ISC Class 12 Sociology Syllabus - Free PDF Download
FAQs on ISC Class 12 Sociology Syllabus for Semester (1 & 2) 2024-25
1. What is Sociology? And why is it taught in ISC Class 12?
Sociology is a branch of social science that aims to answer big questions about our society. Examine the definition of sociology and the differences between it and social psychology and anthropology.
Sociology is defined as the systematic study of human society, culture, and interpersonal connections on a group level.
One way to think about sociology is to compare it to other areas that are related but not identical. For example, social psychology asks many of the same issues as sociology, but it employs a different study methodology and investigates individuals rather than groups. While sociology investigates collective patterns, such as why certain cultures believe males should have several wives while others do not, social psychology studies how individuals in a marriage feel about their partner.
So, in a nutshell, sociology investigates the 'big picture' on a collective level, whereas social psychology studies the attitudes and feelings of individual people.
2. Where can I get the Sociology syllabus of ISC Class 12?
3. What are the tips to prepare for ISC Class 12 Sociology?
The tips to score well in ISC Class 12 Sociology are-
When you sit down to study Sociology, you should think analytically.
Always evaluate the text you've been provided critically. The author's point of view may or may not be correct. An essay written by a CEO of a computer manufacturing firm on the negative effects of computers on children, for example, would be different from one written by a parent.
Take notice of the most frequently asked questions and consider how they should be answered.
To get a better understanding of social phenomena, sociology emphasises the application of theory and rather abstract notions. It is frequently stated that sociology is more concerned with posing the right question than with finding "the answer." Students are tested on their ability to understand and apply abstract theoretical concepts, and there are rarely black-and-white answers to social concerns.
Without changing the meaning, write the definitions in your own language.
4. What topics are covered in ISC Class 12 Sociology Syllabus?
The ISC Class 12 Syllabus lays the foundation for further education. Because the Class 12 topics will always be required later, the topics covered at this level are vital for medical and engineering applicants. As a result, students must be very familiar with the ISC Class 12 Syllabus and properly prepare each syllabus topic.
It should be remembered that the grades acquired in the ISC Class 12 exams play a significant part in being considered for admission to the preferred colleges. The grades are a reflection of one's academic ability and intellectual background. As a result, it is critical for a student to be well-prepared for the exam and achieve good results.
The topics covered in ISC Class 12 Sociology Syllabus are-
Social Institutions.
Religion and Society.
Political Organization.
Economic Organisation.
Tribal India - Past, Present, and Future.
Social Stratification.
Social Change and Development.
5. What is the exam pattern according to the reduced ISC Class 12 Sociology syllabus?
A sample paper for ISC Sociology Semester 1 Exam 2024-25 has been posted on the official website of Vedantu too, based on the condensed syllabus. The following is a link to the study materials papers.
According to the revised CISCE board test schedule, the ISC Sociology Semester 1 Exam 2024-25 will last 1 hour and 30 minutes. The paper will be entirely objective, with multiple-choice questions. The exam will consist of 70 questions with a maximum score of 70. Candidates will receive one mark for each right answer. No points will be lost for incorrect or unanswered questions. Candidates must select the option that corresponds to the correct answer.