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JEE Advanced 2018 Physics Question Paper-1 with Answer Keys


JEE Advanced Physics Question Paper-1 2018 with Solutions - Free PDF Download

The JoSAA has released JEE Advanced 2020 seat allotment result for round 6 on June 7 for the year 2018. The institution of JoSAA has released seat allotment round 5 results on June 5, 2020. 

We can easily check here in this article. In this article, we are going to discuss a few more important topics related to jee advance and mains paper and the answer key as well. As well as a few of the methods to discuss the importance of the previous year’s papers.


JEE Advanced Question Paper


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JEE Advanced 2018 Physics Question Paper-1

Benefits of using JEE Advanced Physics Question Paper with Solutions

There are many benefits of using JEE Advanced Physics Question Paper for boosting JEE preparations such as:

  • Gives a real feel of examination

  • Strengthens analytical skills

  • Analysis of weak areas

  • Familiarise with question pattern and marking scheme

  • Better time management

  • Employs active recall

  • Gives the confidence to perform well

As we can see there are numerous benefits of solving previous years questions for JEE preparations. Just solving textbook questions is not enough. We must also solve previous years questions to understand the exam pattern and see the kind of questions that were actually asked in the exam. It saves our time by making us focus on what is actually important. We don’t have to buy many reference books to practice questions. We can practice from previous years questions for free. Solving previous years questions has been the secret of toppers to score well in competitive examinations such as JEE. Question-solving is a research-proven effective study method for improving scores. It employs the principle of active recall where we actively engage ourselves with the content. So, wait no more. Make use of the free PDF of JEE Advanced Physics Question Paper-1 2018 with Solutions and take a step towards improving your grades. Solving previous years’ questions is the key to gaining confidence in your JEE preparations. We advise students to go through all the previous years’ questions at least once during their preparation.

JEE Advanced 2018 Physics Question Paper-1

Previous Years Papers

The 2018 JEE advanced  Question Papers that is paper 1 and paper 2: the IIT Madras organized this time a joint entrance examination for the advanced or the JEE Adv 2018. Which was held on May 20, 2018. 

As earlier notified by the institution there were two papers of 3 hours each. 

Each of the papers had three parts: that is physics, chemistry, and mathematics. 

There were many questions which were of different types and they grouped as sections in these subjects. 

The students or the candidates who were appearing had to mark answers in an ORS or OMR sheet. 

The scheme which was marked this time is designed separately for each type of question and instructions which are made for them are given at the beginning of the section. 

The students must read the question type, and the instructions, the marking scheme before attempting the question paper of 2018 JEE advanced.

The candidates can easily download the 2018 JEE advanced  Question Papers that are paper 1 and paper 2 that are from the links which are mentioned on the website. The answer key is also given along with the papers. Click on the links which are present on the site to view and download the respective question papers.

The marks which are the maximum are– 60, and the number of questions – 16.

Each of the questions has four options which is for the correct answer). That is one or more of these four options or options may be correct options.

The maximum marks are– 60, and the number of questions – 18.

Each of the questions has four options as discussed earlier for the correct answer. 

Answer Keys

The JEE mains IIT 2014 key of the question paper is given on the website for both paper 1 and paper 2. We can use this key to check our answers after solving the paper of IIT JEE mains 2014 the question paper and we can calculate our score.

Now to download the answer key which is for 2018 JEE advanced Question paper 1 and paper 2. The direct links to download the answer keys are also provided on the website.

The candidates or the students will find 2018 JEE advanced question papers for both paper 1 and paper 2. Along with the papers of the question, we have provided the solutions as well as the answer keys that will help students check and know the correct answer to the problems. However, we generally advise students to first try and solve the question paper which is for 2018 JEE Advanced on their own and later to check the results. This will help the students to practice more effectively.

The IIT JEE advanced is a very important exam as successful students or candidates will be eligible to get admissions into some of the top IIITs, NITs, and other institutions like GFTIs in the country. Therefore we can say that clearing the exam is one of the important goals for many students' lives. 

While the preparation of the answer key is for achieving success, the question papers are a useful tool to not only study productively but they will also help students develop sharp problem-solving skills.

Cut Off 

The exam that is of JEE Advanced has the qualifying marks for inclusion in the rank list have been released by IIT Delhi. The Students who have got the qualifying marks in JEE Advanced 2018 Cut off will be considered eligible for admission in IITs. The minimum percentage that is of a student marks that are prescribed for inclusion in the rank list has been released along with the declaration which is of JEE 

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FAQs on JEE Advanced 2018 Physics Question Paper-1 with Answer Keys

1. Explain Is Jee advanced physics tough?

The Candidates who appeared for the IIT's Joint Entrance Examination that is JEE Advanced 2018 saw the physics sections as a tough nut to crack. And then while the otherwise seemingly difficult segments which were of chemistry and Maths was a breeze for most of them in this year's edition.

2. Explain was JEE Advanced 2018 Tough?

The exam which was of JEE advanced 2018 the Rating which was said to be the difficulty level which is of the exam. There are many candidates who say that paper 1 was easier as compared to paper 2. They also said that the subject mathematics was easy and physics was “relatively difficult”. The JEE Advanced paper 2 and paper 21 were held on Sunday. However, we can say that post-exam discussions were as energetic as ever.

3. Explain Is Ncert enough for JEE Advanced?

The bottom line which we are saying is that NCERT books are among the best books for JEE Main or any exam but they are not enough as they don't include revision which is of complex JEE questions. We can say that with NCERT books we can build our foundation that is of the basic knowledge which is required for tackling advanced level problems in JEE.

4. Explain Why is JEE Advanced so tough?

As a result, we can say that the exam of  JEE has become tougher simply because of the number of students taking that exam. And then we want an objective way of admitting students to colleges. Professor Rao said that the standard needs to get more complicated just because if it gets easier when there are so many students who will get a 100 out of 100 and we will have no way to select students.

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