Who were the Olmec?
The Olmec were the first known culture to arise in Central America and Mexico. The Olmec Colossal head is a group of 17 giant stone head sculptures believed to have been engraved by Olmec. The Olmecs established a city named "San Lorenzo" on a river island in 1200 B.C. It was the largest and the most striking city in Mesoamerica during that period. Olmecs were very competent artists and sculptors. They created many statues, stelae, figurines, masks, thrones, and more.
The Olmec were renowned for their massive colossal heads, seventeen of which have been observed at four different archaeological sites. Read the article to know about Olmec Civilization and when did the Olmec civilization begin.
Olmec Civilization
The Olmec civilization is observed as the first major Mesoamerican culture. The Olmec civilization is believed to have existed between 1200 B.C and 400 B.C. It was found along Mexico's Gulf coast in what is known as the Mexican states of Tabasco and Veracruz. As a professional trader and artisans, Olmec built the cities of San Lorenzo, La Venta, and Tres Zapotes. These cities along with the other remains of the Olmec existence would later be discovered as archaeological sites.
In 1938, the first Olmec head, named Tres Zapotes Colossal was introduced by archeologist Matthew Stirling. Later on, sixteen other Olmec colossal heads were found with one head found from La Cobata, another from Tres Zapotes, four from La Venta, and ten from San Lorenzo.
The accurate dating of the heads is crucial to find due to several factors such as their heads being moved or uncovered. Besides, it is believed that heads were made anywhere between 50-200 years ago.
All of the sculptures represent a helmeted man but each sculpture retains its own set of unique facial features. The weight of the sculpture is approximately about 40 tons and stands between 10-15 tall. The two Olmec colossal heads were formed using basalt boulders from the Tuxtla Sierra mountains which were as far as 50-60 miles away from the place where they were discovered.
The two heads that did not use the basalt were the San Lorenzo heads and they were recycled from earlier stone thrones. The evidence of pigments and plaster on one of the heads recommends that the head may have been painted at one point.
When Did the Olmec Civilization Begin?
The Olmec civilization was said to have begun between 1400 and 1200 BCE.
How Did Olmec Civilization Emerge?
One of the biggest riddles about the Olmec Civilization is what they call themselves. The term “Olmec” is a Nahuatl word derived from the later Aztec Civilization (1428-1521 CE). The name Olmec means rubber or people from the rubber lands. It refers to the ability to cultivate rubber from the latex of the Panama rubber tree.
Olmec Colossal Head
The Olmecs are mostly known for their colossal heads, with seventeen stone sculptures discovered to date. They would first transfer large quantities of basalt for distances of up to 100 kilometers. However, their method for transferring basalt is currently unknown. The Olmec colossal heads were further engraved by sculptors out of a single boulder, which can be up to three meters tall.
These colossal heads are often found with similar features like heavy lids, fleshy and partially open lips, and striking chin. Although the purpose of these sculptures is unknown, archaeologists have speculated that they represent Olmec rulers or probably the players of the Mesoamerican ball game.
Olmec Sites
There were several Olmec sites that were considered to be important centers of activity. The two most important Olmec sites were San Lorenzo and La Venta. The Olmec renowned site San Lorenzo, which was about 56 km south of the Gulf of Mexico in the modern Mexican state of Veracruz, was at its height around 1150 to 900 C.E.
On the other hand, the Olmec site La Venta is found east of San Lorenzo and closer to the Gulf Coast (15 Kms) in the modern Mexican state of Tabasco. The site reached its height in about 900–500 C.E.
Olmec Art
The Olmec were artists who produced several carvings including stone carvings, wood carvings, and cave paintings. The Olmec made carvings of all sizes, ranging from tiny celts and figurines to massive stone heads. The stonework is made of several types of stone, including basalt and jadeite. The Olmec cave paintings are found mostly in mountains in the recent Mexican state of Guerrero.
Olmec Civilization Achievements
The following are the major Olmec civilizations achievements.
Water Drainage System: The Olmec had an agrarian lifestyle. They were directly dependent upon annual harvest to fulfill their food requirements. Although they used to live in tropical rainforest environments, rainfall was completely unpredictable. Due to this, they created water drainage systems. The water drainage system was first used by the Olmec to first fill up certain pools located near their settlements. They would then pour the water from these pools into different parts of the city using conduits. A renowned example of such a water drainage system has been observed near the site of the largest Olmec city, located near modern-day San Lorenzo.
Calendar System: Long count calendars that originated from the Americas were believed to be introduced by Mayans. But a discovery made in 1939 proved that the Olmecs had their own calendar system as well. The introduction of their calendar system was a placeholder where a zero was required and this number was represented on a calendar by a specific shell. This is considered as one of the first uses of a zero in all of human history that is known.
Ulama: Ulama is a game where the object is supposed to knock a ball through a hole and you can only use your hip. This game was started by the Olmecs and is still played today in some regions of Mexico. The first balls that were used by Olmec to play Ulama were made from the sap of a rubber tree that was molded around a human skull.
Writing System- Another important achievement of the Olmec was the development of their writing system. Recent researchers had termed the Olmec writing system as “hieroglyphics” as it is entirely made up of symbols. The only evidence of the Olmec writing system was observed in a stone tablet dated back to 900 B.C. The table includes several symbols which were neatly arranged in a line, in the mode of the later Mayan hieroglyphs.
Compass: The Olmecs had a basic knowledge of gravity and basic knowledge about the mechanism of magnetism. With this combined knowledge, they were able to create one of the first compasses that existed in the Americas.
Thus, in order to conclude we can say that Olmecs were said to be the people who used to belong to the Olmec Culture and Civilization. They were said to have lived in Central America as well as Mexico. The unique point to remember about Olmecs is the Colossal heads & sculptures etc.
FAQs on The Olmec
1. Who were Olmecs?
The Olmec were a people who lived about 3000 years ago at the southern edge of the Gulf of Mexico. The Olmec were the first civilization in the primeval period known as Mesoamerica. The Olmec people discovered and made use of several natural resources in the area, including rubber and corn. Dozens of mysterious stone heads were found to be discovered in the Olmec territory as well.
2. Where did Olmec first settle down?
It is believed that the Olmec first settled down in San Lorenzo.
3. Name the artworks created by Olmecs.
The Olmecs created a range of artworks namely jade, mask, altars, and stone carvings.
4. Describe the features of the Olmec Colossal head.
The Olmec colossal heads are the most accepted signs of the Olmec civilization. The height and weights of the Olmec colossal heads may change, but the largest head is about twice the height of an average human male. The seventeen Olmec Colossals were believed to be found in the southern Mexican cities of La Venta, San Lorenzo Tenochtitlan, Tres Zapotes, and Rancho la Cobata. Each head exhibits a unique facial expression and wears a helmet exhibiting unique decorations. No two heads are similar. The origins and meaning of the heads are strange, and they are the topic of much speculation among scholars and archaeologists.
5. What language did Olmec speak?
The Olmecs used to communicate in a Mixe-Zoquean language.