We all know what a function is in math and we also know what its types are but we might not know what an analytic function is? So, here we are on our way to knowing about the analytic function and everything related to it. Okay, so we can define Analytic Functions as per the converging series; one that twirls around a particular variable x for which the series has been extended. Almost every function that we obtained from the basic operations in algebraic and arithmetic and the elementary transcendental functions can be referred to as analytic at every point in their domain. So what is an analytic function? And what are its properties? Let us learn about them in detail.
Meaning of Analytic Function
Analytic Function is usually defined as an infinite differential function, covering a variable called x in such a way that the extended Taylor series can be represented as given below.
\[T(x) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac{f(n)x_0}{n!} (x - x_0)^n \]
This demonstrates the extended Taylor overvalue Xo; therefore, this function can be called an analytic function as the value x in its domain there is another value in a domain which converges the series to one point.
Types of Analytic Functions
Analytic Functions can be classified into two different categories. These categories have different distinguishing properties but are similar in some ways. The two types of analytic functions are:
Real Analytic Function
Complex Analytic Function
Real Analytic Function
Any function can be referred to as a real analytic function on the open set C in the real line provided that it fulfills the following condition:
for any x0 ∈ C, then we can write that the coefficients a0, a1, a2, … are the real numbers. Moreover, the series should be convergent to the function f(x) for x in the neighborhood of x0.
This means that any real analytic function is an infinitely differentiable function and the collection of all the real analytic functions on a given set C can be represented by Cω (C).
Complex Analytic Function
A function is said to be a complex analytic function if and only if it is holomorphic which implies that the function should be complex and differentiable.
Conditions that Make a Complex Function Analytic
Let us look at what makes complex functions analytic:
Let us assume that f(x, y) = u(x, y) + iv(x, y) is a complex function. Since \[x = \frac{(z + z)}{2}\] and \[y = \frac{(z − z)}{2i}\], substituting for x and y ends up yielding f(z, z) = u(x, y) + iv(x, y).
f(z, z) is analytic if \[\frac{∂f}{∂z}\] = 0
For f = u + iv to be analytic, f should depend only on z. In terms of the real and imaginary parts u, v off is equivalent to \[\frac{∂u}{∂x} = \frac{∂v}{∂y}\]. Thus, \[\frac{∂u}{∂y} = − \frac{∂v}{∂x}\]
These are known as the Cauchy-Riemann equations. They are a requisite condition for f = u + iv to be termed analytic. If f(z) = u(x,y) + iv(x,y) is analytic in a region R of the z-plane then, we can infer that:
ux, uy, vx , vy exist
ux = vy and uy = -vx at every point in this given region.
Properties of Analytic Function
Given below are a few basic properties of analytic functions:
The limit of consistently convergent sequences of analytic functions is also an analytic function
If f(z) & g(z) are the two analytic functions on U, then the sum of f(z) + g(z) & the product of f(z).
g(z) will also be analytic f(z) & g(z) are the two analytic functions and f(z) is in the domain of g for all z, then their composite g(f(z)) will also be an analytic function.
The function f(z) = 1/z (z≠0) is usually analytic.
Bounded entire functions are called constant functions. Every non-constant polynomial p(z) consists of a root. In other words, there exists some z₀ such that p(z₀) = 0.
If f(z) is regarded as an analytic function, that is defined on U, then its modulus of the function |f(z)| will not be able to attain its maximum in U.
The zeros of an analytic function, say f(z) is the isolated points until and unless f(z) is identically zero. If F(z) is an analytic function & if C is a curve that connects the two points z₀ & z₁ in the domain of f(z), then ∫C F’(z) = F(z₁) – F(z₀)If f(z) is an analytic function that is defined on a disk D, then there will be an analytic function F(z) defined on D so that F′(z) = f(z), known as a primitive of f(z), and, as a consequence, ∫C f(z) dz =0; for any closed curve C in D.
If f(z) is an analytic function and if z₀ is any point in the domain U of f(z), then the function, \[\frac{f(z)−f(z_0)}{z – z_0}\] will be analytic on the U tool.
If f(z) is regarded as an analytic function on a disk D, z₀ is the point in the interior of D, C is a closed curve that cannot pass through z₀, then \[W (C, z_0) = f(z_0) = \frac{1}{2\pi i} \int C \frac{f(z)−f(z_0)}{z – z_0} dz\], where W(C, z₀) is the winding number of C around z.
Solved Examples
Question 1: Explain why the function f(z)=2z2−3−e−z is entire?
Solution 1: Proof: Since all polynomials are entire, 2z2−3 is also entire. Since -z and e−z are both entire, their product −ze−z is also entire. Since -z and ez are entire, their composition e−z is also entire. Lastly,f(z) is the sum of 2z2−3, -ze−z and e−z are entire.
Question 2: Show that the entire function cosh (z) takes each value in C infinitely many times.
Solution 2: Proof: For each w₀ ∈ C, the quadratic equation y2 - 2w0y + 1 = 0 contains a complex root y0. Now, we can’t have y0 = 0 since O2 - 2w0 . 0 + 1 ≠ 0. Therefore, y0 ≠ 0 and there is z₀ ∈ C so that ez0 = y0. Therefore,
\[cosh(z_0) = \frac{e^{z0} + e^{-z0}}{2} = \frac{y_0^2 + 1}{2y_0} = \frac{2w_0y_0}{2y_0} = w_0 \]
FAQs on Analytic Function
1. What is a Real Analytic Function?
A real analytic function can be called a function if a series matches with the Taylor series and also has a derivative of different order on each of its domain points.
\[T_f = \sum_{\infty}^{k=0} \frac{(z - c)}{2 \pi i} \int_{\gamma} (\frac{f(w)}{w - c})^{k + 1} dw \]
\[= \frac{1}{2 \pi i} \int_{\gamma} (\frac{f(w)}{w - c})^{k + 1} \sum_{\infty}^{k=0} \frac{(z - c)}{2 \pi i} dw \]
\[= \frac{1}{2 \pi i} \int_{\gamma} (\frac{f(w)}{w - c})^{k + 1} dw \]
= f(z)
2. What is a Complex Analytic Function?
A complex function is referred to as analytic in the area T of complex plane x if, f(x) holds a derivative at each and every point of x. Also, f(x) has some unique values that it follows one to one function.Here is an example that explains the analytic function on the complex plane.
let f : C ➝ C be the analytic function. For z = x + iy, let u, v : R² be such that u(x, y) = Ref(z) and v(x, y) = lm f(z).
3. Which of the following are correct?
\[\frac{∂²u}{∂²x} + \frac{∂²u}{∂²y} = 0\]
\[\frac{∂²v}{∂²x} + \frac{∂²v}{∂²y} = 0\]
\[\frac{∂²u}{∂x∂y} + \frac{∂²u}{∂y∂x} = 0\]
\[\frac{∂²v}{∂x∂y} + \frac{∂²v}{∂y∂x} = 0\]
4. What is a holomorphic function in analytic functions?
Holomorphic functions are the central point of any discussion regarding the complex analysis. Analytic functions can be both real or complex and we have previously discussed how a holomorphic function is a complex-valued function. It is a function of one or more complex variables that are complexly differentiable in a neighborhood of each point in a domain. This domain should be present in a complex coordinate space. The existence of a complex derivative in a neighborhood directly indicates that such holomorphic functions are infinitely differentiable. They are also locally equal to their own unique Taylor series.
5. What are some of the most important properties of analytical functions?
There are a lot of unique properties of analytical functions that need to be studied in detail. A few important properties have been listed below:
The limit of a convergent sequence of analytic functions can also be termed as an analytic function. However, this sequence should be uniform.
If f(z) and g(z) are analytic functions on U, then their respective sums and products will also be analytic.
The function f(z) = 1/z (z≠0) is also an analytic function
Each non-constant polynomial p(z) that we deal with has at least one root.
6. How can students learn more about functions?
To understand analytic functions, you should first familiarize yourself with the concept of functions. There are a variety of functions that are taught to students in middle and high school. Many questions are also asked from here in exams. This is why students should make use of the multitude of resources available on Vedantu’s educational platform to improve their learning skills. You can refer to this article on Types of Functions in Mathematics to gain more knowledge on the matter. You can even solve questions and analyze your mistakes to improve your scores. Check out Vedantu’s article on What is A Function to clear your basics.