Converting Percents To Fractions in Detail
Percent and Fractions are two different ways of writing parts of a whole. For example: if we say 50 percent of 1-litre milk, it is equivalent to ½(half) of 1-litre milk.
Every percentage can be converted into its equivalent fraction. Before converting percents to fractions, we should know about percents and fractions. After that, it will be easier to convert percents to fractions.
A percent is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. It is denoted using the sign “%”. A percentage is a dimensionless number. It has no unit of measurement. When we say "Percent" we are saying "per 100".
One percent (1%) means 1 per 100. Similarly, 25% means 25 per 100.
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Here 25 % is in green colour.
Examples: Find 50% of 80.
Sol: 50% means half.
50% of 80 is 50/100 x 80 = 40
Hence 50% of 80 is 40.
A fraction represents part of a whole or a collection.
Suppose a number has to be divided into two parts, then it can be represented as x/2. So, the fraction here, x/2, defines 1/2th of number x.
Parts of a Fraction:
Fraction has generally two parts i.e numerator and denominator.
Suppose we write ⅘.
In a fraction, there are two numbers. One number is written above a horizontal line (i.e.4) and the other is written below it (i.e.5). The top part is known as the numerator and the bottom part is known as the denominator. The horizontal line between both the numbers is known as the fraction bar.
Examples of fraction in our daily life. When we cut an apple, an orange, or any kind of fruit, we are taking a piece of the whole. We can represent those pieces as fractions.
Convert Percents to Fractions
To convert a Percent to a Fraction follow the given steps:
Write down the percent divided by 100 write like this: Percent/100.
If the percent is not a whole number, then multiply both top and bottom by 10 for every number after the decimal point. (For example, if there is one number after the decimal, then multiply 10, if there are two then use 100, etc.)
Reduce the fraction into simplest form (i.e. try to cancel out the common factors of numerator and denominator).
Let’s understand this with an example:
Convert 15 % to a fraction.
Sol: First write down as 15/100. Here percent is a whole number. Now reduce it in simplest form
15/100 = 3/20. Hence answer is 3/20.
Percent to Fraction Calculator
To convert percent to fraction, an online calculator is available. Online calculator converts a percent to a fraction. If the percent value is greater than 100% then it is converted into a mixed number fraction. Enter percents to convert them into fractions. We can also enter a number that have decimal places as in 3.5% or 0.625%.
To convert a percent to a fraction first we need to convert the percent to a decimal then use the same procedure as converting decimal to fraction.
Let’s have a look on Percent to Fraction conversion table.
Percentage to Fraction Table
Try to remember the basic conversion table. Using this table we can convert the percentages into fractions quickly.
Note: Always remember formula Percent ( % ) = Fraction x 100. Using this formula any percentage can be converted into a fraction.
Percentage to Fraction Conversion:
Question: Convert 62.5% to a fraction.
Sol: First divide by 100. So, we can write as 62.5/100
There is 1 digit after the decimal place so multiply both top and bottom by 10. After multiplying we can write as 625/1000.
Now reduce the fraction into simplest form. Divide both numerator and denominator by 25. We can write as 25/40.
We can see that it is not in the simplest form again to divide both numerator and denominator by 5.
We can write as 5/8. Now it is in its simplest form.
Hence, 5/8 is the answer.
FAQs on Converting Percents To Fractions
1.Why Should we Reduce Fractions?
Ans: We should always reduce fractions into the simplest form because it is proper notation. It is also much easier to recognize. For instance, we would be much more likely to recognize the fraction ½ compared to the fraction 54/108 even though they are equivalent.
2. What is the Real Fraction?
Ans: A fraction where the numerator (the top number) is less than the denominator (the bottom number) is known as a real fraction. Ex - ½,¼ are real fractions.