About Nazism and the Rise of Hitler
During World War I, a corporal in the German army and born in Austria, namely Adolf Hitler took advantage of the resentment felt by most Germans. The Nazi Party platform formed by him during 1920 reflected the foundation of the Nazi ideology. The ideology strengthened the German race’s belief in science, race, and the “superior” Aryan race, also known as the “German blood”. The formation of Nazism and the rise of Hitler was a slow-cooked process but eventually, it turned the whole world around.
Beginning of a New Era
Hitler entered politics in the year 1919 and joined the German Workers’ Party. Soon he became the leader of the small party and by February 1920, he named it the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. In German, it is known as Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, or Nazi, in short. The superior Aryan race or the Nazis determined whether one was considered a citizen of Germany or not. Those who did not have the “German blood” running in their veins were not considered to be German citizens.
Basic Rights and Privileges
Citizens enjoyed certain rights and on the contrary, those who did not have “German blood” could not enjoy those rights. The citizens not only had the right to enjoy basic privileges such as voting or owning a newspaper, but they also had the guarantee of food, a job, and a place to live. Being born in the German race would automatically give a person all the basic rights as well as a job, food, and shelter. None of these rights was enjoyed by the supposedly, non-citizens. The National Socialist Party believed that the ones without German blood should be deprived of these rights and benefits.
In Munich, Hitler made an attempt to stage a coup called Beer Hall Putsch to dismantle the government of the state of Bavaria in November 1923. His intention to stage this coup was to cash in on the chaos that was caused by the runaway hyperinflation. The post-war resentment present in the native German citizens caused them to join the Nazis in the early 1920s under Hitler’s leadership. Therefore, the coup was arranged at a huge scale with Hitler and all his followers. In the end, the attempt failed and it was responsible for several deaths.
Let Us Explain the Rise of Hitler
Hitler and his followers got arrested following the attempt. Surprisingly, this incident made Hitler a national figure instead of diminishing his popularity. He went on to become a national figure based on his trial for treason and imprisonment. To explain the rise of Hitler, this incident could be a turning point in history.
During the trial, Hitler and his followers were found to be guilty and were sentenced to spend five years in prison. Hitler spent only nine months and the rest of his term period was suspended. During his time in prison, Hitler wrote the infamous Mein Kampf, which got published in the year 1925. His belief that the Aryan race was superior to all the others and it had the right to span over all of eastern Europe and become a new empire. In the eyes of Hitler, Jews and Communists both were enemies of the German people as considered by many conservative “citizens”. He mentioned in his book that the conflict arising between the races was a major catalyst of the war and history.
Hitler again took control of the Nazi Party after getting out of prison. Post-prison term, he relied on the rights guaranteed by the Weimar Constitution. This means he took the right to assemble, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press to take over Germany and the rest was history.
Solved Examples
Q1. What Was the Name of the Book that Hitler Wrote and Was Published in 1925?
Answer: Mein Kampf (My Struggle)
Q2. When Did the Great Depression Begin?
Answer: 1929
Q3. Name One of the Slogans by the Nazis During the Great Depression.
Answer: “Work, Freedom and Bread”.
Q4. Name Hitler’s Prime Opponent During the Presidential Elections?
Answer: Paul von Hindenburg
FAQs on Nazism and the Rise of Hitler
Q1. Why Do We Need to know about Nazism and the Rise of Hitler?
Answer: It is one of the most fascinating chapters in History and ultimately it is what shaped our past and present. World War largely affected the lives of people everywhere around the world. The popularity of the terms ‘Hitler’ and ‘Nazis’ speaks for itself and what a huge impact it has had on us and the whole world.
The butterfly effect states that any small or big event plays a pivotal part in our future. What it means is that any event, be it small or big, can cause huge and unimaginable outcomes in the future. The rise of Hitler happened over years and has helped the world become what it is today.
Q2. What Can We Learn from the Rise of Hitler?
Answer: As students, there is a huge potential for learning from the events that were happening during World War in the German Society. There is much to learn and experience from the historical records of that time. The records constitute how a man born in Austria became the biggest political power in Germany from a mere soldier.
Students must learn to understand what role politics and journalism play in shaping up a society and what better way to learn than from historical records. There are causes and consequences regarding the rise and fall of Hitler and how it ultimately put an end to World War II.