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Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) Sample Papers for Class 12 Biology - Exam 2023-24


Maharashtra HSC Board Biology Sample Question Paper for Class 12 with Solutions

A free PDF Download of Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) Sample Question Paper for Class 12 Biology with Solutions prepared by expert teachers from Vedantu as per the guidelines of the Maharashtra Board syllabus. Practicing these Maharashtra HSC Board sample papers for Class 12 Biology helps you to score higher marks in your Maharashtra Board. Register for Live Online Home Tuitions at Vedantu to clear your doubts from our expert teachers.

Competitive Exams after 12th Science

Biology Sample Question Paper Class 12

The subject is very important for the students who are going into the field of medicine and related streams. Class 12 biology of Maharashtra Board is not hard as compared to other boards. Knowing what and all will be asked in an exam and having the knowledge of how to solve it within the stipulated time is what a student should inculcate during his studies. Vedantu is a platform where they ensure that every student who comes to them should get good grades and they train in such a way that they stand out in the crowd. Biology as a subject plays an important role in every human being and studying it has its own pros and cons. Understanding the subject matter is what most students neglect in their earlier stage of learning and when the time comes when they have a few days left in their hands they start to study from the base where many fail to complete the syllabus and ultimately they fail and feel stressed out. To avoid these problems, Vedantu helps the students to understand everything from the base itself. 

How to Answer the Biology Papers During Exams?

  • First of all, answering the theory questions which one knows the best is to be written first, and writing in the way the instructors have told to write and maintain neatness and accuracy is what the examiner looks for.

  • Secondly, the diagrams are what they ask in biology papers, having thorough practice will make one draw the required diagram in the stipulated time period during exams.

  • Thirdly, it is important to maintain the answer paper properly mentioning the question number and headings for the same where every student misses during the exam and loses marks for the same due to the pressure during the exam.

  • Lastly, attending to each question and completing the paper on time will save the students from last-minute frustration. 

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FAQs on Maharashtra Board (MSBSHSE) Sample Papers for Class 12 Biology - Exam 2023-24

1. How to practice the diagrams beforehand?

Practicing diagrams from the start of the classes is a solution for the students who appear for the Class 12 biology paper as they may have too many diagrams to study. Labeling them and maintaining a proper structure for the diagram like heading in the upper hand of the diagram and a proper outline for it can increase the marks during exams. In biology, without diagrams there won't be any subject matter to understand and there will be at least two or three questions relating to the diagrams in the exams.

2. Are the biology papers tough in past years?

Maharashtra boards papers are not as tough as CBSE. It doesn’t matter how the paper setter sets the papers, it’s how you attend the paper and the way you approach it. It can be the way one practices for the particular subjects and how one faces it. Some might not get that much time to revise and study and some might get time to revise everything and can do better during the exams. Whether the paper is tough or not should not be the concern of the student, it should be how much one can give his 100% to the particular subject.

3. Will sample papers for HSC board Class 12 biology help me during the exams?

Yes. Definitely. Sample papers and their solutions will help you the day before the examination, even the papers which one has solved will help to know where and all you have made a mistake not to do it again while writing the exams. Referring to the papers one has solved previously and the sample papers will benefit the students during the exams. How to solve the answers and how to maintain the structure of the answer can be benefited from the previous year’s sample papers and the one you have solved.

4. How can one approach the tutor for doubts in Biology?

Vedantu has a team of tutors who are available 24/7 to answer all your queries. One shouldn’t feel shy to ask the queries to tutors and they won’t deny answering the queries you have. Even during the exams, there will be a session for the students if anyone has queries regarding the exam pattern and any portion of the syllabus. Helping others and asking for help will be a great interaction between the teachers and the students and will help to build relationships with each other.

5. How much to write for theory questions in HSC board Biology?

It depends upon the marks that are allotted to the particular question and how much it has the weightage. Writing the answers according to the instructions given during the class hours in schools and here in Vedantu will help the students. No need to worry about the what and all to write in answer and what all the content is required in the same. Everything will be provided by our faculties to the students. Just revising the given study material during exam time will help you to score good grades in the subject.