What Are Wilson’s Fourteen Points?
During his war address to the Congress on April 2nd, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson made a statement about the need arising for the participation of the United States of America in the war to ensure the betterment of democracy. After a year of doing that, the sentiment still remained very strong in the minds of the people. Hence, President Wilson then gave a speech about the participation of America in the war to Congress on January 8th, 1918. It was that time when he introduced the fourteen points to the world.
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The fourteen points came to be known as some of the most important guidelines that would shape the history of the United States of America after way. This article provides a discussion about the important details of Wilson’s fourteen points.
Fourteen Points Text And Significance
The creation of Wilson’s fourteen points was basically done in such a way that it was supposed to be seen as certain guidelines in order to rebuild the world in a better way after the war would’ve ended. Several statements such as freedom of trade and freedom of seas were made in Wilson’s fourteen points. The concept situated around national self-discrimination was also proposed in the points.
If achieved properly, the creation of new states as well as the dismantling of different European empires would have been possible. One of the most important points of the total 14 ones would be the last 14th point which stated that there should be a general association of nations. These nations would offer certain mutual guarantees that would provide political independence as well as territorial integrity to the smaller and greater nations altogether. Wilson’s fourteen points events and statistics state that when Wilson made his way to Paris in 1918, he was basically determined that the 14 Points along with the League of Nations would definitely have an inclusion in the different peace settlements.
Wilson’s Fourteen Points: Understanding The Agenda
One of the most important reasons for the United States to have an entry into the First World War was that the German-made an announcement of having unrestricted submarine warfare along with the subsequent sinking that happened of the ships containing citizens of America. However, the aims of President Wilson went beyond the times of war as well as the defense strategies of the U.S. maritime. According to the President, the main objective of the United States of America should be to vindicate all the principles of justice and peace in the world.
According to Wilson’s fourteen points events and statistics, President Wilson sketched the idea and vision that he had in order to shape the world in a better way after the war would have ended. He didn’t just want to have a new and certain balance of power but he wanted to create secure and just peace. This is what led to the creation of these points or guidelines that we know today as Wilson’s fourteen points.
Wilson’s 14 Points Summary
Open diplomacy and no secret treaties
During the war as well as peace, economic trade on the seas should be free
Equal conditions for trade
Decrease in the armaments amongst all the nations
Adjustment of colonial claims
Evacuating the central powers from the region of Russia and allowing the country to define independence on its own
Evacuation and restoration of Belgium
Returning of all the different French territories along with the Alsace-Lorraine region
Readjustment of Italian borders
An opportunity for self-determination to be provided to Austria-Hungary
Redrawing all the borders of regions in Balkan as well as the creation of Montenegro, Serbia, and Romania
Creation of a particular Turkish state that would guarantee trade for free in the regions of Dardanelles
Creating an independent Polish state
Creating a League of Nations
Presentation of Wilson’s Fourteen Points To Congress
After making these guidelines and recommendations, Wilson then made a presentation of the entire program consisting of these important fourteen points in the joint session that happened for the Congress in the month of January 8th, 1918. About 8 out of these 14 different points were seen as a treatment for the different and specific territorial issues that happened amongst the different combatant nations. Apart from that, about 5 out of the other 6 points dealt with the freedom of trade, freedom of seas, open covenants, and much more. These were basically considered to be some general principles that would ensure the world is peaceful and just again. However, the 14th addition to Wilson’s Point was the one that was very interesting. Wilson proposed the creation of a League of Nations that would guarantee political independence as well as provide some territorial integrity for the smaller as well as the larger states.
Wilson’s idealism definitely pervades these fourteen points, however, he also had some very practical objectives as well. These fourteen points came to be known as some of the landmark guidelines for the enlightenment of several nations when it came to international relations.
FAQs on Fourteen Points
1. What were Wilson’s fourteen points?
Wilson’s fourteen points are known to be the guidelines that then-president Woodrow Wilcon made in order to create a post-war world that would be secure, safe, and peaceful for the people. These fourteen points of Wilson dealt with the formation of the League of Nations, the creation of countries and states as well as on the welfare of the regions who would have suffered from the effects of the war. Woodrow Wilson envisioned a world that would be peaceful and just for the people who have suffered during the war and after the war as well. Hence, these 14 points tend to have a lot of significance in the world.
2. What are Wilson’s fourteen points text and significance?
When it came to the importance and significance of Wilson’s fourteen points, it can be said without a single speck of doubt that these points were the means to create a whole new world that would be both peaceful as well as safe after the world. These fourteen points were very important because they were the objectives that would set the path for the enlightenment of most of the nations when it came to international relationships. By taking a closer look into the fourteen points, one would be able to see that these points deal with the different forms of freedom provided to the states for trade and other affairs. Along with that, the points also dealt with different creations of associations and nations as well.