JEE Advanced Important Questions of Limits Continuity and Differentiability
FAQs on JEE Advanced Limits Continuity and Differentiability Important Questions
1. Are limits, continuity, and differentiation important for the JEE Advanced?
Yes, limits and differentiation is important topic for the JEE Advanced examinations. Having a basic insight into the concepts that the topic Limits and Differentiation holds, will help the student score well in the examination. To help the students achieve this, the website of Vedantu provides the candidates with the relevant materials and guidance that will help them immensely to prepare for the exam. The website also provides the candidates with the important questions that will help them figure out the type of questions that are asked in these exams. The students can download the pdf for free and utilize it for preparing.
2. Can Students who missed the JEE Advanced 2023 appear for the JEE advanced 2024?
Yes, in accordance with the recent rules and developments, those students who have missed their JEE advanced exam in the year 2023, can definitely appear for the same in the year 2024. But, to score good ranks in the exam, the student will have to be thorough with all the important topics and concepts that the syllabus of JEE Advanced holds. To help students prepare diligently for the exam, the website of Vedantu provides the candidates with all the important materials. Apart from this, the students are also given important questions from every topic. The practice of these questions will help the student come to terms with the question pattern and figure out their areas of strength and weakness. This insight will help them perform and practice in a way that will bring out the best results.
3. Are both Paper 1 and paper 2 compulsory for the JEE advanced examination?
Yes, both paper 1 and paper 2 are mandatory for the student to attempt in the JEE advanced examination. It is based on the marks obtained in these examinations, that the student will be evaluated and given a place for the admissions. Therefore, it becomes quite evident that in order to get placed in the college of the student's desire, the candidate needs to score good grades in the JEE advanced examination. And to achieve this, immense practice and hard work are to be put into play. The website of Vedantu realizes the needs and the requirements of the students and provides them with the relevant materials that will help the student prepare for the exam.
4. What type of questions are asked in the JEE Advanced examination?
The JEE Advanced question papers mostly provide the students with multiple-choice type questions. These questions are not always straightforward and need analytical skills to solve them. The main subjects that the question paper covers are Physics, Chemistry, and Math. Because the questions are MCQ types, the student also needs to learn the skill and importance of time management, which will help them solve the question easily and effectively within the given time limit. This can be achieved only through constant practice and revision.
5. What is the registration fee for the JEE advanced exams?
The JEE Advanced registration fee is as follows.
For Indian candidates from the general category, the fee to be paid is Rs 2800. Whereas the fees for the female candidates from India are Rs 1400. The aspirants belonging to the reserved category in India are also supposed to pay Rs 1400.
Indian students in foreign lands have different criteria. Those who belong to the SAARC countries are to pay 75 USD, while those who are from the Non-SAARC Countries are supposed to pay 150 USD.
To get more information about the JEE Advanced examination, the students can visit the website of Vedantu.