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ISC Class 12 Commerce Question Paper 2019

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Class 12 Commerce ISC Question Paper 2019 - Free PDF Download

The Indian School Certificate examination conducts the examination for Class 12 students all over the nation. It is one of the reputed and age-old boards of the country that competes with the universities of the UK. There is a good base for comparability with students studying with the ISC curriculum with those who study in UK universities. The board is quite vigilant on the part of setting their high standard question paper. In 2019, the board conducted the exam of Commerce to test the student’s knowledge and assure them to take higher studies in the Commerce stream.

ISC Question Paper 2019 For Class 12 Commerce

Class 12 Commerce question Paper 2019 - ISC.

The 2019 question paper for the ISC Class 12 Commerce is available for a free download at Vedantu. The subject of Commerce introduces the students of the ISC Class 12 to the world of commerce, and Commercial ventures. Hence, it helps the students in understanding the commercial activities in a better manner, by introducing them to the topics such as Business Environment, Financing, Marketing, and Management.

These topics are very crucial for the students of the ISC class 12, and hence good and deep understanding of these topics are a must for the students. But only learning these chapters is not sufficient for scoring good marks in the ISC Class 12 Commerce exam. Because understanding the chapters given in the textbook is one thing and getting good marks in the exam is the other.

For scoring good marks in the exam students are required to know that how much of the information from the textbook they have actually managed to retain in their mind, and the best way for doing this is by solving the questions from the chapter, and not just from one particular chapter, but from the complete syllabus of the ISC Class 12 Commerce.

Hence, Vedantu has brought the question paper for the year 2019, to the students of the ISC Class 12 Commerce.

Benefits of Solving the Question Paper for the ISC Class 12 Commerce 2019.

A student may think that there is no need to solve the question paper because he or she has already solved all the questions given in the exercise of the textbook at the end of each chapter. And though it is very much important for the students to solve all the questions given in the exercise of the textbook, it does not 100 per cent prepare the students for the exam. Because the exercise and the question paper are two different things, the exercise is for checking the understanding of the students regarding the particular chapter, while the question paper is for testing the overall understanding of the subject, which is commerce.

In the exam, there are many things that the students have to take care of, such as: 

  • Time to spend on each of the questions.

  • Solve questions efficiently.

  • Answer each of the questions as per the requirement, that is to say, the answer should not be much longer or shorter.

So, to prepare themselves for all these things students are required to have a good practice of solving all the questions. And ISC Class 12 Commerce question paper 2019 provides the students with this practice.

Hence, Vedantu has made available the ISC Class 12 Commerce question paper 2019 for a free download to all the students, in a PDF file format.

ISC Class 12 Commerce Question Paper 2019 

For the upcoming batches of ISC, the board has given easy access to the past year question papers to their students. Solving past year question papers help a student to develop writing skill and their knowledge for the scheduled examination. The 2019 question paper serves the same purpose. The students sitting for the upcoming ISC exams in commerce subjects are advised to solve the question paper. This will give an image of the pattern of question paper followed by the ISC board. It will assure boosting up the preparation of students. 

The question paper includes questions on e-banking, management and marketing aspects. This attempt is done so that the students focus on these topics and get benefitted from their study. Students are recommended to go through the question paper in order to increase their calibre in the commerce field.

Question Paper Pattern

A distinctive pattern of questioning is followed by the board. Brief points are jotted about the question paper pattern below:

  • The question paper is divided into two parts.

  • Part 1 is of 20 marks and Part 2 is of 60 marks.

  • In Part 1, there are 10 short answer questions with 2 marks each.

  • In Part 2, there are 8 sets of questions out of which students need to attempt only

  • This opt-out pattern gives the students wide choices.

In part 2, opting any five questions allows students to fetch 12 marks from each set. One set comprises three questions, with individual marking ranging from 3 to 5 marks and that sum up to 12 marks in each set as said earlier.

Checklist Before Exam

A student appearing for ISC exams should keep in mind a few points that they should try to cover before sitting for the exam. 

The points to be noted are as follows:

  • In-depth Content Study: The student should foremostly rely on their main textbook, to know the subject matter in toto.

  • Learning and Practicing: Students should learn and also not avoid practising the same to keep the lessons in mind. They can include solving question papers in their study.

  • Revision: A student at the end should revisit his learning and check his ability to solve the question paper. Here, students can take the question paper as a measure to check their solving capability and, in turn, truly fulfil the task of revising.

  • Solve As Many Past Question Papers As Possible: Students must consult the question paper before the exam so that they get accustomed to the pattern. This is a necessary step to follow for every student as this will boost up their confidence before the exam.

How to Attempt the Question Paper

The question paper is designed to check the knowledge of students and not to burden them with writing lengthy paragraphs. The board wants detailed but short and crisp answers. One of the best ways to follow the ISC pattern answering is to strictly stick to the question with detailed information about the subject matter. Frame your sentences in Standard English as this will secure you good marks.

It is clear from the question paper that a long answer question type (8 marks question) is avoided by the board but many 3 to 5 marks questions are in the paper. This means that students should learn to answer the question consisting of all the necessary details.

Students are already allowed a 15 minute reading time. In this period, students can read the questions thoroughly and prepare a frame in their minds. Also, they are advised to utilize the 15 minutes in choosing the five questions from the opt-out questions in Part.

They should always choose those questions which they are comfortable answering. After completing the paper, if time remains, they can review their paper. This will lessen their small mistakes.

Question Pattern for the ISC Class 12 Commerce.

ISC class 12 Commerce consists of 80 marks in total, which the students have to solve in 3 hours of duration. The question paper of the commerce section is divided into two parts.

From part 1 students are required to answer only one question which carries 20 marks, while from part two students are required to answer 5 questions, which carries 60 marks.

For part 1, there are 10 questions given, and the students are required to give a brief answer to these questions.

For part 2, there are a total of 9 questions given and the students are required to answer any five of those questions.

Also, if you are looking for the 2019 question paper for the Class 12, ISC Accountancy, you can find it here: ISC Class 12 Accountancy Question Paper 2019 (

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FAQs on ISC Class 12 Commerce Question Paper 2019

1. How Can Students Successfully Attempt All The Questions in The Given Time?

Students need to solve the past year question paper and at the same time limit as provided in the exam hall. This not only will increase their speed but also give them the confidence to tackle the same pattern in the exam hall.

2. Does the ISC Board Give Good Marks?

In any board, the examiners are bound to give the students good marks if they impress the examiners from the very start. Writing correct answers is not only the criteria in the board exam; writing a good answer is what impresses the examiners. Students need to be precise about their answers and also frame a good answer.

3. How Will The 2019 Question Paper Help The Commerce Students in Their Upcoming Exam?

It is the most important question paper that current batch students should refer to thoroughly. Practising this paper will assure the students about their preparation as these are the very recent question sets asked by the ISC. Preparing without consulting this paper will be a big miss.

4. Is it important to answer all the questions given in the ISC Class 12 Question paper 2019?

Yes, it is important to answer all the questions as per the instruction given in the question paper. That is to say, for part one students are required to answer only one question out of many given, and from part 2 students have to answer five questions. So, there are options given in the question paper for the ISC Class 12 Question paper 2019. Also, for getting a good score in the exam, it is important to answer all the questions.

5. Why should I download the Question paper for the ISC Class 12 2019, for the commerce paper?

The exam of class 12 is very important for the students, therefore, it becomes necessary for the students to have quality material to practice the questions for the exam. And hence, Vedantu provides the students of the class 12 ISC the quality material, prepared by the top educators after a thorough analysis of the commerce subject. Also, the question paper for 2019 is available completely for a free download, and that too in a PDF file format. Hence, all the students of the ISC Class 12 commerce students can take advantage of it.