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Difference Between Adjacent Angle and Linear Pair for JEE Main 2025

Last updated date: 06th Sep 2024
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What is Adjacent Angle and Linear Pair: Introduction

To differentiate between adjacent angle and linear pair: Adjacent angles and linear pairs are fundamental concepts related to angles. Adjacent angles are angles that share a common vertex and a common side between them, but they do not overlap or intersect. They are like "neighbor" angles. On the other hand, a linear pair consists of two adjacent angles that are formed when two lines intersect. The sum of the measures of the two adjacent angles in a linear pair is always 180 degrees. These concepts are important in understanding angle relationships, angle addition, and the properties of intersecting lines. Let’s understand them further in detail.


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Difference Between Adjacent Angle and Linear Pair

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What is Adjacent Angle?

Adjacent angles refer to two angles that share a common vertex and a common side between them but do not overlap or intersect. They are considered "neighboring" angles. Adjacent angles are commonly found in geometric figures and play a significant role in understanding angles and their measurements. The sum of adjacent angles is equal to the total measure of the larger angle formed by their outer sides. The concept of adjacent angles helps in determining angle relationships, solving geometric problems, and applying trigonometric functions. By studying adjacent angles, mathematicians can analyze shapes, angles within polygons, and various geometric configurations more effectively. The characteristics of adjacent angles are: 

  • Common Vertex: Adjacent angles share a common vertex, which is the point where the sides of the angles intersect.

  • Common Side: Adjacent angles have a common side, which is the line segment that connects the vertices of the angles.

  • Non-overlapping: Adjacent angles do not overlap or intersect each other. They are distinct and separate angles.

  • Proximity: Adjacent angles are "neighbors" in a geometric figure, as they are positioned next to each other.

  • Sum of Measures: The sum of the measures of adjacent angles is equal to the measure of the larger angle formed by their outer sides.

  • Angle Relationships: The study of adjacent angles helps establish various angle relationships, such as supplementary angles, complementary angles, and vertical angles.

What is Linear Pair?

A linear pair refers to a pair of adjacent angles formed by the intersection of two lines. These angles together form a straight line, totaling 180 degrees. The sum of the measures of the two angles in a linear pair is always 180 degrees, making them supplementary angles. The angles in a linear pair share a common vertex and a common arm, but they have different outer arms. The concept of a linear pair is significant in geometry, as it helps determine angle relationships, solve problems involving intersecting lines, and apply principles of angle addition and supplementary angles in various mathematical calculations and proofs. The characteristics of linear pair are: 

  • Adjacent Angles: A linear pair consists of two adjacent angles, which share a common vertex and a common side.

  • Straight Line: The angles in a linear pair together form a straight line, totaling 180 degrees.

  • Supplementary Angles: The measures of the two angles in a linear pair sum up to 180 degrees. They are supplementary angles.

  • Unique Outer Arms: The angles in a linear pair have different outer arms or sides, which extend from the common vertex in opposite directions.

  • Non-overlapping: The angles in a linear pair do not overlap or intersect each other.

  • Common Vertex and Common Side: The linear pair has a common vertex and a common side, which are shared by the two adjacent angles.

Adjacent Angle and Linear Pair Differences



Adjacent Angle 

Linear Pair



Angles that share a common vertex and a common side, but do not overlap or intersect

A pair of adjacent angles formed when two lines intersect, creating a straight line



Share a common vertex and a common side

Share a common vertex and a common side, and form a straight line


Measure Sum

The sum of adjacent angles can vary

The sum of the angles in a linear pair is always 180 degrees


Angle Relationship

No specific relationship is required

The angles in a linear pair are supplementary angles



Can be found in any geometric figure

Formed by the intersection of two lines

These are some of the key differences between adjacent angles and linear pairs. While adjacent angles refer to angles that share a vertex and a side without overlapping, linear pairs specifically refer to adjacent angles forming a straight line and having a sum of 180 degrees.


Adjacent angles are angles that share a common vertex and a common side but do not overlap or intersect. They can be found in various geometric figures and play a role in angle relationships and calculations. On the other hand, Linear pair is a pair of adjacent angles formed by the intersection of two lines. They share a common vertex and side, and their measures sum up to 180 degrees. Linear pairs are significant in understanding angle addition, angle relationships in intersecting lines, and the concept of a straight line.

FAQs on Difference Between Adjacent Angle and Linear Pair for JEE Main 2025

1. What is the common vertex in adjacent angles?

The common vertex in adjacent angles refers to the point where the two angles share a common endpoint. It is the vertex that is common to both angles, connecting the two sides of each angle. The common vertex is the point of intersection or the meeting point between the two angles. It serves as the reference point for determining the relationship and properties of the adjacent angles, such as their measurements, angle addition, and angle relationships within geometric figures.

2. How do linear pairs relate to the concept of a straight line?

Linear pairs are closely related to the concept of a straight line. When two lines intersect, they form four angles around the point of intersection. A linear pair is a special case where two adjacent angles formed by the intersecting lines combine to create a straight line. In other words, the two adjacent angles in a linear pair together form a straight angle, which measures 180 degrees. This relationship between linear pairs and straight lines demonstrates that the sum of the measures of the adjacent angles in a linear pair is equal to the measure of a straight angle, reinforcing the connection between angles and the properties of lines.

3. Can adjacent angles overlap or intersect?

No, adjacent angles cannot overlap or intersect. Adjacent angles are angles that share a common vertex and a common side, but they do not overlap or cross each other. The sides of adjacent angles are connected at the common vertex, forming a continuous line. Overlapping or intersecting would mean that the angles share more than just a common vertex and side, which would change their classification. The concept of adjacency implies that the angles are distinct and separate, without any overlapping or intersection between their sides.

4. Are linear pairs always supplementary?

Yes, linear pairs are always supplementary. By definition, a linear pair consists of two adjacent angles formed by the intersection of two lines, creating a straight line. The sum of the measures of the two angles in a linear pair is always equal to 180 degrees. In other words, the angles in a linear pair add up to form a straight angle. Therefore, the angles in a linear pair are guaranteed to be supplementary, meaning their measures sum up to 180 degrees.

5. Can adjacent angles and linear pairs coexist in the same figure?

Yes, adjacent angles and linear pairs can coexist in the same figure. In a figure with intersecting lines, adjacent angles can be found at various points of intersection, sharing a common vertex and side. Some of these adjacent angles may form linear pairs if they are part of a straight line formed by the intersection. In such cases, the adjacent angles will satisfy the properties of both adjacent angles and linear pairs simultaneously. It is common to have adjacent angles within a figure that are not part of a linear pair, while some adjacent angles will indeed form linear pairs.