What is Differentiation?
Differentiation is used to find rates of change. For example, differentiation allows us to find the rate of change of velocity with respect to time (which gives us acceleration). The concept of differentiation also allows us to find the rate of change of the variable x with respect to variable y, which plotted on a graph of y against x, is known to be the gradient of the curve. Here, in this article, we are going to focus on the Chain Rule Differentiation in Mathematics, chain rule examples, and chain rule formula examples. Let’s define the chain rule!
The chain rule allows the differentiation of functions that are known to be composite, we can denote chain rule by f∘g, where f and g are two functions. For example, let us take the composite function (x + 3)2. The inner function, namely g equals (x + 3) and if x + 3 = u then the outer function can be written as f = u2.
This rule is also known as chain rule because we use it to take derivatives of composites of functions and this happens by chaining together their derivatives.
We can think of the chain rule as taking the derivative of the outer function (that is applied to the inner function) and multiplying it by the derivative of the inner function.
\[\frac {d}{dx}[f(x)^n] = n(f(x))^n-1. f^\arrowvert(x)\]
\[\frac {d}{dx}[f(x)^n] = f^\arrowvert(g(x)) g^\arrowvert(x)\]
The Chain Rule Derivative States that:
Chain Rule Differentiation:
Here are the two functions f(x) and g(x)., The chain rule formula is,
(fog )( x ) = f ′ ( g( x ) )·g′( x )
Let's work on some chain rule examples to understand the chain rule calculus in a better rule.
To work these examples, it requires the use of different differentiation rules.
Steps to be Followed While Using Chain Rule Formula –
NOTE: Here the terms f’(x) and g’(x) represent the differentiation of the functions f(x) and g(x), respectively. Let’s solve chain rule problems.
Questions to be Solved
Example 1. (5x + 3)2
Some of the Common Mistakes Made in Chain Rule
Students generally make a mistake while recognizing whether a function is composite or not: the only way to differentiate a composite function is by using the chain rule, otherwise the differentiation will not be correct and if the chain rule is not applied, the function will be wrongly derived.
Students may wrongly identify the inner function and the outer function: after recognizing that the function is composite, students might recognize inner functions and outer functions wrongly and this will surely result in a wrong derivative.
Students might forget to multiply by the derivative of the inner function: while applying the chain rule, the students often forget to carry out one or more steps like multiplying by the derivative of the inner function. The students generally differentiate the outer function and forget to derive the inner function which makes differentiation wrong.
The Chain Rule – At a Glance
The chain rule allows the users to differentiate two or more composite functions. According to this rule, h(x) = f(g (x)); therefore, h’(x) = f’(g (x)).g’(x). According to Leibniz’s notation, the chain rule takes the form of \[\frac {dy}{dx}\] = \[(\frac {dy}{du})\].\[(\frac {du}{dx})\]
The chain rule can be used along with the other rules to derive formulas in certain conditions.
A new rule can be formed by combining the chain rule with the power rule. If h(x) = (g(x)) to the power of n, then h’(x) is the product of g’(x) and n(g(x)) to the power of (n - 1).
If the chain rule is applied to the composition of three functions, then the rule h(x) = f(g (k (x))) will be expressed as h’(x) = f’(g(k(x))) . g’(k(x)) . k’(x)
FAQs on Chain Rule
1. Why Does Chain Rule Work? How do you Solve the Product Rule?
Rule is known as the chain rule because we use it to take derivatives of composites of functions by chaining together their derivatives. The chain rule can be said as taking the derivative of the outer function ( which is applied to the inner function) and multiplying it by times the derivative of the inner function.
The product rule generally is used if the two ‘parts’ of the function are being multiplied together, and the chain rule is used if the functions are being composed. For instance, to find the derivative of f(x) = x2 sin(x), you use the product rule, and to find the derivative of g(x) = sin(x2) you use the chain rule.
2. What is the Difference Between Chain Rule and Power Rule?
The general power rule is a special case of the chain rule. It is very essential when we find the derivative of a function that is raised to the nth power. The general power rule basically states that any given derivative is n times the function and raised to the (n-1)th power times the derivative of the given function. These are two really useful rules for differentiating functions. We use the chain rule when differentiating a 'function of a function', like f(g(x)) in general. We use the product rule when differentiating two functions multiplied together, like f(x)g(x) in general.
Take an example, f(x) = sin(3x). This is an example of what is properly called a 'composite' function; basically a 'function of a function'. The two functions in this example are as follows: function one takes x and multiplies it by 3; function two takes the sine of the answer given by function one. To differentiate these types of functions we generally use the chain rule.
3. What are the steps to carry out the chain rule?
The chain rule is an easy math rule to apply while solving questions. You can easily apply the chain rule by applying the following steps:
For applying the chain rule, you first need to identify the chain rule, that is the function in question must be a composite function, which is one function should be nested over the other function.
Identify the inner function and the outer function in the question.
Now, find the derivative of the outer function and do not consider the inner function at this moment.
Now, after determining the derivative of the outer function, find the derivative of the inner function.
Now multiply the results that you get from step 3 and step 4.
Now, simplify the derivative of the chain rule.
4. In what situations is the chain rule applied?
The chain rule is applied in various dimensions of chemistry, physics, and engineering. The situations where we can apply the chain rule are as follows:
The chain rule is used in situations where we need to calculate the rate at which a change in pressure occurs.
The chain rule is used to calculate the rate at which the distance between the two moving objects changes.
The chain rule is also used to find the position of an object that is moving to the right and left in a particular interval.
The chain rule is used to determine whether a particular function is either increasing or decreasing.
The chain rule is also applied for finding the rate of change of average molecular speed.
5. What are the formulae for chain rule and how can we prove these formulae?
The chain rule formula exists in two forms.
The first form of chain rule formula is d/dx (f(g(x)) = f’(g (x)).g’(x). To prove this first form of chain rule formula, first find the derivative of d/dx (sin 2x) and express sin 2x = f(g(x)) where f(x) = sin x and g(x) = 2x. Therefore, by the chain rule formula, we get d/dx (sin 2x) = cos 2x . 2 = 2 cos 2x.
The second form of the chain rule formula assumes that the expression of replacing ‘x’ with ‘u’ and then applying the chain rule formula, that is dy/dx = dy/du . du/dx. In order to prove this second chain rule formula, we first need to find d/dx (sin 2x) and then assume that y = sin 2x and 2x = u. Then, y = sin u and therefore, according to the chain rule formula, d/dx (sin 2x) = d/du (sin u) . d/dx (2x) = cos u . 2 = 2 cos u = 2 cos 2x.