About Jehovah Witness
The witnesses hold a traditional value in Christianity, and the views about them are all so unique. The Christians believe that God Jehovah holds the highest status. Jesus Christ is the agent of God on earth, and through him, humans can get attached to God. Here lies the relevance of Jehovah witness when normal human beings act as witnesses to help spread the words of God. Jehovah is the Holy Spirit and can act just in the name of God. The Jehovah witness has a long tale to say, and in course, the witnesses believe that they are living the last few days and would like to spend time remembering God.
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The Beliefs and the Details
First, you need to know what is a Jehovah witness. They are the people in faith in whom we don’t know in detail. We know them as entities that come to our homes for the reason to evangelize. In trying to find out what is a Jehovah witness you get to know the popular ten beliefs of Christianity, and you can learn about the facts that belong to the years of 1800. There are three things that people should know. These are regarding the starting of the Jehovah, their core beliefs, and how many people stand as part of the faith.
List of Jehovah Beliefs
In talking about Jehovah witness beliefs, there are several things to imply. The witnesses got their start in the year 1870. At that point in time, there was a man called Charles Taze Russell, and he started to lead the Bible studies in the locations of Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania. The movement of the witness joined with that of the movement of the Bible student, and things were initiated by Taze.
According to Jehovah witness beliefs, the main focus should be on God the Father. Their name is borrowed from Tetragrammaton, and it is written in the form of YHWH or JHVH. At this point, things are articulated as Yahweh or Jehovah. The real name of the group was Watch Tower Society, and the founder of the same was Charles Taze Russell.
The witnesses of Jehovah make use of the kind of Bible translation, and it is known as the New World Translation. You have the right and the justified Jehovah witness rules, and when using the Bible, they relied on the version of King James.
Believe in Trinity
There are doubts whether the witnesses believe in the concept of trinity. Here, the witnesses come directly from the Christian denominations. You can easily go through the next couple of points for more details on the topic. You can find the mention of the trinity in the Bible, and there has been a gradual development of the doctrine, and there are several controversies involved in the matter.
You need to know who is a Jehovah witness and there are more things, and it is also important to know that the witness believes that Jesus has no equality with God. They will teach that Jesus was not a creation by God and did not have any co-existence with him. This is the prime diversion from the point of orthodox Christianity, and we have heard Jesus saying that the Father is greater than him. The witnesses will not worship Jesus, and they do not believe him to be the Almighty God.
Role of the Witnesses
Quite similar to the views as presented by Jesus, the witnesses of Jehovah do not believe in the concept of the Holy Spirit. The force of the Holy Spirit has equality for the Father. The witnesses believe in the concept of the Holy Spirit, and it is the direct force applied by the God Almighty. You can learn much from the Jehovah witness bible PDF, and the role of the witness is sure to help you know the position and the role of God on earth. In the Bible, the spirit of God is compared to water. The Holy Spirit is impersonal in nature, just like having faith in knowledge. The witness of Jehovah does not believe in celebrating Easter or Christmas. This makes it clear that they don’t qualify Jesus as equal to God. They don’t even celebrate the national holidays as depicted in the Christian calendar.
Hopefully, the article successfully covered all the significant information related to Jehovah Witnesses.
FAQs on Jehovah Witness
1. What is not allowed in Jehovah Witnesses?
Ans: The witnesses of Jehovah do not observe the Christian holidays. It is believed that they have pagan origins, just like Easter, Christmas, and Birthdays. They do not pay homage to the national flag and do the national anthem. You have the Jehovah witness symbol, and this is not applicable when things come to Christian notions and beliefs. They even don’t agree to the military service of the state. They also refuse to have Jehovah witness blood transfusions, and they also refuse to do things that are life-saving.
2. What are the basic beliefs and notions of the Jehovah witness?
Ans: The witnesses believe in several things. Most of the witnesses believe in a single God and not the Christian Trinity. Like most Christians, Jehovah believes that Jesus Christ died for the sins committed by mankind. However, the Jehovah witnesses do not believe in the fact that Jesus got physically resurrected after the incident of crucifixion. They have the belief that Jesus Christ was only physically resurrected. There have been differences in the beliefs and the trusts which make the witnesses unique and special. They are against the disciplinary measures of the normal Jesus Christ, whom they consider not equal to God.
3. Does the Jehovah witness believe in the consumption of alcohol?
Ans: The witnesses are not ready to take food having blood. They don’t take foods having special dietary inclusions. Some of the witnesses are vegetarians, and the rest try to hold themselves back from having alcohol. However, not having alcohol is just a personal choice and decision. The Jehovah's Witnesses do not like smoking or making use of other tobacco-based products. They try practicing the right self-control and try to be better and rational human beings.