Who is Alexander the Great?
Alexander the Great was one of the most famous legendary figures in the world’s history. He had a great military power to conquer most of the land. The successor of Alexander The Great took it unreliably and steeped in a lot of myths. Alexander the Great lived from 361 BCE to 281 BCE and he was the successor of the Kingdom of Thrace during the reign of Lysimachus, in the ancient city of Parium.
During his period, Alexander the Great released coins with the head of Alexander the Great and ram’s horns on either side of his crown. The symbol of horns in the coin was the symbol of the Egyptian God Amun or Zeus. This article will give you complete information about the emperor Alexander the great, rise of his empire and why Alexander is called the great in detail.
The Rise of an Alexander the Great Empire
Phillip II, the father of Alexander the Great, was decorated the throne after the Peloponnesian war. Phillip II was one of the most powerful monarchs of Macedon. Initially, the Greek polis or city-states were separated and remained under the control of many others. This facilitated other northern neighbours to take over leadership over these lands. Macedonians gained strength and consolidated their power. The region ruled by Macedonia has a good source of timber and pasture for sheep. The Macedonians will speak the Greek language and rule the region by monarchy and many semi-autonomous clans.
Philip II of Macedon decorated the throne from 359 to 336 BCE, but he was well known by historians as the father of Alexander the Great. Philip II also accomplished king and military commanders on his own rights. That’s why Alexander the Great defeated Darius III and conquered Persia. Phillip II was not such a popular king as Alexander, because he had a weak, underdeveloped society. He also had an undisciplined army and covered them into an efficient military force, so that they acquired the small territories around Macedonia and covered most of Greece land. Also, he used bribery, warfare, and threats to secure his kingdom.
Throne of Alexander
In 336 BCE, Alexander killed his father Philip and captured his throne as the king. During the initial days, he faced many threats from his neighbour states and later, it came under Macedonian rule-following Chaeronea. Alexander began a great campaign, while he planned and conquered the Persian Empire.
Alexander the Great took advantage of the existing political instability in Persia and further expanded his territory from Persia to Asia Minor, Syria, Mesopotamia, Egypt and Bactria. But he never made drastic changes in the existing administrative system, instead, he started adopting the existing system. Meanwhile, Alexander was not interested to impose his own idea, religion or behaviours on conquered populations. But he fed all those to his troops because it is an important ability to rule vast areas. Also, Alexander never forced and upraised vigorously to follow those rules.
As Alexander worked seriously on acquiring vast land, 20 cities located near the east of the Tigris River carried his name. Alexandria located in Egypt was the first and greatest important Mediterranean urban centre, created by him especially to reflect trade routes and defensive positions. Initially, the cities were inhospitable and had a huge population of defensive armies. Later, people started utilizing it. The major population of Alexander’s cities are from Greeks and the people who served in Alexander’s military campaigns. Alexander’s cities were administrative headquarters for his empire. The major purpose of administrative centres was to control the newly transferred populations.
After the death of Alexander, People who settled in the city from Greece tried to return back to Greece. But many Greek people and local people settled there and featured elaborate public buildings and substantial populations. To expand his territory, he utilized marriage ties and unique ruling classes for intermingling the conquered with conquerors.
Alexander also followed the Persian court culture to maintain law and justice. He also implemented his own version of their royal robes and imitated some court ceremonies. But many Macedonians did not show any interest in his policies, as it was hybridizing the Greek and foreign cultures.
Meanwhile, Alexander also attempted to unite his army. To solve the chronic manpower problems, he also appointed and trained the Persian soldiers in the Macedonian style, Macedonian ranks. Through that he acquired Persia. The Alexander horse name is Bucephalus, which became famous in world history.
In 327 BCE, the entire Persian empire came under the control of Alexander. Later he turned his interest to conquer India. Initially, he got some victory and reached the Ganges river. In between, their troops got tired and refused to go further far from the field. So, he returned back to his home with his troops.
Alexander’s Death
In 323 BCE, Alexander the Great died due to disease. While the news reached Greece, people around Greece could not believe it. After Alexander’s death, his son Alexander IV occupied his throne, but Alexander IV was born after the death of Alexander.
History & Myths about Alexander the Great Empire
The history of king Alexander the great was full of myths and legends. Many historians attempted to find the real story of Alexander, but they failed. But the life story of Alexander the great was an important one in the history of the Greek empire. The Alexander kingdom was massively influenced by vast regions across Europe, Asia and Africa.
The Greek historian Diodorus was the first person to write about Alexander’s life. He wrote about Alexander from 30 BCE to the third BCE, which is a hundred years after his death. Many other historians like Roman historians also wrote about the life of Alexander in the name of ‘Alexander historians’. Many historians have shortly written after the death of Alexander.
Historians mentioned that many emperors from Greek and Roman states used the image of Alexander to empower their power. Meanwhile, they interpreted the source from other regions of Alexander the Great like Babylon.
While researching about king Alexander the Great, historians found numerous military campaigns, which were located far from one another. All those campaigns contain a picture of an expansive empire. As Alexander the Great was a powerful military leader, he led many campaigns and expanded his territories from Greece to Persia. He also took many other territories like Babylon, Egypt and beyond that.
The history of Alexander the Great empire not only consists of his life history but also contains military prowess, administrative capability and all other important information about Alexander are given in detail. He was the first person to rewrite the political context of Greece. He played an important role in spreading Greek culture around all the world through conquering various regions.
This article explained the complete information about the Alexander kingdom and explained why is Alexander called the great in detail. It was 336 B.C when he became the king by killing his own Father. He took advantage of the political instability to conquer the regions and began its campaign with his troops. It is also said that he came to India as well to conquer it and it's a popular story that due to the presence of a strong Empire with large and efficient armies in India, Alexander and his troops returned back.
FAQs on Alexander the Great
1. Who is Alexander The Great? What made Alexander the Great so great?
Alexander the Great has the ability to dream, plan and strategize on a large scale. All these capabilities also allowed him to win battles and hold one of the greatest conquests in history. Alexander the Great was an inspiring and courageous person to rule over Abernethy.
2. Why did Alexander leave India?
Alexander the Great felt fear to face other powerful Indian armies and felt exhausted by years of campaigning. Also, his army mutinied at the Hyphasis River and refused to march further east.
3. Did Alexander the Great lose in Afghanistan?
Alexander the Great took part in the war against Afghanistan, but the war did not move well. Also, the war was lengthy and exhausting. Alexander lost his major army and it took four years to conquer all the lands between the Mediterranean Sea and eastern Iran.