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ICSE Sample Papers for Class 7 English Paper 2 (2024-25)


Download ICSE Specimen Papers for Class 7 English Paper 2 Free PDF

ICSE sample papers free PDF for Class 7 English has been provided by Vedantu and can be downloaded from both its website and mobile application. ICSE, which is the short form for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education, is an examination conducted by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination, a private board of school education in India. The ICSE latest sample papers have been prepared by Vedantu’s subject experts as per the guidelines given by ICSE Class 7. ICSE Sample Papers play a major role for an effective preparation of all classes that comes under this board. 

With these papers, you can gain a detailed insight about a particular subject and be confident enough to face your examinations without any fear as you will have the idea of the question paper beforehand. Download free PDF of ICSE all subjects sample paper and start solving now to see an exponential growth in the preparation level. These sample papers cover all the important concepts from an examination point of view. By providing these ICSE sample papers with solutions here, we make sure that our sole purpose of reaching out to the maximum number of students gets fulfilled and each and every student performs their level best in examinations. 

Overview of ICSE Sample Papers for Class 7 English Paper 2

Advantages of ICSE Class 7 English Sample Papers

Here are a few advantages of the sample papers for Class 7:

  1. By solving sample papers, you can develop a habit of writing fast and managing your time effectively. 

  2. More practice will improve your grammar and ability to write error-free.

  3. By analyzing Class 7 sample papers, students will be able to analyze the type of questions and marking scheme. After you have practiced test papers consistently and effectively, you will be able to become familiar with the marking scheme and the weighting of topics that matter. This will enable you to better organize your preparation and focus on the topics that will deliver the best results.

  4. Students will learn about the important topics from which the exam questions might be derived. It is impractical to grasp everything in a short period of time. As there are so many chapters, it is not feasible to learn them all in a short time. 

  5. In addition to providing a better understanding of English concepts, sample papers of class 7 will also help you prepare for the exam. You can analyze your performance by solving example papers. The more you do so, the more prepared you'll feel. You'll also discover your best areas and those where you need to improve. 

  6. Students can become more adept at solving the maximum number of questions within the stipulated time by getting familiar with sample question papers.

  7. Based on previous years' question papers, students can predict important questions that will help them prepare. They also learn time management skills that help them complete the paper on time.   

  8. Although reviewing the subject is good practice, it is unlikely that the student will be able to identify and check whether the understanding of all concepts is complete until they solve the past question papers in a similar environment as in the board exam or final classroom scenario. 

  9. It is common to feel anxious during exam times, especially if you do not know what type of questions can be asked during your exam. The exam question pattern can change constantly, so students should be prepared for all types of questions. Sample test papers provide you with an idea of the latest question patterns and frequently asked questions.

How to Solve Class 7 Sample Papers?

Have a look at how you should approach the sample papers for Class 7:

  1. It is a requirement that students complete the entire curriculum from the ICSE textbooks before attempting the Class 7 sample papers.

  2. By solving the sample papers for Class 7, students will be able to determine what subjects they need to work on more. 

  3. As soon as students have finished the syllabus, they should download the sample question papers and start answering them chapter-by-chapter.

  4. To improve their answering skills, students need to revise the syllabus again. The question papers are designed in such a way that the students think, analyze and answer. 

  5. Before solving a question, students must read it carefully and understand it thoroughly. 

  6. Students should time themselves after the second revision and move on to solving consecutive papers.

  7. Students can therefore easily complete the exam preparation and score good marks in the exam this way.

FAQs on ICSE Sample Papers for Class 7 English Paper 2 (2024-25)

1. How can I score good marks in ICSE Class-7 English? 

One needs to understand the concepts in English Class 7 ICSE really well to score good marks. If a learner is well aware of the core concepts, then it becomes very easy to tackle problems based on those concepts. This also motivates students to study hard and excel. As soon as a learner has mastered the concepts in English Class 7 ICSE, practice should become a daily ritual to learn about strengths and weaknesses. 

As an added benefit, writing answers strengthens your communication skills and allows you to identify areas for improvement which will enable you to score well in exams. Continue reviewing the concept and problem-solving videos at home and after school.

2. How to Prepare for Class-7 ICSE English Exam? 

Class 7 English ICSE requires students to understand the syllabus and course structure first. Teachers will guide students by explaining the syllabus and ways to improve their learning levels. Once students understand the concepts, they will be able to apply them to their writing. It is possible for students to practice and revise the concepts learned in class using resources such as video lessons, notes and sample papers available at Vedantu. Practising and revising all these resources will help them understand the concepts from the start.

3. What are the important chapters of ICSE Class 7 English? What should I prepare for Class 7 ICSE English? 

The chapters of class 7 English ICSE in the NCERT curriculum and the ICSE prescribed syllabus have varying importance. Vedantu has taken into account all minute details from the curriculum to ensure that the syllabus of class 7 English meets the ICSE requirements as specified.

  • Self, Family, Home, Friends and Pets

  • Neighbourhood and Community at large

  • The Nation – diversity (sociocultural, religious and ethnic, as well as linguistic heritage

  • Myths/legends/folktales)  The World – India’s neighbours and other countries (their cultures, literature and customs)

  • Adventure and Imagination

  • Sports and Yoga

  • Issues relating to Adolescence (drugs, values, life skills)

  • Science and Technology

  • Peace and Harmony

4. What are the best books for ICSE Class 7 English?

In ICSE Class 7 English, you will take four sections including English Grammar, Applied Grammar, Reading, and Writing. English is all about reading literature and understanding grammar. As you read more, you will become more proficient. In order to assist you in achieving your goals, we have compiled a list of English books in the table below:

Book Name


ICSE Essential English Grammar and Composition Class 7

S. Chand/Rajendra Pal & Monica Mehra

New Oxford Modern English

Oxford/David Horsburgh, Nicholas Horsburgh, Claire Horsburgh

Longman Classics: The Secret Garden 

Frances Hodgson Burnett

A Tale of Two Cities

Charles Dickens

5. How do sample papers help to prepare for the ICSE Class 7 English Exam? 

Even when you have little study time, practice papers help you stay on top of things. They offer a quick recap of what was taught in class, enable you to practice what you have learned and keep whatever was taught fresh in your mind. They also help you learn what you missed in class and therefore enable you to go through it thoroughly and practice it again. Practice papers are precise and stand out from the competition. It can be extremely difficult to decide between what to refer to and what not to do during examinations. Practice papers are a great way to remember what you have studied.