ISC Class 12 Mathematics Sample Paper - 1
FAQs on ISC Sample Question Papers for Class 12 Mathematics Paper 1 (2024-25)
1. Can Sample papers help me prepare well for my board exams?
Yes, absolutely. In fact, sample papers are a one-stop solution to get you all ready and pepped up for your exams! You must have experienced a little nervousness, sick in the stomach feeling when you faced the camera for the first time or the first time you participated in a debate. Remember? It was not your best performance but it made you ready for the next time. Similarly, sample papers are designed in a way to give you an exam-like feeling, so that you are all geared up for the big day!
2. What should be my approach towards the sample papers to derive the maximum benefit out of them?
In order to derive the maximum benefit out of the sample papers, you must write the solutions like you would be writing for an exam. Try to sit alone in a room with everything you need; a water bottle, a watch, stationery etc. Also, try to complete the exam in the prescribed time period, this will also help in time management and speed building. Once you’ve written the solutions, cross-check with the answer key. Note the points where you make mistakes and practice such sums over again. Ask your doubts from the mentors without any hesitation, and remember no question is a silly question.
3. Can Vedantu help me memorize all the formulas?
Precisely, yes. However, please understand that understanding how that equation or formula is derived is different from memorizing it. Memorizing may even mean mugging it up and we do not do it that way nor do we encourage our students to do so. Our mentors will make sure that you understand each step of the derivation of the formula, once you understand the essence of it, your brain will automatically retain it better. Every once in a while, our mentors would also tell you about fun tricks and tips to remember the formulas quickly and easily.
4. I haven’t started revising the subject till now. What should I do?
First of all, relax and don’t panic. Otherwise, you will lose half of whatever time you have panicking and no good will come out of it. On a sheet of the paper list down the number of days you have and the total chapters, you have to cover. Then divide the syllabus in a way where you can comfortably revise the most important chapters first, and the less important ones later. As per your schedule, download the Revision Notes from Vedantu and solve a decent number of questions until you are confident. Repeat the drill as per your schedule, we are sure it will help you.
5. What is Vedantu’s Improvement Promise?
At Vedantu we believe that every child has the right to progress. When you sign up with us at Vedantu Pro, the entire accountability and responsibility of your child’s progress rests with us. Don’t worry, this does not mean we are going to pressurize the student, we always believe in making learning fun and easy. It shouldn’t feel like a punishment. We have extensively structured the subscription plan, and you can always reach out to us for any sort of clarification. Our Support team is always at your disposal.