In class 1, kids are introduced to the basics of Mathematics. They are taught simple mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Mathematics is a very fascinating subject, as the concepts of mathematics have numerous practical implementations. So we should encourage kids to learn various new concepts of Maths. The following sections will tell us how to teach division for class 1 kids.
Division for Class 1 Kids
In class one, kids are introduced to the basic mathematical operations which include addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication. As various concepts are introduced to the kids it is important to maintain the curiosity and natural flow of learning for them. Mentioned below are some tips and techniques to help parents and teachers plan activities to teach division for class 1 kids.
Repeat Practice
Parents can encourage their kids to regularly practice questions that require the use of the division method. Regularly practising questions based on similar concepts can improve the speed of solving the questions and helps in creating a better understanding of the concept. Parents can provide real-life situations that require kids to apply the concept of division. An example is mentioned below.
You can bring home some cupcakes or muffins and ask your children to help in the equal distribution of the muffins to every family member. This would require the use of division. For instance, if 9 muffins are there and it has to be equally divided among three members, the kid would divide 9 by 3 resulting in 3 muffins to be given to each. Practising questions based on real-life circumstances can help kids to have a better understanding of how mathematical operations can be used in day-to-day life.
Using Alternative Methods
Parents and teachers must use different methods to teach division for class 1 kids. Solving a problem through various approaches can help kids to correlate different mathematical concepts. It can also help in the development of critical thinking among children. When a kid is introduced to various methods wherein he has to think of alternative methods to solve a problem they tend to develop an attitude focused on problem-solving. This can not only help kids to excel academically but also widen their thought processes.
Parents can solve a problem along with the kids. Once the question is solved parents can always compare and analyze the methods used to solve the questions, doing this simple activity can encourage kids to solve different problems. This can also help in developing a curiosity about how mathematical operations work.
Teaching Division for Class 1 by Sharing
Teaching kids the importance of sharing is an important lesson that has to be learned at an early age, sharing will call for teaching division to kids. Let us look into how this can be done. Parents or teachers can gather all the kids in a place and bring toys, candies, crayons, etc. Ask the kids to share the goods equally with each other. For example, if a kid has 10 toys and there are 5 kids, the kid would have to divide the ten toys among five kids equally.
A simple follow-up activity can also be planned where a kid can be asked if he or she can explain whether the equal distribution is made or not. For ease of understanding parents and teachers can also ask kids to divide the goods among more members. These activities are simple and engaging ways for kids to learn about the implementation of the mathematical operation of division.
Use of the Mathematical Terms in Conversations
Using the mathematical terms in day-to-day conversation is an effective way to introduce the term. It also helps in creating a better understanding of the mathematical term. Understanding the use of such terms in the correct context is one of the key goals for students. It also makes it much easier for the kid to grasp arithmetic at school. Divide, sharing equally, and grouping equally, are all the terms used in division. Parents may assist kids to understand these concepts by asking them to explain how they solved a problem using this language. Having the mathematical words written on cards and asking your kid to use some of the words in their explanations is also an effective activity to understand the terms.
This was the complete discussion on ways to teach division for class 1 kids. The article has discussed various ways that can help parents and teachers to encourage the kids to learn this mathematical operation of division. It is important to note that the active participation of parents and teachers can help kids to maintain the natural flow of the learning process.
FAQs on How to Teach Division for Class 1 Kids ?
1. Name a real-life trick or method that implements division?
Division is a very basic mathematical operation that has a huge impact and application in our day-to-day life. One of the easiest ways to teach kids such mathematical operations is to include real-life applications, like asking them to divide goodies, candies, or sweets among friends by using the division method is one such example.
To elaborate, one can ask kids to distribute 4 chocolates equally among their 2 best friends using the division method taught in class. This would not only help kids understand the concept but also encourage them to understand the applications of the division method they are taught in the class, making the task much more fascinating to learn.
2. Explain a method that can be used to teach division to students in the first year.
Division by grouping is a simple method that can be used to teach division operation to kids in the first year. The approach of division by grouping is used to introduce the concept of simple division (usually there is no remainder). It entails dividing a sum into equal groups and counting the number of groups that can be formed. The number being divided by is the amount in each group, and the number of groups that can be formed is the solution to the division.