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FAQs on JEE Advanced Advanced Videos
1. What are the topics covered in the JEE Advanced Video and Notes?
The JEE Advanced Video includes areas such as physics, chemistry, and maths. The videos explain complex subjects in detail, as well as problem-solving approaches, exam tactics, and sample examinations.
2. What is the JEE Advance scoring system?
The JEE Advanced marking scheme differs from year to year. It does, however, follow a general pattern of +4 for correct answers and -1 for erroneous responses.
3. How should one prepare for the JEE Advanced?
A organised study schedule, previous year papers, sample examinations, and advice from mentors or JEE videos are all ways to prepare for JEE Advanced.
4. What modifications have been made for IIT JEE Advanced 2025?
The modifications are as follows:
The top 2.50 lakh candidates would be invited to write JEE Advanced.
Apart from India, the JEE Exam will be held in five other countries.
The application fees for both Indian and foreign candidates have changed in 2025.
Questions will be more detailed.
Female candidates shall have at least 20% of the supernumerary seats.
5. What is the exam pattern of JEE Advanced?
The JEE Advanced test is divided into two three-hour papers. Multiple-choice and numerical answer questions from physics, chemistry, and mathematics are included in the papers.