JEE Advanced Exam Centre 2025, IIT Zone Center List, Important Dates, Foreign Centres
The JEE Advanced 2025 exam will be conducted in 222 cities across India and 2 cities internationally. IIT Kanpur has published the official exam centre list in the information brochure on the official website, jeeadv.ac.in. The centres are organised into seven IIT zones: IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Kanpur, IIT Guwahati, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Hyderabad, and IIT Roorkee. As part of the application process, candidates will be asked to select their preferred zone and choose eight exam cities in order of preference. The allotted centre will be mentioned on the JEE Advanced admit card, which will be available only for registered candidates. In this article, you will get to know about the complete JEE Advance Exam centres list and also about the instructions before going to the exam centre.
JEE Advanced 2025 Registration JEE Advanced 2025 Application Form
JEE Advanced Eligibility Criteria 2025 JEE Advanced Counselling 2025 JEE Advanced 2025 Result
JEE Advanced 2025 Exam Dates
The NTA has announced JEE Advanced 2025 Exam Dates. The JEE Advanced 2025 Exam Dates table provides a comprehensive overview of crucial dates for the upcoming examination. From registration commencement to exam day, this table offers a clear timeline for aspirants to plan their preparation effectively. Stay updated with this concise reference to avoid missing any essential deadlines.
Cities and Towns where JEE (Advanced) 2025 will be Held:
Check the exam centres for JEE Advanced 2025 below:
IIT Bombay Zone:
IIT Delhi Zone:
IIT Guwahati Zone:
IIT Kanpur Zone:
IIT Kharagpur Zone:
IIT Hyderabad Zone:
IIT Roorkee Zone:
Foreign Centres:
How to Check the JEE Exam Centre?
To check your JEE (Joint Entrance Examination) exam centre, follow these steps:
Visit the Official Website: Go to the official JEE website (https://jeemain.nta.nic.in/).
Login to Your Account: Enter your login credentials (Application Number, Password, or Date of Birth) in the login section to access your account.
Download Admit Card: Once logged in, you will find a section for downloading the admit card. The admit card contains important details, including your exam center.
Check Exam Center Information: Open the admit card and check for the exam centre name, address, and other related details.
Documents Required for JEE Advanced Exam Centre:
Here are the documents required to be carried to the JEE Advanced Centres:
Admit card: The admit card is the most important document required to appear for the JEE Advanced exam. It contains your personal details, exam centre details, and exam timings. You must carry the admit card in original and without any alterations.
One photo identity proof: The photo identity proof must be valid and in original. It must bear your photograph and signature. Some of the accepted photo identity proofs are:
PAN card
Aadhaar card
Driving licence
Voter ID card
Admit Card Guidelines for JEE Advanced Exam Centre
Admit cards are indispensable documents, ensuring a smooth examination process. These guidelines delineate crucial instructions for candidates regarding their admit cards, a crucial requirement for entry into the examination center.
Admit card: The admit card for JEE Advanced will be released online by the National Testing Agency (NTA) a few weeks before the exam. Students can download their admit card from the NTA website.
Exam centre: The exam centre for JEE Advanced will be allotted to the candidates by the NTA. The exam centre will be in a city that is close to the candidate's home town.
Reporting time: Candidates must report to the exam centre at least one hour before the start of the exam. They must bring their admit card, a valid photo ID, and a pen to the exam centre.
Checking in: Candidates will be checked in at the exam centre by the NTA officials. They will be asked to show their admit card, a valid photo ID, and a pen.
Seat allotment: Candidates will be allotted a seat in the exam hall by the NTA officials. They must sit in the seat that is allotted to them.
Personal belongings: Candidates are not allowed to carry any personal belongings into the exam hall. They must leave their bags, phones, watches, and other belongings in the cloakroom.
Rules and regulations: Candidates must follow the rules and regulations of the exam centre. They must not talk to anyone in the exam hall, or disturb other candidates. They must not cheat or use unfair means in the exam.
Items Allowed and Prohibited at JEE Advanced Exam Centres
Here are the items that are allowed and prohibited in the exam center of JEE Advanced:
Allowed Items:
Admit card
Black ballpoint pen
Geometry box (without compass)
Mask (if applicable)
Glue stick (only for candidates with physical disability)
Writing pad (only for candidates with physical disability)
Prohibited Items:
Any electronic device, including calculators, watches, and mobile phones
Books, notes, or any other study material
Food or drinks
Jewelry or any other metal object
Bags or luggage
Stationery items other than those mentioned above
Any other item that may be considered a threat to the security of the exam
Dress Code at JEE Advanced Exam centres: What to Wear on Test Day
Here are the dress code guidelines for JEE Advanced exam centres:
Dress should be modest and decent.
Sleeveless tops, skirts above the knee, and revealing clothing are not allowed.
Headgear, such as caps, turbans, and hijabs, are allowed as long as they are not too big or bulky.
No jewelry, such as necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings, are allowed.
No watches, pens, or other personal belongings are allowed inside the exam hall.
Only transparent bags are allowed inside the exam hall.
Exam Day Guidelines at JEE Advanced Exam Center
Here are some exam day guidelines that you should follow in the exam centre of JEE Advanced:
Reach the exam centre early
Bring the necessary documents
Do not bring any prohibited items
Follow the instructions of the invigilator
Before you start the exam, you must read the instructions carefully. The instructions will tell you how to answer the questions, how to use the answer sheet, and how to mark your answers.
Answer the questions carefully. Do not rush through the exam. Take your time and make sure that you understand the questions before you answer them.
Mark your answers carefully. Make sure that you fill in the bubbles completely and neatly.
Do not leave the exam hall early. You can only leave the exam hall after the exam is over.
The JEE Advanced 2025 Exam Centres play a crucial role in facilitating a fair and organised examination process for aspiring engineering students. These centres provide a standardised environment for candidates to showcase their skills and knowledge. The distribution of exam centres across various regions ensures accessibility and convenience for a diverse pool of participants. Moreover, these centres are equipped with necessary resources to ensure a smooth conduct of the examination, adhering to strict security measures. Ultimately, the well-managed exam centres contribute to maintaining the integrity and credibility of the JEE Advanced 2025 examination, fostering a competitive yet equitable atmosphere for all aspirants.
FAQs on JEE Advanced 2025 Exam Centres: Complete List and Details
1. How do I know if my JEE Advanced City Intimation has been received?
Once you complete the JEE Advanced 2025 application, you will receive the JEE Advanced City Intimation via your registered email or through the official portal. It will also be included in your admit card.
2. How can I check the JEE Advanced Centres List?
You can check the JEE Advanced Centres List on the Vedantu website and also you can find it on the official JEE Advanced website, jeeadv.ac.in, where IIT Kanpur will publish all the details regarding the exam centres for 2025.
3. What is JEE Advanced City Intimation?
JEE Advanced City Intimation refers to the process by which candidates are informed about the cities where their exam centres are located. This intimation is part of the exam centre allocation process.
4. How do I check my JEE Advanced Centre List?
You can check your JEE Advanced Centre List after logging in to your candidate portal on the official JEE Advanced website. Your exam centre will be mentioned in the JEE Advanced admit card.
5. How does the JEE Advanced City Allotment process work?
During the application process, candidates are asked to select their preferred IIT zone and up to eight cities in order of preference. The city allotment is based on the available centres within the selected zones and will be communicated via the JEE Advanced admit card.
6. Will my JEE Advanced Centre List be changed after city allotment?
No, your JEE Advanced Centre List and city allotment will be final once the admit card is issued. Any changes to your allotted centre after the release of the admit card are typically not allowed.
7. When will JEE Advanced City Intimation 2025 be released?
JEE Advanced City Intimation 2025 will be released shortly after the application process concludes, and candidates will be informed through their admit cards.
8. What is the JEE Advance City Allotment process for 2025?
For JEE Advanced 2025, candidates must select their preferred IIT zone and cities while applying. Based on availability and preferences, the city allotment will be assigned and mentioned on the admit card.
9. Can I check the JEE Main 2025 City Intimation?
Yes, you can check the JEE Main 2025 City Intimation Slip through the official JEE Main website. This slip provides details about the city where the exam centre is located.
10. Where can I find the JEE Main City Intimation Slip 2025 Link?
The JEE Main City Intimation Slip 2025 Link will be available on the official JEE Main website. Candidates can access this link to know the city where they will be taking the exam.
11. When will the JEE Main Session 2 City Intimation Slip 2025 be released?
The JEE Main Session 2 City Intimation Slip 2025 will be released before the exam date. You can check it on the official JEE Main website.
12. Can I change my preferred city after submitting the JEE Advanced City Allotment?
After the JEE Advanced City Allotment is made, it is usually not possible to change the city. It is essential to select your preferred cities carefully during the application process.