Previous Year Physics Question Paper for ISC Class 12 Board - 2019
FAQs on ISC Class 12 Physics Question Paper - 2019 Board Examinations
According to Huygens's principle, point A starts emitting secondary wavelets, and in time t, these will cover a distance c,t = BC and spread. Hence, with point A as centre and BC as radius, draw a circular arc from here and draw tangent CD on the arc from point c. Here CD is the reflected wave from which is an incline at point r.since the incident wave and reflected wave are both on the front plane of the paper; the 1st reflection theory is proved
Energy is radiated when an electron has to "jump" from one allowed stationary orbit to another.
E = -13.6 eV Bohr's postulates and writes the energy value of the ground state of the hydrogen atom.
3. Where can I find the previous equation papers for Class 12 for Physics?
The question paper for the previous year for Class 12 for the subject of Physics can easily be found on the Vedantu official website. You can also click on ISC Class 12 Physics Question Paper - 2019 Board Examinations to directly get the previous question paper of Physics for Class 12 ISC board. You can also find various other previous year question papers for different subjects by downloading Vedantu app from the Google Play Store or by visiting the official website.
4. When can I start preparing from the previous year's question papers for Physics of Class 12?
When you have learned and eventually revised the chapters of Physics and you think that now you are capable of answering correctly without referring to your textbooks or revision notes, then you can try solving the previous year's question. They will help you to analyze yourself and know about your strengths as well as your weaknesses and accordingly, try to level up your weak point to at least an average point or make it more enhanced as per the understanding of the topic is concerned.
5. How can solving previous year's questions for Physics help me with my board exams of Class 12?
Previous questions not only give you detailed insights into the questions that were in the similar exams last year but also, guide you through the exact way of solving those questions. By solving the previous year's questions, you get to know the topics of the chapters in which you require more consistent efforts.
6. What kind of questions can we expect in the previous year's question paper for Physics?
The questions in the previous year's question papers of Physics are of both subjective as well as objective types. Last year's Physics board exam was quite difficult when it came to the objective-type questions. The objective-type questions require more effort because you can completely lose or gain your complete marks, giving no space to negotiations.
7. What type of questions are the most scoring in Physics of Class 12?
The most scoring part of any question paper is the objective part because here, if you answer correctly then the complete marks are yours and if you fail to do so then, you will lose it all. So you need to be very precise while answering the objective-type questions and very detailed while answering the subjective ones. Just make sure these subjective-type questions contain the necessary keywords for them to fetch you good marks.