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ICSE Class 10 Physics Revision Notes Chapter 11 - Calorimetry

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ICSE Class 10 Date Sheet 2025

Chapter 11 Revision Notes - Download the Free PDF

Revision of any chapter becomes very important for the students. Once they are done with learning the concepts and solving all the exercises, they should revise the chapter. They should also revise the chapter before the exams. But what is the right way to revise? Do the students really have that much time? Well, frankly saying, students actually have less time because they have a lot of things to learn. Apart from their studies, they are also engaged in extracurricular activities.

So we, i.e Vedantu have come up with a solution. We are here to help the students with their studies. We have prepared revision notes for the students so that they can easily revise their chapters without wasting much of their time. Students can download the free pdf of the Revision Notes of ICSE Class 10 Physics Chapter 11 - Calorimetry and enjoy revising.

Competitive Exams after 12th Science

  • 1.1 Introduction to Heat

  • 1.2 Heat Capacity and Specific Heat Capacity

  • 1.3 Principle of Calorimetry

  • 1.4 Freezing point and Melting point

  • 1.5 Specific Latent Heat

  • 1.6 Vaporisation

  • 1.7 Greenhouse Effect

List of exercises in Chapter 11- Calorimetry

Exercise. 11A - 30 questions

  • Question 1, 2, 3 are MCQ based and the rest are Short answer type and Long answer type questions.

Exercise. 11B - 29 Questions

  • Question 1 and 2 are MCQ based and the rest are theoretically based.

Concepts of the ICSE Class 10 Physics Chapter 11 - Calorimetry

“Calorimetry” is chapter eleventh of ICSE Board students in the Selina Concise textbook. It is a method by which we can measure the heat that was released or absorbed by our body during any chemical reactions that occur whether it’s building up or breaking down of substances (Anabolic or Catabolic). The release of heat is known as an Exothermic process and the absorption of heat is called the Endothermic process. For this, students also need to understand what Heat is. It’s a form of energy. When you bring two beakers close, one hot and the second cold; The heat from the first container starts getting transferred to the second container. Heat’s S.I Unit is measured in Joules (J) but the most commonly used unit for heat is Calorie.

In this chapter, students learn about the difference and the relation between Heat Capacity and Specific Heat Capacity. We have studied the Law of Conservation of Energy in our previous classes which says that “Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, it can only be transferred from one body to another.”, the Principle of Calorimetry is based on this law i.e The amount of heat that a body loses (Beaker 1) is equal to the amount of heat a body gains (Beaker 2). 

This chapter also throws light upon a critical topic in today’s times- Green House Effect which is caused by Greenhouse gases (Carbon dioxide CO2, Nitric Oxide N2O, Methane CH4 and water vapour). The detrimental cause of this effect is Global warming of the earth which is the cause of rapid weather changes. It’s an alarming situation and positive measures need to be taken as soon as possible.


All of the important information that you need for ICSE studies of the 10th Board can be found on the Vedantu App or Website. You will get details regarding your ICSE syllabus, Summary Notes, Solved questions along with their explanations, Sample papers to practice for your board examinations as well as Revision notes. In addition to that, you can download all of this material for absolutely free.

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FAQs on ICSE Class 10 Physics Revision Notes Chapter 11 - Calorimetry

1. I have learnt all the formulas for physics but I’m still not able to understand physics. What should I do?

Only learning the formulas to understand physics is not enough. It’s similar to going to war with all the techniques but without armour. When you learn formulas, solve questions. With each formula, you learn, solve at least 5 questions that need you to apply that formula itself. With this method in no time, you will be able to solve questions and gain confidence. Practice and perseverance will make you understand physics.

2. For how many hours should I study Physics?

The answer differs from student to student. Is physics your strong subject? Or are you working on bettering it? Ask yourself this question and if you fall in the latter, give it time. A bit more time than you give other subjects. Read the theory, understand the concepts, apply the formula and start solving numerically. Start with 10 sums a day and you can go up to 50 sums per day with practice. This will not only increase your logical thinking capabilities but also help you gain assurance for the subject.

3. Why should you refer to Selina textbooks for the ICSE Board?

Selina books are referred to by ICSE students and teachers themselves. These books are very apt for your ICSE Board preparation. These books are very comprehensive. The books have numerous images which make it interesting to learn topics. Every concept is explained in a well-detailed manner. Using these books is more than enough for your board examinations. You will not have to refer to any other books or look for information somewhere else. Every bit of information that is required by the student is in a well concise manner.