Population - The Increasing Numbers and Rising Problems Solutions for Class 10 Science ICSE Board (Concise - Selina Publishers)
FAQs on Population - The Increasing Numbers and Rising Problems Solutions for ICSE Board Class 10 Science
1. Define the term demography as mentioned in class 10 chapter 12, Selina solutions?
Demography is the study of the population. It could be a study of the population during a certain period in a particular place or over the entire world or in a country for a longer period. It studies the features of the population like birth rate, death rate migration, population density, how the population is distributed over place and time. It also studies various trends in population, factors associated with population rise or fall. It also suggests some measures to control the population growth or increase the population in a place. It studies how a population change will affect other spheres of human life. It plays a key role in economic planning and resource allocation.
2. Define the terms birth rate, death rate and population density as mentioned in class 10 chapter 12, Selina solutions?
Birth rate, death rate and population density are different concepts related to demography. Demography is the study of the population. It could be a study of the population during a certain period in a particular place or over the entire world or in a country for a longer period. The birth rate is the number of people born per 1000 people in a certain period generally measured per year. The death rate is the number of deaths per 1000 people generally measured annually. Population density describes the relation between the area and the number of people living in it. It is measured as the number of people per unit area. It changes when the area is changed and also when the population changes.
3. What are the reasons for the rapid increase in India’s population as mentioned in class 10 chapter 12, Selina solutions?
Following are the reasons for the increase in India’s population:
Many people in India are unaware of the ill effects of the growing population. They do not realize how the population puts a strain on limited resources. They do not know how the human reproductive system works and succumb to superstitions.
As many people are below the poverty line, they feel that having more children would be more hands earning at least little income. So they give birth to more children.
Indian society is patriarchal and they prefer having a male child. So they give birth as long as they can to get at least one male child.
4. Mention some population control measures suggested in class 10 chapter 12, Selina solutions?
Population explosion is a major growing threat to many developing countries which are trying to shift from traditional outlook to modern societal outlook. They are researching to find out different population control measures. Following are some of the measures:
Intrauterine devices (IUDs)
Oral contraceptives
Surgical measures
Traditional methods
Vasectomy, castration are some of the surgical methods while taking pills to control pregnancy is an oral contraceptive method.
5. What are the advantages of a small family as mentioned in class 10 chapter 12, Selina solutions?
Population explosion is a major growing threat to many developing countries which are trying to shift from traditional outlook to modern societal outlook. Countries like India have been a society dominated by the joint family system. But, as time changes, so do the needs of humans. Following are the advantages of a small family:
Parents can spend more on educating and nurturing their only or limited children. In joint families, the resources are constant but the number of people dependent on them is more, causing the children to drop out of schools soon.
It helps parents to balance their work and family life.
Small family does not need huge economic resources to live as the dependents are less in number
Less number of people in a family causes lesser conflicts. It will keep everyone in the house happy and peaceful.