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ICSE Class 10 Mathematics Revision Notes Chapter 2 - Banking

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Revision Notes for ICSE Class 10 Math Chapter 2 - Free PDF Download

Free PDF download of Class 10 Mathematics Chapter 2 - Banking (Recurring Deposit Accounts) Revision Notes & Short Key-notes prepared by our expert Math teachers as per ICSE guidelines. To register Maths Tuitions on to clear your doubts.

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Revision Notes for ICSE Class 10 Chapter 2 - Banking

The Class 10 ICSE Maths exam is a nightmare for most of the students. Students are scared of this subject as the questions are lengthy and tough to solve. Moreover, the ICSE Maths question paper tests the practical knowledge of students rather than giving weightage to theoretical knowledge. Therefore, the ICSE curriculum is drafted in such a way that aims at developing the understanding level of students. The syllabus of ICSE Maths is vast, and many times students find difficulty in comprehending concepts.

Many times it happens when students read the concept from the textbook blindly without even understanding it. This puts them into confusion and doesn't allow them to score good marks in the exam. Therefore, to solve this problem, Vedantu has come up with the solution of revision notes for maths. These notes are prepared in a manner that lets Class 10 students absorb the actual meaning of the concepts. Moreover, these notes cover the all-important topics as per the ICSE guidelines. Class 10 revision notes are useful to have a better overview of the chapter along with topic-wise summary, significant formulas, etc.

Our notes are valuable that explain each concept in detail with well-illustrated examples.

Students can check out our revision notes of Class 10 Maths Chapter 2 Banking given below.

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FAQs on ICSE Class 10 Mathematics Revision Notes Chapter 2 - Banking

1. On what platform ICSE Class 10 students can access the revision notes of Maths Chapter 2 Banking? 

ICSE board Class 10 students can access the revision notes of Maths Chapter 2 Banking on Vedantu. The revision notes of this chapter are available in PDF format. Students can download them and use them anytime. Further, the notes are prepared by our Maths experts who have a thorough knowledge of this field. These notes are drafted keeping in mind the intelligence quotient of class 10 students, so they don't face problems while comprehending the concepts. These notes are one of the reliable study materials during tests or exams. Students can download free study material and PDF from Vedantu app and website.

2. What is a Bank and Its Functions? 

A bank is an organization or constitution which regulates the exchange of money between people. It involves lending and depositing money. 

The Functions of a Bank are: 

  • A bank pays interest on a received amount of money as a deposit. 

  • Receive interest on the lent money to borrowers. 

  • Transfers money from one account to another. 

  • Provides a loan facility.

  • Get payments on public services like gas bills, electricity bills, water bills, telephone bills, insurance, education fees, etc. 

  • Collects taxes like sales tax, income tax, house tax, etc. 

  • Regulates the selling and buying of shares or security bonds.

3. What are the steps to open a bank account?

To Open a Bank Account, A Person Should Follow The Given Steps: 

  • The first thing a person needs to do is visit the bank and get an application form. He may also receive the form online. 

  • To fill the application form, the account holder has to write complete details like name, contact number, type of account, signature, etc. And submit it back.  

  • After this, he has to deposit a fixed initial amount to open an account. 

  • For depositing, the bank provides a pay-in-slip to fill the required amount for a deposit. 

  • For withdrawing, the bank offers a chequebook, withdrawal form or an ATM card. 

4. Is Class 10 Maths Chapter 2 Banking tough?

According to ICSE Board Class, 10 students, Chapter 2 Banking is slightly tough. The questions asked from this chapter are difficult and consume more time. To solve the questions of this chapter with ease, students are recommended to clear the concepts and practice more application-based questions. For this purpose, they can practise questions from the books prescribed by the ICSE board, solve last years' question papers, appear for mock tests, revise topics from notes, seek help from teachers for clearing doubts, etc.

5. What is a Recurring Deposit Account?

In a Recurring Deposit Account, the account holder deposits a specific amount of money in the account every 30 days for a fixed period. The time duration can vary from 3 months to 12 years or maybe more. The time duration for the deposit is decided by the bank. At the end of the period, the account holder gets a lump sum amount which includes the money that was deposited earlier along with the interest (Compounded quarterly) earned by the deposit money.

The formula for calculating the maturity value of the recurring deposit is Maturity Amount= Sum Deposit+Interest Gained.