JEE Main 2024 Chemistry Question Paper 30 January Shift 1 - Answer Key and Detailed Solutions
FAQs on JEE Main 2024 Chemistry Question Paper with Solutions 30 January Shift 1
1. What was the overall difficulty level of the JEE Main 2024 Chemistry Question Paper 30 January Shift 1?
The general consensus is that the Chemistry section of JEE Main 2024 January 30 Shift 1 was easy to moderate in difficulty. It was considered easier than the Physics and Mathematics sections.
2. Were there any calculation-intensive questions?
While the overall chemistry section was considered easy to moderate, there were a few numerical-based questions requiring proper calculations and application of formulas. These primarily appeared in Physical Chemistry and involved concepts like equilibrium constants, reaction rates, and stoichiometry.
3. 1. How many questions were there from each topic?
Here's an approximate breakdown of questions by topic:
Inorganic Chemistry: 8-10 questions (covering Periodic Table, Coordination Compounds, Metallurgy, Qualitative Analysis, etc.)
Organic Chemistry: 8-10 questions (focusing on Reactions, Mechanisms, Stereochemistry, Biomolecules, etc.)
Physical Chemistry: 4-6 questions (including Chemical Kinetics, Thermodynamics, Equilibrium, States of Matter, etc.)
4. Which chapters from NCERT were covered?
The paper largely followed the NCERT syllabus, with questions directly or indirectly referencing related chapters. Some frequently covered chapters include:
Inorganic Chemistry: Chapters 2–4, 6–9, 12
Organic Chemistry: Chapters 1–13, 15
Physical Chemistry: Chapters 1–5, 12–13