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Difference Between Thrust and Pressure for JEE Main 2024


What is Thrust and Pressure: Introduction

To differentiate between thrust and pressure: Thrust refers to the force exerted by a fluid on an object as a result of the fluid's motion. It is commonly encountered in applications such as propulsion systems, where the expulsion of fluid creates a reactive force that propels an object forward. Pressure, on the other hand, is the force applied per unit area. It is a measure of the intensity of the force exerted by a fluid on a surface. Understanding thrust and pressure is crucial in various fields, including engineering, aviation, and fluid mechanics, to design efficient systems and ensure structural integrity. Let’s understand these concepts further in depth.

What is Thrust?

Thrust refers to the force generated by the expulsion of gases or fluids from a system. It is a key concept in propulsion systems, where the expulsion of a propellant creates a reactive force that propels an object in the opposite direction. Thrust is governed by Newton's third law of motion, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. By expelling gases or fluids at high velocities, the system generates a force in the opposite direction, providing the necessary propulsion. Thrust plays a critical role in fields such as rocketry, jet propulsion, and fluid dynamics, enabling the movement and control of objects through the manipulation of fluid flow. The characteristics of the thrust are: 

  • Magnitude: Thrust is a vector quantity and has a magnitude that depends on factors such as the mass flow rate of the fluid or propellant and its velocity. Increasing either the mass flow rate or the velocity will generally result in a greater thrust force.

  • Direction: Thrust acts in the opposite direction to the expelled gases or fluids. It follows Newton's third law of motion, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

  • Propulsive Efficiency: The efficiency of converting input energy into useful thrust is an important characteristic of propulsion systems. Higher efficiency results in more effective use of fuel or energy resources.

  • Maneuverability: The ability to control and manipulate thrust is crucial in applications where changes in direction, speed, or stability are necessary, such as in aircraft or spacecraft.

  • Reactionary Force: Thrust creates a reactionary force that propels an object or system forward. This force allows for the movement and acceleration of vehicles, rockets, or other objects.

What is Pressure?

Pressure refers to the force exerted per unit area on a surface. It is a measure of the intensity or distribution of force over an area. Pressure arises from the collisions of gas molecules with the walls of a container or from the weight of a fluid column above a surface. The unit of pressure in the International System of Units (SI) is the Pascal (Pa). Pressure affects various chemical processes, such as gas reactions, phase transitions, and the behavior of liquids. Understanding pressure is crucial in areas like thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and materials science, enabling the design and analysis of systems under different pressure conditions. The characteristics of the pressure are:

  • Magnitude: Pressure is a scalar quantity that represents the intensity of force per unit area. It is typically measured in units such as pascals (Pa), atmospheres (atm), or pounds per square inch (psi).

  • Dependence on Force and Area: Pressure is directly proportional to the force applied and inversely proportional to the area over which the force is distributed. Increasing the force or decreasing the area will result in higher pressure.

  • Distribution: Pressure is distributed uniformly in all directions within a fluid. This characteristic allows pressure to be transmitted equally throughout the fluid.

  • Atmospheric Pressure: The pressure exerted by the Earth's atmosphere at sea level is referred to as atmospheric pressure. It decreases with increasing altitude and can vary due to weather conditions.

  • Measurement Devices: Pressure can be measured using instruments such as manometers, barometers, and pressure transducers. These devices convert pressure into a measurable quantity, such as the height of a liquid column or electrical signals.

Differentiate Between Thrust and Pressure







Force generated by the expulsion of gases/fluids

Force exerted per unit area



Vector quantity

Scalar quantity



Opposite to the expelled gases/fluids

Acts in all directions within a fluid



Newton (N)

Pascal (Pa)


Effect on Object

Propels objects in the opposite direction

Exerts force on the object in contact with the surface



Rocket propulsion, jet engines, propellers, etc.

Thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, materials science, etc. 

These are some of the main difference between thrust and pressure in terms of nature, direction, unit, applications, etc. Now, after reading this article you can easily distinguish between thrust and pressure


Thrust is the force generated by the expulsion of gases or fluids, often used for propulsion purposes. It is the reactive force that propels an object in the opposite direction of the expelled substances. Pressure, on the other hand, refers to the force applied per unit area. It is a measure of the intensity or distribution of force over a surface. Pressure is exerted by gases, liquids, and solids and can influence various phenomena, such as fluid flow, chemical reactions, and structural integrity.

FAQs on Difference Between Thrust and Pressure for JEE Main 2024

1. How is thrust generated in rocket engines?

Thrust in rocket engines is generated through the principle of action and reaction, as per Newton's third law of motion. The engine burns a propellant, typically a combination of fuel and oxidizer, producing high-pressure and high-temperature gases. These gases are expelled at high velocities through a nozzle at the rear of the engine. The expulsion of gases in one direction creates an equal and opposite reaction force, known as thrust, which propels the rocket forward. The greater the mass flow rate of the expelled gases and their velocity, the higher the resulting thrust.

2. How does pressure impact the behavior of gases?

Pressure plays a crucial role in determining the behavior of gases. As pressure increases, the gas molecules experience more frequent and energetic collisions with each other and with the container walls. This leads to a decrease in the volume of the gas if the temperature remains constant, following Boyle's Law. Additionally, the increased pressure can cause gases to dissolve more readily in liquids, influence the rate of chemical reactions involving gases, and affect the equilibrium conditions in gas-phase reactions. Pressure variations also impact gas flow rates, diffusion, and the properties of gas mixtures.

3. Can thrust exist in non-fluid mediums?

No, thrust is typically associated with the expulsion of gases or fluids from a system. In non-fluid mediums, such as solid objects or vacuum, the concept of thrust as a propulsive force does not apply. Thrust relies on the reaction principle, where the expulsion of gases or fluids generates a reactive force in the opposite direction. In the absence of a medium to be expelled or interacted with, there is no mechanism to create thrust.

4. Can pressure cause deformation or damage to materials?

Yes, pressure can cause deformation or damage to materials depending on their strength and the magnitude of the applied pressure. Excessive pressure can compress, distort, or even rupture materials, especially if they are unable to withstand the forces exerted on them. For example, high-pressure environments can lead to structural failures in containers, pipelines, or vessels. Similarly, pressure differentials can cause deformation or collapse in thin-walled structures.

5. How does pressure influence fluid flow in pipes or channels?

According to Bernoulli's principle, an increase in fluid pressure leads to a decrease in fluid velocity, and vice versa, assuming a constant fluid density. In a pipe or channel, fluid flows from areas of higher pressure to areas of lower pressure. This pressure gradient drives the fluid through the system. By controlling pressure differentials, such as using pumps or valves, flow rates can be adjusted. Additionally, pressure losses due to friction along the pipe or channel affect the overall flow behavior, necessitating considerations for efficient fluid transport, energy consumption, and the prevention of pressure drop-related issues.