JEE Advanced 2022 Physics Question Paper 1 with Solutions [PDF]
FAQs on JEE Advanced 2022 Physics Question Paper 1 with Solutions [PDF]
1. Why is the Physics section considered to be tough in JEE Advanced?
The Physics section in JEE Advanced is very tricky as most of the questions are mainly conceptual based. Students are advised to have an in-depth knowledge of every concept of Physics.
2. What are the hardest topics of Physics for JEE Advanced?
Some of the hardest topics of Physics are listed below.
Thermal Physics
Electricity and Magnetism
Modern Physics
3. Describe the JEE Advanced 2022 exam format.
The first paper of JEE Advanced (paper 1) will last three hours. Both Hindi and English will be used to set the questions. There will be different parts on the exam paper for questions on physics, chemistry, and maths. There are three types of questions on the exam: multiple choice, numerical aptitude, and case matching. The paper will contain negative marking. For detailed information refer to the article above.
4. What are some of the important topics covered in the Physics section of the JEE advanced 2022 examination?
The following are the important topics covered in the physics section of the JEE advanced 2022 examination.
Work Power & Energy
Rotational Motion
Surface Tension
Current Electricity
5. What was the overall difficulty level of the JEE advanced 2022 question paper?
The paper was deemed as moderately difficult. The physics section was moderately tough with conceptual questions that required lengthy calculations. While the chemistry section was comparatively easy. Mathematics was the most challenging among the three sections.