Summary of HC Verma Solutions Part 2 Chapter 36: Permanent Magnets
FAQs on HC Verma Solutions Class 12 Chapter 36 - Permanent Magnets
1. What are Magnetic Metallic Elements?
The majority of these materials contain unpaired electron spins, and nearly all of them are paramagnetic. Ferromagnetic materials are those in which the interaction between the spins occurs in such a way that the spins align spontaneously (what is loosely often termed as magnetic). When discovered in their natural states, like ores, a few metals are ferromagnetic due to the way their regular atomic structure of crystalline causes their spins to interact. Iron ore (lodestone or magnetite), nickel, cobalt, and the rare earth metals gadolinium and dysprosium are only a few of them (at a very low temperature).
The early investigations, which included magnetism, used naturally occurring ferromagnets of this type. However, the technology has increased the availability of magnetic materials to encompass a variety of man-made items based on naturally magnetic elements.
2. What makes a substance magnet?
The atomic electron orbitals are usually d or f, and they have a lot of angular momentum (and thus a lot of magnetic moments) that line up along the crystal excess and interact with each other in a way that favours alignment in either the same direction (ferromagnetism) or opposite directions (antiferromagnetism) (antiferromagnetism, usually exhibits no or fragile magnetic properties).
The spin of an electron, which has its own substance magnetic moment, can interact ferromagnetically to produce a sort of magnetism (typically weaker).
There is also nuclear anti-ferromagnetism, which is caused by the substance magnetic moments of nuclei, which are typically 2000 times lower than those of electrons. What we call magnetic qualities, on the other hand, are entirely due to electrons.
3. What is the best way to demagnetize a permanent magnet?
A technique for demagnetizing a permanent magnet
The following are the methods for demagnetizing permanent magnets:
Magnets are subjected to severe temperatures.
When a magnet is pounded, the magnetic attraction between its atoms weakens.
The magnetic strength of one magnet will be reduced if it is struck with the other in an ineffective manner.
Place the permanent magnet in a solenoid that runs East-West over the earth's surface, and then run an alternating current through it. The coil's polarity will be continuously reversed by the alternating current. As a result, the permanent magnet's microscopic atomic magnets will become disoriented, and the permanent magnet will become demagnetized.
4. What is the difference between a permanent magnet and an electromagnet?
The magnetic field of a permanent magnet is permanent, but the magnetic field of an electromagnet is dependent on the flow of electrical current. When current is conducted through an electromagnet, it forms a coil of wire that serves as a magnet. An electromagnet is usually wrapped around a ferromagnetic substance like steel to increase its magnetic field.
About permanent magnet- When electricity is passed through it, the magnetic characteristics are displayed.
The strength is modified based on the amount of electricity flowing. Magnetic characteristics are only removed for a short time.
It requires a steady supply of power to maintain its magnetic field.
Typically, it is made of soft materials.
With the passage of electricity, the poles of this type of magnet can be changed.
About electromagnet- When a material is magnetised, it acquires magnetic qualities.
The composition of the material used in its construction determines its strength.
It loses its magnetic characteristics and becomes worthless.
It doesn't need a constant source of electricity to keep its magnetic field going.
It is typically constructed of hard materials.
This type of magnet's poles cannot be adjusted.
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Because of its accurate substance, plain motives, real-life Physics challenges, and conceptual interlinking, HC Verma is the greatest book for Physics. HC Verma's textbooks are well-known among students preparing for competitive examinations or admission tests since they provide such excellent study material. Vedantu's HC Verma Solutions provide a thorough understanding of all of the important concepts covered in the Physics syllabus for classes 11 and 12. It is one of the most useful and motivating materials for difficult exams such as IIT JEE and others.