Descending Order Definition
While arranging numbers from highest to lowest, it forms descending order. In case, we have been given 25, 34, 63, 38, 10, 5, 97. If we arrange them from highest to lowest in the form given by 97, 63, 38, 34, 25, 10, 5, then these are arranged in descending form. The arrangement is also called from largest to lowest. In simple words, descending order means to arrange the numbers from largest to lowest. Usually, we use this concept in the fractions, the amount of money, decimals and numbers.
Descending Order Meaning
Arrangement of numbers, quantities or lengths from highest to lowest is known as descending order. Also, you can name it in decreasing order.
Look at the example given below
Arrange the following numbers in decreasing sequence:
192, 168, 20, 10, 63, 25
We will get the answer for descending numbers as:
Descending Order Symbol
For representing descending order, we use bigger to smaller signs, or we can say that greater than sign, i.e. ‘>.’
In the sequence for arranging descending order in maths for the first ten numbers, we will present it as
10 > 9 > 8 > 7 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1
Descending Order for Alphabets
We are already aware of the arrangement of numbers in descending sequence. However, it is not only limited to the number but also English alphabets. From alphabets A to Z, we always consider A as the smallest and Z as the largest. Hence the sequence for decreasing order will start from Z and last till A.
The descending order for English Alphabets will be represented as below:
Z> Y> X> W> V> U> T> S> R> Q> P> O> N> M> L> K> J> I> H> G> F> E> D> C> B> A
Similarly, we can arrange any quantity, decimal, real number, fractions, or whole numbers in the ascending or descending sequence. The below diagram can explain this concept of ordering in a better way.
[Image will be Uploaded Soon]
IIn the above diagram, the descending order is explained with the help of a staircase example. There are a total of six steps numbered as sixth being the highest one and first being the lowest one—a man starting his movement from the highest step and moving towards the lowest step.
How Can You Find a Descending Order in Maths?
Taking the example of the first ten numbers in a sequence from 1 to 10. For finding descending sequence we will keep subtracting one from each as below:
10-1 = 9, 9-1 = 8, 8-1 = 7, 7-1 = 6, 6-1 = 5, 5-1 = 4, 4-1 = 3, 3-1 = 2, 2-1 = 1
Thus the order formed is
10→ 9→ 8→ 7→ 6→ 5→ 4→ 3→ 2→ 1
Rules to Form Descending Order
There are some basic concepts to understand and to form decreasing order:
In the above example, we kept subtracting 1 from each number and formed the decreasing sequence. The case is not the same for other examples. The order is not followed in the same manner.
Always pick the largest number first.
Now ensure you are placing them all from largest to smallest.
Your sequence must end with the smallest number from the given set of numbers.
Descending Order in Measurement of Length
Suppose we have to arrange people according to decreasing height. Simply, we can say that arranging them in descending sequence or the heights. Thus we arrange the person with a bigger height on the first number and keep arranging the next highest and so on. Taking the example of animals as below:
[Image will be Uploaded Soon]
In the above example, Giraffe has the maximum height and hence placed on the first number. Cat having minimum height placed on the last position. Thus arranging height-wise from highest to lowest also forms the decreasing sequence.
Decreasing Order Dates
Now let us take an example of calendar dates of decreasing sequence.
Suppose we have a collection of dates in the form of a table as given below.
We need to form a descending order in the SQL table for the same. The arrangement will be as follows:
Fun Facts on Descending Numbers
Consider the case of a number line as given below:
[Image will be Uploaded Soon]
In this case, starting from -10 and ending to 10, it forms ascending order. In the case of a number line, numbers are always arranged in ascending sequence.
If we reverse the ascending order direction and place numbers from 10 to -10, it forms a descending sequence.
FAQs on Descending Order
Q1. How Can You Distinguish Between Ascending and Descending Order?
The primary difference between ascending and descending order is that the arrangement of numbers or length is opposite between the two. In the ascending order, we place numbers from smallest to largest, whereas, in descending numbers, we place numbers from largest to smallest. We are taking the simple case of the first 10 numbers in maths. Descending order will be formed by subtracting one, starting from 10 and ending with 1. However, ascending order will be formed by adding one to each number with a sequence starting from 1 and ending with 10. Thus the sequence formed is opposite in both cases.
Q2. How to Define Descending Order in Excel?
Excel sheets are formed with cells. Thus it finally forms rows and columns. To sort an Excel sheet, we need to define the range of cells you want to sort. These cells will contain data in it, which can be in the form of numbers, or some alphabets must be added to it. Thus, if we use the function of arranging data in descending order, it will arrange the data in the given cells accordingly. You can sort by dropdown list, sort on the list or order the list accordingly as you want. In the order list, you need to choose the operation to arrange alphabetically or numerically.