What is Dispersion?
The word dispersion stands for ‘distribution’ of things over a wide area. In statistics, the extent to which the numerical data are distributed or squeezed about an average value is called dispersion. In short, it is the distribution of data. A set of data having a large value is always widely scattered or tightly clustered. Example of widely scattered data - 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, … and tightly clustered data of small value - 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4,..
Variance, standard deviation, and interquartile are types of dispersion. It is also called variability, scatter, spread.
Measures of Statistical Dispersion
As we know, dispersion is a way of describing how scattered a set of data is. The measure of dispersion is always a non-negative real number that is zero if all the data are the same and increases as the data becomes more diverse. Measures of dispersion specify the homogeneity or heterogeneity of the scattered data. It also describes the variation of data from one another.
Nature of Measures of Dispersion
It is defined rigidly and depends on all the observations.
Understanding and calculation of measures of dispersion are easy.
The fluctuations in the observations do not affect measures of dispersion.
Types of Measures of Dispersion
The dispersion always depends on the observations and types of measures of central tendency. Below are the types of measures of dispersion:
Quartile deviation
Mean Deviation
Standard Deviation
The difference in the minimum and maximum values of each series is called range. The range gives a rough idea of how scattered data is, but we need other measures of variability to find the dispersion of data from measures of central tendency. Let us suppose two batsmen have their minimum and maximum runs scored in a series.
Batsman A - 0 to 117
Batman B - 40 to 60
Thus, the range of Batsman A = 117-0 = 117 whereas the range of Batsman B = 60-40 = 20.
The range of Batsman A is more than Batsman B, so the data in the case of Batsman A is more dispersed than Batsman B.
Quartile Deviation
The word quartile is derived from the word quarter which means one-fourth. Quartile divides a set of data into four equal parts. In a set of data, there is always the smallest number, largest number, and median. The middle number between the smallest number and the median of the data is called the first quartile, (Q1). The median of the data set is called the second quartile, (Q2). The middle number between the median and the largest number is called the third quartile, (Q3).
Quartile deviation or semi-inter-quartile deviation is
Q = ½ × (Q3 – Q1)
Mean Deviation
Mean Deviation is the mean of all the absolute values of the differences between the numbers of a set also known as statistical data and their mean or median. Usually mean deviation is used to understand the dispersion of data from the given measures of central tendency. The mean deviation can be mean, median or mode. Although the mean deviation about mode can be easily calculated, the mean deviation about mean and median are most commonly used. Mean deviation comes as an improvement over the range and it basically measures the deviations from a value generally known as mean or median.
The Formula for Mean Deviation is:
There are three types of series for which mean deviation can be found:
Individual Data series - when all the data are given on an individual basis.
Discrete Data series - when individual data is accompanied by its frequency.
Continuous Data series - when the data are given is not on an individual basis but a range of data along with their frequencies.
Individual Data series
Discrete Data series
Continuous Data series
Standard Deviation
The standard deviation is known to be one of the most preferred methods to measure deviation as compared to the other measures of dispersion. Note that deviation is always calculated by taking the mean of the reference and it always involves positive values. Similar to mean deviation even standard deviation can be calculated for all the three types of series - Individual Data series, Discrete Data series, and Continuous Data series. Standard deviation is denoted by sigma (σ ).
Methods of Calculating Standard Deviation
There are three methods of calculating the standard deviation:
Direct method
This method involves the following steps: firstly, the arithmetic mean is calculated using the formula then deviations of all the observations from this mean value are calculated. In the next step, these deviations, are squared and their addition is divided by the number of observations. And finally, the square root of the above calculation results in the derivation of the standard deviation.
Short-cut method
In this method, any random value for the calculation of deviation is assumed such that it lies around the middle of the range of values. On choosing an extreme value the deviations would be large with long calculations.
Step-deviation method
The step deviation is also known as an extension or the simplification of the shortcut method. It is done by selecting a common factor among deviations such that when the value is divided by this factor, all the deviation values get reduced to a simple number. This reduction makes the calculation simpler and so it is preferred more than the other two methods.
Solved Examples:
Example 1: Using the step deviation method calculate the mean marks of the following distribution.
Mean = A + \[\frac{{fu}}{f}\]
= 68.44.
You can find more information on dispersion here.
FAQs on Dispersion
1. What is Dispersion?
Dispersion is a term used to describe the distribution of data in any statistical analysis. This term in statistical analysis is used to understand how stretched out or how squeezed the distribution of the data in a set is. Data that is stretched out a lot is widely scattered, while data that is squeezed in is said to be clustered.
For example, let's say that you have a set of numbers indicating the ages of people in two particular locations, neighborhood A and neighborhood B. The numbers for neighborhood A are:
31, 3, 7, 89, 56, 45, 13, 23, 24, 2, 55.
As you can see in the above example, the ages mentioned range from 2 years old all the way to 89 years old. This is an example of widely scattered data in a set.
The ages of the people in neighborhood B are:
21, 25, 23, 26, 30, 36, 33, 27, 37, 38.
In this example, you can see that the people are much closer in age, ranging only from 21-38 years old. In this example, the data is more clustered.
2. What are the types of measures of dispersion?
There are 4 main types of measurement of dispersion. They are called Range, Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation, and Standard Deviation.
The range is the difference between the highest value in a set and the lowest value in that same set. For example, let's say that you're looking at the goals scored in a football match by players A and B in the two halves of the match. Player A shoots 5 goals in the first half and 2 in the second half. Player B shoots 3 goals in the first half and 2 in the second half. The range for player A is 5-2 = 3 while the range for player B is 3-2 = 1. Thus, player A has a wider range and more dispersed data.
Quartile Deviation is a word that comes from the word quarter. In this, there are three values obtained from the data set, known as Q1, Q2, and Q3. Q2 is the median of the entire data set, meaning the middle value. For Q1 and Q3, we need to divide the data set in half. Take the first half and find the median number for that. This gives you the Q1 value. Then find the median number of the second half and that will be Q3.
The formula for Quartile deviation is:
Q = ½ × (Q3-Q1)
Mean deviation is used to explain the spread of data from a center point in a given set. It is one type of average absolute deviation.
Standard deviation is generally the preferred method of calculating Dispersion. This is a measure of the amount of dispersion in a given set of data. If the data has a low standard deviation, that means that the values are closer to the mean of the set, while a high standard deviation means they're more spread out from the mean of the set.
3. What is the nature of measures of dispersion?
When calculating Dispersion, it can sometimes be confusing because of the inherent variety present in data. However, there are some "rules" about the measures of dispersion.
The first is that the measures of dispersion are based on observations of data and they are very rigidly defined.
The second is that it is easy to understand and calculate dispersion since it is largely based on observation.
The third is that there might be some fluctuations or variations in the observations, however, these do not affect the measures of dispersion.
4. How should I learn more about dispersion?
Dispersion is an important part of statistical analysis, therefore, it is necessary to learn more about it. To study dispersion, there are a few things you can do.
The first thing to do is to study your textbooks and reference books. While this might not seem like the most exciting option, it is necessary to go through the books to truly understand the subject. Your books will be created specifically to explain the concept in a simple manner that adheres to examination guidelines, so it is best to begin your studies there.
After studying from the textbook, you can supplement your learning by referring to Vedantu's free resources. The page here is a great example of such a resource, as it contains the explanation of dispersion and the types, formulas, and nature of measures of dispersion. You can also find more notes on these topics on the Vedantu website and app.
5. Where can I find more resources to study dispersion?
You can go through the Vedantu website or app to find more notes on Dispersion and the subtopics included within. On this page, you will find the meaning of dispersion, the types of measures of dispersion and their respective formulas, and examples of each type. All of this is available for free to those who have a Vedantu account.
You can also find more resources by using the search bar or navigation menu to browse the website. For example, you can click here for solved example questions on the types of measures of dispersion.