An eclipse that is called so because the solar eclipse happens when the moon gets in the way of the sun’s light and casts its shadow on Earth. That means that during the day time the moon moves over the sun and then it gets dark. Isn’t it strange for us or anyone that it gets dark in the middle of the day?
This eclipse that is the total happens about every year and then after that a half somewhere on Earth. AN eclipse which is said to be partial when the moon doesn’t completely cover the sun then as we know that this happens at least twice a year somewhere on Earth.
During a lunar eclipse we know that planet Earth gets in the way of the light of the sun hitting the moon. That means that during the night time we can say that a full moon fades away as shadow of the Earth that covers it up.
The moon that we know since so long can also look reddish because Earth’s atmosphere absorbs the other colors while it bends some light that is sunlight that is toward the moon. The light or the Sunlight that is bending through the atmosphere and then it is said to be absorbing other colors is also why sunsets are red or orange. During a total eclipse including the lunar eclipse we can see that the moon is shining from all the sunset and sunrises that is occurring on Earth.
Solar Eclipse vs Lunar Eclipse
We might at times be wondering why we don’t have the ellipse that is the lunar eclipse every month as the moon orbits planet Earth. It’s true sometimes that the moon goes around Earth that too every month but it doesn’t always get in shadow of Earth’s. The satellite which is the moon's has a path and it goes around Earth that is tilted as compared to Earth’s orbit around the sun. The moon that also can be behind Earth but still gets hit by the light of the sun.
All these facts are just Because they don’t happen every month but a lunar eclipse is a special event. Unlike the solar eclipses there are a lot of people who get to see each lunar eclipse. If we live on the nighttime that is the half of Earth when the eclipse happens we will be able to see it.
It’s very easy for us to get these two types of eclipses that are mixed up. An easy way to remember all these differences that happen is in the name. The name that generally tells us what gets darker when the eclipse happens. In an eclipse or we can say that in the solar eclipse the one and only star sun gets darker. In an eclipse which is known as the lunar eclipse we can say that the moon gets darker.
The moon and the Sun are heavenly bodies and they are also said as principal sources that are of natural light for the planet earth. While the star sun is said to be a huge burning star that sheds its powerful light to illuminate the blue planet and then comes our satellite moon that is rotating around the earth reflecting the sun’s light on to the earth’s surface in a milder form during nights.
An eclipse that we can say is the solar or lunar involves three celestial bodies namely the moon, sun and the earth. The lunar and the Solar eclipses are said to be the natural events when the sun and moon’s lights are partially or fully hidden from the view for a brief period of time.
AN eclipse that is said to be the solar eclipse that results when the moon passes in between the earth and the sun hiding the sun partially or fully for some time. A lunar eclipse that generally occurs when the planet earth passes in between the sun and the moon which is casting its shadow on the moon and thus hiding it partially or fully for some time.The science which is behind eclipses is said to be quite intriguing and astonishing. Here we can easily compare the solar and eclipse that is the lunar and learn how they differ from each other.
Solar vs Lunar Eclipse
AN eclipse that is the solar eclipse, happens when the moon passes in between the sun and the earth. During a solar eclipse the satellite moon fully or partially hides the sun’s rays that are for a few minutes. This Happens once in around 18 months. The three types of eclipse that are said to be the solar are total solar eclipse partial solar eclipse and then we can say that the annular solar eclipse. The Solar eclipse that is seen from a few places that are only. These all things happen during the day. AN eclipse that is the solar eclipse happens on a moon or more clearly a new moon day. It is said to be not safe to see a solar eclipse that is through naked eyes. We need glasses that are protective to avoid any harm to the eyes.
A lunar eclipse that we can see generally happens when the earth passes in between the sun and the moon. That is during an eclipse that is the lunar eclipse the earth’s shade partially or we can say fully hides the moon for a brief period of time. This whole process occurs two times in a year. We can conclude here that the three types of lunar eclipses are total lunar eclipse and then the partial lunar eclipse and a penumbral lunar eclipse. The Lunar eclipses that are spotted from many places not only from earth.this process occurs during nights that is a lunar eclipse that happens on a full moon day. It is said that it is perfectly safe to see a lunar eclipse too with naked eyes. we do not need any protective covering to view it all alone.
The key difference which is between lunar and the solar eclipse in tabular form is given below. When a body which is the celestial body is masked by another along an observer’s line of sight then an eclipse occurs. The Lunar eclipse along with the solar eclipse are events when the moon, sun and earth are in tandem.
The Solar Eclipse: For an eclipse that is solar eclipse to occur the moon should be between the sun and earth.
The Lunar Eclipse: For a lunar eclipse to occur the earth should be in between the moon and the sun.
FAQs on Difference Between Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse
1. Explain What is the Difference Between Lunar and Solar Eclipse?
Ans: The eclipse that are the Solar eclipses result from the Moon blocking the Sun relative to the Earth thus we can say them the Earth, Moon and Sun all lie on a line. The Lunar eclipses that work the same way in an order which is different from the Moon and the Earth and Sun all on a line. In this case the shadow of the planet Earth's hides the Moon from view.
2. Explain What are 3 Differences Between Lunar Eclipses and Solar Eclipses?
Ans: AN eclipse which is famously known as the solar eclipse happens when the moon passes in between the earth and the sun. Another eclipse which is famously known as the lunar eclipse happens when the earth passes in between the moon and the sun. The three types of lunar eclipses that are said to be total lunar eclipse, partial lunar eclipse and a penumbral lunar eclipse. The Solar eclipse that is seen from a few places only.
3. Explain What is the Difference Between a Solar Eclipse and a Lunar Eclipse Wikipedia?
Ans: The Lunar versus solar eclipse.
AN eclipse or we can say a solar eclipse occurs in the daytime at the new moon that too when the Moon is in between sun and Earth while we can say that a lunar eclipse occurs at night at full moon when Earth passes in between the moon and Sun.