Details about Drainage Pattern
A drainage pattern can be well briefed concerning the topological features from where a stream gets runoff through its flow and the groundwater flow. These flows can be well divided by the watersheds (topological barriers). A watershed is the combined stream tributaries that flow to someplace along the channel of the stream. There are various types of drainage patterns across the world, but in this article, we will focus more on the Trellis Drainage pattern and its various details. The article provided by Vedantu‘s team mainly talks about trellis drainage pattern, trellis geology, examples of trellis drainage pattern, formation and flow in a draw restrain is pattern diagram and actuality, difference between various types of drainage patterns such as rectangle a drainage pattern, trellis drainage pattern, dendritic drainage pattern.
Trellis Drainage Pattern
Also known as the Trellis drainage system or the Trellis River pattern is the one that we can mostly find across the southern regions of a map. Experts define the trellis drainage pattern as the indication of structural control by varying types of eroded and folded sedimentary rocks. Across a humid region, resistant rocks like sandstone from the ridges and the non-resistant ones like shale and limestone form the valleys. Sometimes, there is the occurrence of a dip angle, causing the asymmetric ridges.
Trellis Geology
A Trellis pattern of the river has the same geometry as the standard garden trellis; along a strike valley, smaller tributaries are fed into from the steeper slopes across the mountain's sides. These tributaries then enter into the main river perpendicularly, leading to a trellis-like appearance of the system. Trellis drainage definition states that they form where the hard and soft formations exist on both sides of any river. The formations must also be reflective of height and accentuated by erosion. Trellis drainage pattern is the folded mountains' characteristic, like that of the Appalachian Mountains in Northern America and Northern Trinidad.
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Example of Trellis Drainage Pattern
The streams near the Southeast of Piney Mountain and Little Allegheny Mountain are known to form a trellis stream pattern. Here, the resistant bedrock ridges get drained by the shorter stream, and the non-resistant units form valleys with the subsequent streams. As is expected from a general Trellis drainage pattern definition, the stream locations before exposure of this surface imprint upon the current Pattern. This imprint is then evident in how the streams cut through the ridges.
Formation and Flow in a Trellis Drainage Pattern Diagram and Actuality
By the time the erosion wears away the surface and exposes the folded sedimentary rocks below, the streams stay there. They further continue eroding down, and there they encounter the resistant beds; the streams continue eroding them too. This leads to the formation of newer slopes and streams on the slopes, and these then become the tributaries for the mainstream in the area. The principal streams are superimposed on the current landscape. These landforms where the streams cut through ridges are called the water gaps, and they form with the running water and Fluvial Processes. Streams then continue flowing from higher elevation to lower, down the slope. The stream extends its headwaters and forms tributaries near the source; this process is called Headward Erosion.
Difference Between Trellis and Rectangular Drainage Pattern
Rectangular Drainage Pattern: It is the drainage pattern where the main streams and their tributaries display numerous right-angle bends and exhibit sections of approximately the same length. It indicates the streams that follow prominent faults or the joint systems that break the rocks into rectangular blocks. Various forms of weathering on the joint systems or faults in any bedrock localize the streamflow, leading to the production of a Rectangular pattern. These drainage patterns are developed mainly on firmly joined rocky terrains.
Trellis Drainage System: This type of drainage system occurs when the sub-parallel streams erode a valley across the less resistant formations and sides. These beds are mainly visualized as steeply dipping and might also be a part of a folding system. These tributaries also intersect at right angles where the water gap cuts through some more complex formations. A river joined by the tributaries at approximately right angles develops a Trellis drainage pattern. It is mainly found where the hard and soft rocks exist parallel to one another.
Difference Between Dendritic and Trellis Drainage Pattern
The dendritic drainage pattern develops at the regions where the river channels follow the terrain's slope. Here the mainstream and its tributaries resemble the branches of a tree. In contrast, a Trellis river pattern is formed when a river and its tributaries join at approximately 90-degrees and are found where hard and soft rocks exist parallel to each other.
Trellis drainage pattern is a type of drainage pattern that is taught very briefly in class 11 geography, in chapter 3 called drainage system. This chapter is taught in schools that follow the curriculum set by the Central board of secondary education. The study notes provided by Vedantu on the types of drainage patterns can be studied by class 11 students who are pursuing geography, however, these notes are also useful for UPSC aspirants as geography holds a substantial weightage in the exam held by the UPSC. IAS/IFS aspirants Who want to get a quick revision of the basic concepts covered in geography can refer to these notes provided by Vedantu. As they are written in an extremely simplified language they can help you get ahead of the exam preparation phase.
The study material provided on Vedantu‘s website on the topic of trellis drainage patterns is extremely beneficial as it contains minute details that might be missed by students preparing for an examination. This article mainly covers information on the trial of drainage patterns however there are various drainage patterns that can be studied on Vedantu‘s website. The study material acts as a reference guide and is extremely precise and detailed. Vedantu‘s research team includes many expert geography teachers who are well-versed in the field and therefore they have produced the study notes through extensive research and through the critical analysis of previous year question papers.
FAQs on Trellis Drainage Pattern
1.What is a trellis drainage pattern?
In the trellis drainage pattern the primary tributaries of rivers start flowing parallel to each other and the secondary tributaries then join them at right angles this type of drainage pattern is called the trellis drainage pattern there are various types of drainage patterns that can be studied on Vedantu’s website. The study notes provided by Vedantu will give students a deep understanding of the concept of drainage patterns that are taught in class 11 NCERT book in the chapter 3 drainage system.
2.What is a rectangular drainage pattern?
The rectangular drainage pattern is the type of drainage pattern of streams that are structured in a way that The main streams and their tributaries make many right-angle bends And also exhibit sections of approximately the same lens, it is structured in a way in which the stream is flowing break the rocks into rectangular blocks.
3.Where can I find the study notes based on the trellis drainage pattern?
The study material based on the trellis drainage pattern is provided on Vedantu’s website. The links can be easily accessible by visiting Vedantu‘s website. The study material is available in PDF format and can be downloaded for free. Vedantu provides extensive study material on not only trellis drainage patterns but also various other types of drainage patterns and it has study notes on drainage systems as well. These notes act as an extremely important resource/study guide for students. These notes are curated according to the needs of the students as they are prepared by Vedantu’s expert teachers who have years of experience and are well-versed in this particular field. The main objective behind this is to explain complex concepts in an extremely simplified language so that students can get a good hold of the concept and can perform well in the examinations.
4.What are the types of drainage patterns?
Various types of drainage patterns are-
Inconsequent or antecedent drainage pattern,
Consequent river pattern,
subsequent river pattern,
epigenetic superimposed and superinduced drainage pattern,
dendritic drainage pattern,
trellis drainage pattern,
barbed river pattern,
rectangular drainage pattern,
The radical drainage system,
The annular pattern of drainage,
The parallel drainage system,
The deranged pattern of drainage
5.What is a dendritic drainage pattern?
dendritic drainage pattern is a type of pattern that is structured in a way that resembles the branches of a tree. Examples of such drainage patterns are the rivers of the northern plain. In order to get a better understanding of the drainage patterns, refer to the study material provided by Vedantu, it is easily accessible and can be downloaded for free.