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ICSE Sample Question Papers for Class 10 Mathematics (2024-25)

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ICSE Class 10 Mathematics Sample Paper

ICSE Sample Papers of Mathematics are helpful for students to enhance their revision. ICSE is more of a detailed syllabus and they have two semesters with two papers, paper 1 and paper 2. Mathematics is one such subject that needs more practice and revision. At Vedantu, we provide Sample papers with Solutions by experts.

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ICSE Sample Mathematics Question Papers for Class 10 (2024-25)

ICSE Class X Mathematics Syllabus

ICSE Sample Paper of Mathematics Paper-I (2024-25)

ICSE Sample Paper of Mathematics Paper-II (2024-25)

ICSE Class X Mathematics sample papers are made by the experts with thorough research and analysis on previous papers. Sample papers include questions and answers in a detailed manner with downloadable PDFs. 

The questions will be of short answer type, and the lengthy type and all the answers are not in a brief way but just like the exam paper, which enables students to have good analysis after attempting the papers. 

Students can attempt the sample papers at their respective times, from their homes by downloading the papers. After attempting the papers, they can check and verify the answers mentioned in the solutions. Through this, students can understand where they went wrong and how they can modify their answers to get high scores.

It follows the exact pattern of the final exam, with similar marks and strategies. 

There will be two sections with Section A and Section B, each of 40 marks with two and half hours duration. In Section B, we can choose four questions out of seven given questions.


No. of Questions

Marks for each Question

Section A 



Section B

4 out of 7


Brief on Syllabus

For Mathematics, in Section A there is no choice of questions, so one needs to have more practice and grip on the selected chapters from that section. Topics like Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Statistics, Quadratic equations, Mensuration are given or asked in section A. Algebra has diversified topics, like factorization, quadratic equation, problems on ratios, etc. which need much practice and on solving more number of questions, it becomes easy for a student to gain confidence.

ICSE Mathematics Class X Solutions

ICSE Mathematics Class X Revision notes

Advantages of Preparing with Sample Papers

Let us discuss how going through sample paper may act as a benefit for students:

  • Students may have doubts on why it is required to attempt sample papers, as they can study through the previous papers and their notes. Previous papers will give a student the exam pattern and how the questions are usually framed. But with sample papers, students can get an idea of the exam pattern, and also, they can complete their revision. 

  • Efficiency and accuracy are improved with the practice of sample papers. It becomes easy to ace the exam in a constrained time limit. It feels disheartening when a student knows the answer but couldn’t answer in the exam because of the lack of  time. By practicing regularly, they can improve their speed of writing and answering skills so they can complete on time. Time management is more important for any student to ace the exam and score well.

  • It overcomes the fear of the final exam, as students have much anxiety and panic on hearing the final exam. On attempting the sample papers, much stress is reduced and they feel relieved as they feel it is a regular exam and not much different than the papers that they have solved. 

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FAQs on ICSE Sample Question Papers for Class 10 Mathematics (2024-25)

1. Are ICSE Maths sample papers more difficult than CBSE?

ICSE level of Mathematics is a little more difficult than CBSE as it has a high standard of English. So the sample papers are also designed accordingly to beat the difficulty in the exam. ICSE 2017 was mentioned as the tougher exam as it has many lengthy questions and many ran out of time. But to those who have prepared with sample papers, it becomes easy as they practice with tougher papers and improve their speed and catch up with time.

2. Can we get PDFs of ICSE Mathematics Class X sample papers?

Yes, we provide downloadable pdfs for each subject and each article, as they are useful for students even when they are offline. After attempting the sample papers,  students can recheck their answers from pdfs provided on the website, where they can analyze and rectify their errors. On the website or app, you can download the papers easily. Check the column for ICSE related articles, then click on the sample papers, select for the class level and subject, then you can download the papers as PDFs.

3. Can I score 90+ with these sample papers?

Mathematics is a scoring subject unlike theoretical subjects, all the answers are practical and cannot be analyzed with language or grammar. Sample papers help you to ace the exam with good scores if practiced well and follow the timetable with consistency. Do not compromise for anything, rather focus on success. Solve a minimum of one paper daily, relevant to the syllabus that is completed for the day. It will become easier till the exam if you practice from day one till the exam.

4. Is Mathematics difficult on the ICSE board?

There is a difference in the board’s syllabus, state boards, CBSE, and ICSE. As State boards Mathematics syllabus have less content and less complex problems. CBSE and ICSE have more problems and more considerably ICSE level is higher than CBSE. It is not mentioned as difficult compared to CBSE, but rather it has a lengthy syllabus. ICSE covers more practical problems which can be helpful in day-to-day life like simple maths, profit, and loss, banking and interest, ratios, etc.

5. How can we strategize ICSE Mathematics to score well?

Work on the weak points or topics which you feel you are not good at, then go for the hard topics. Practice on a daily basis, revise more and more as Mathematics is a practical subject. Students can make a timetable, on the basis of weaker topics first and harder later. Maintain consistency in preparing for the exam, do not get deviated, always study on time. Improvise yourself with answering sample papers and analyze your answers with the ones in the sample papers, seek suggestions from teachers if needed.

6. How to score well in ICSE Maths Class 10 board exam?

The mantra to score well in ICSE Class 10 Maths paper is to practice the subject properly. Class 10 ICSE board students can take help from online websites like Vedantu that offer complete study materials to practice all the Maths chapters effectively. Apart from solving textbook questions, students must solve sample question papers for strong concept clarity. These can be easily availed on Vedantu’s site free of cost. Sample papers are designed as per the exam pattern. Students can practice such material to score well.

7. Which website offers solved ICSE Class 10 Maths Sample Question Papers for 2023-24?

Students can find ICSE Class 10 Maths sample papers on Vedantu. Vedantu is trusted by thousands of students as it provides solved question papers for preparation. These are designed as per the ICSE exam norms. Sample papers for Class 10 ICSE Maths paper as well as other subjects can be downloaded in the form of free PDF. Sample test papers for 2023-2024 Class 10 Maths are solved by subject matter experts. Students can also find the past year's papers for various subjects on Vedantu.

8. What are the benefits of solving sample papers for the Class 10 Maths exam?

Students must solve Vedantu’s specially curated sample question papers to understand the exam paper pattern and the types of questions that might be asked in the exam. These papers allow ample practice and revision. Practicing sample papers will make students familiar with the difficulty level of the paper. It will also boost their confidence level.

9. Does Vedantu offer ICSE Class 10 Maths solutions?

Yes. At Vedantu, you can find all the chapter’s exercise solutions. You can find free PDFs of chapter-wise ICSE Class 10 Maths Selina Solutions. The solutions are designed by top mathematics tutors who are not only experts of the subject but also understand the ICSE curriculum.