs to this society. Individual resource means it is owned by a specific person. For example, your home and car are utilized by you only, any person from the society can not use it like he/she uses the clubhouse of the society. So, individual resources and community resources are different and everyone should understand this concept and we should also care for the community properties we are using every day like gardens, and temples of the society. So, never pluck flowers or destroy trees and also care for them as we take care of the plants on our balcony. 

2. Why are water and air called ubiquitous resources where iron and coal are localised?

Air is everywhere. Water is also available everywhere as there is no living possible without air and water. So, water and air are available mostly everywhere on the earth and hence they are ubiquitous resources. Iron and coal are resources that can not be found everywhere and hence they are called localised resources because their availability is dependent upon the specific location. In addition, air and water are available regardless of location and ownership. Resources that are available at specific locations are called localised and resources that are available everywhere are called ubiquitous resources. So, air and water are ubiquitous resources and coal and iron are localised resources.