Download JEE Main 2022 July 29 Evening Shift Physics Question Paper Solutions PDF
FAQs on JEE Main 2022 July 29th Shift 2 Physics Question Paper with Answer Keys and Solutions
1. What are the easiest topics in JEE Main Physics?
Every topic and sub-topic covered in JEE Main Physics syllabus is equally important. A few topics take less time to be learned and revised, but most topics will require time for proper practice and revision. The topics that can be covered easily are as follows.
Newton’s Laws of Motion
Heat and Thermodynamics
2. How can I get a high score in JEE Main Physics?
To get a high score in JEE Main Physics, you need to follow a rigorous study plan. Firstly, get reliable study materials to learn the fundamental concepts of Physics. Memorize the formulas and learn the derivations. Refer to books like H.C.Verma for practising numerical problems regularly. Also, you can refer to the JEE Main Physics Revision Notes and JEE Main 2022 important questions to revise the topics covered in the JEE Main syllabus thoroughly. Lastly, take JEE Main Mock Tests to get a clear picture of where you stand with your exam preparation and plan a proper time-management strategy to secure high scores in JEE Main Physics.
3. What was the overall difficulty level of the question paper JEE Main July 29, 2022, Shift 2?
The JEE Main 2022 Question Paper Shift 2 July 29th was moderately difficult. The Physics section was moderately difficult, Chemistry was the easiest, and Maths was the toughest and lengthy. As per student’s reactions, the question paper of JEE Main July 29, 2022, Shift 2 was difficult than shift 1.
4. What are important topics from Mathematics in JEE Main 2022 Question Paper Session 2 July 29th?
The Mathematics section was toughest and lengthy. The weightage was given to the concepts of Statistics, Mathematical Reaosning, and Coordinate Geometry.
5. Did formula based questions were covered in the Physics section of JEE Main 2022 July 29th, Shift 2?
A Big Yes! Formula based questions were asked in the Physics section of JEE Main 2022 July 29 Shift 2. Hence, students sre suggested to give utmost priority to the formula based questions to score more in JEE Mains exams.