Cubic M
The cubic metre (In American English) or cubic meters (In British Commonwealth English) is the SI-derived unit of volume. The SI symbol of the cubic meter is (m3). It is defined as the volume of a cube with edges one metre in length. Another alternative name of cubic meter which permits a different usage with meter prefixes was the stere, which is often used for dry measure (for example, in relation with wood). Another alternative name of a cubic meter, no longer widely used, was Kilolitre.
The term 'cubic meter' may sound complex, but it's really just the name of a block of space--a cube--that is a very specific size. This cube is a perfect cube. The length, width, and height are all the same: 1 meter. One meter is equal to about 3.28 feet, which is just a little bit longer than a yardstick you might find in your classroom.
Use of Cubic Meter
The unit is used to measure the amount of stuff, whether liquid or solid, that can be fitted into the cube, also known as the volume of the cube.
For this purpose, the space or object under consideration is measured from three sides indicating its height, width, and depth, and then the dimensions are multiplied together. A cubic meter measurement is applied to many aspects of trenchless construction including for land farming of waste drilling fluid.
Cubic Meter General Information
A cubic meter of pure water at a temperature of maximum density (3.98°C) and a standard atmospheric measure (101.325 kPa) has a mass of 1000 kg or one tonne. The freezing point of water at 0° C, a cubic meter of water has slightly less mass 999.972 kilograms.
How do you Calculate Cubic?
The calculation for cubic meters is carried out by multiplying the length of your cargo by its width and height. The following are the steps to calculate the cubic volume of freight.
Cubic conversion rate options. Standard cubic conversion is 1 cubic meter of space = 333 kgs.
Cubic weight formula. Multiply the Height (H) x Length (L) x Width (W) = M3 (Cubic measurement) …
Example. Width = 40cm (or.40 of a metre) …
Examples of Cubic Meter Calculations
Are you for instance planning to send chairs that can be stacked? If the size of the chair that you want to ship is 50x50x90, the number of cubic meters is 50*50*90 = 225 000 cm3 = 0,25 m3.
Eager to know which type of pallet is the right choice for transportation? In this case, the length and width of the product are especially important. As the chair is 50 centimetres long and 50 centimetres wide, a mini pallet of 80 centimetres long and 60 centimetres wide would be the appropriate type of pallet.
How to Convert Different Units in the Meter?
By using these different measuring quantities we can easily convert units into meters through their use.
1 yard = 0.9144 meter
1 foot = 0.3048 meter
1 inch = 0.0254 meter
1 millimetre = 0.001 meter
The formula of cubic meter for measuring different units
The formula for measuring different units in the meter are listed below:
Feet = l × b × h ÷ 35.315 = cubic meters
Inches = l × b × h ÷ 61,023.8 = cubic meters
Millimetre = l × b × h ÷ 1,00,00,00,000 = cubic meters
Meter = l × b × h = cubic meters
Centimetre = l × b × h ÷ 10,00,000 = cubic meters
How to Convert Cubic Meter to Cubic Feet?
Converting cubic meters to cubic feet is a simple process. To convert cubic meter measurements to cubic feet conversion, multiply the volume given in cubic meters by the conversion ratio.
As one cubic meter is equivalent to 35.314667 cubic feet, you can use this conversion ratio to convert cubic meters into cubic feet.
Cubic Feet = Cubic Meter × 35.314667
Let us understand the conversion of cubic meters to cubic feet with an example.
How to Convert 12 Cubic Meters into Cubic Feet?
1 Cubic Meters = 35.314667 cubic Feet
12 Cubic Meters = 35.314667 × 12
12 Cubic Meters = 423.667 cubic feet
Cubic Meters to Cubic Feet Conversion Calculator
Cubic Meters (m3):
Cubic Feet (Ft3):
Vedantu's online cubic meters to cubic feet conversion calculator is used to find the value of equivalent cubic feet from the given value of cubic meters. It is the simplest and the easiest way to calculate the required conversion value at no time.
How to Use Cubic Meters to Cubic Feet Conversion Calculator?
Follow the steps given below to convert the cubic meters to cubic feet using a conversion calculator.
Write the value of the given cubic meters in the input field.
Click on the " Calculate" button
The equivalent conversion value in the cubic feet will be displayed in the output field.
How to Convert Cubic Feet to Cubic Meters?
To convert cubic feet to cubic meters, multiply the value given in feet by the conversion ratio.
As one cubic feet is equivalent to 0.0283168466 cubic meters, you can use the conversion ratio to convert cubic feet to cubic meters.
1 Cubic Meter = Cubic Feet × 0.0283168466
Let us understand the conversion of cubic feet to cubic meters with an example.
How to Convert 12 Cubic Feet to Cubic Meters?
1 Cubic Feet = 0.0283168466
12 Cubic Feet = 0.0283168466 × 12
12 Cubic Feet = 0.3398021592 Cubic meters
Cubic Feet to Cubic Meters Conversion Calculator
Cubic Foot (Ft3):
Cubic Meters (m3) :
Vedantu's online cubic feet to cubic meters conversion calculator is used to find the value of equivalent cubic metres from the given value of cubic feet. It is the simplest and quickest way to calculate the required conversion value within fractions of seconds.
How to Use Cubic Feet to Cubic Meters Conversion Calculator?
Follow the steps given below to convert cubic feet to cubic meters using a conversion calculator.
Write the value of the given cubic feet in the input field.
Click on the "Calculate" button
The equivalent conversion value in the cubic meters will be displayed in the output field.
3 Ways To Convert Cubic Meters To Litres
The first method doesn’t require any math at all. The second method shows how to convert between cubic meters and litres in a single step. The first method illustrates why a cubic meter is so much larger than a litre.
Method 1: No-Math Cubic Meters to Liters Conversion
Method 2: Multiply by One Thousand
Method 3: Solving m3 to L using cm3
Solved Example
1. What is the Value of 0.08 Cubic Feet in Cubic Meters?
As we know,
1 Cubic Feet = 0.0283168466 cubic metres
0.08 Cubic Feet = 0.08 × 0.0283168466 cubic metres
0.08 Cubic Feet = 0.0022653477 cubic meters
Hence, the value of 0.08 feet is approximately equal to 0.0022653477 cubic meters.
2. What is the Value of 5 Cubic Meters in Cubic Feet?
As we know,
1 Cubic Meter = 35.314667 cubic Feet
5 Cubic Meters = 35.314667 × 5
5 Cubic Meters = 176.573335 cubic feet
Therefore, the value of 5 cubic meters is approximately equal to 176.573335 cubic feet.
FAQs on Cubic Meter
1. Define cubic meter?
A volume that is formed by a cube that is one metre on each side is known as a cubic meter. The symbol used to represent cubic meter is (m3).
Cubic meter is equivalent to 1000 ( one thousand) kilolitres.
A SI unit of volume or capacity is equal to the volume of a cube with edges one meter in length. It is equal to 1,000 liters; 1,000 cubic decimeters; 10(e+6) cubic centimeters; 25.3 cubic feet; 6.29 barrels.
1 cubic meter = 1,000 liters
1 liter = 0.001 m3
A cubic meter can be abbreviated as m3 or cu m.
2. What is cubic foot?
The cubic foot is an Imperial and US customary (non-metric unit of volume) used widely in the United States and the United Kingdom. Cubic feet are defined as the volume of the cube with sides of one foot (0.3048 m) in length. The symbol used to represent the cubic feet is (Ft3). The volume of cubic feet is 28.3168 L ( about 1/35 of a cubic meter). US customary (non-metric) unit of volume, used in the United States and the United Kingdom.
3. What is the relation between cubic meters and cubic feet?
The relationship between cubic meters and cubic feet is as follows:
1 Cubic Foot
1 ft × 1 ft × 1ft
Approximately equals to 0.0283168466 cubic meters (SI)
1 Cubic Meter
Volume made by a cube having one meter per side. 1m × 1m × 1m.
Approximately equal to 35.314667 cubic Feet.
Conversion of 1 cubic meter to cubic feet (cbm to cft) is a simple process if you follow the necessary guidelines. You simply have to multiply the volume by the ratio of conversion.
4. What are the properties of cubic meters?
The cubic meter has the properties of a cube or cuboid. Furthermore, these properties are:
A cubic has six sides, eight vertices, and twelve edges. But, the measurement of each side may or may not vary with each other.
All the sides make an angle of 90o. Furthermore, the sum of the angle of each face is 360o.
Moreover, all the faces meet each of the other faces at 90o angles.
Also, vertices meet the three edges and three faces.
Most noteworthy, opposite edges are parallel to each other.
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