What are Exponent and Power?
Exponents and powers are a combined simplification form of multiplication. By using exponent and power, we can solve multiplication easily. Power is an expression, which represents the repeated multiplication of a number. The factor, which is multiplied repeatedly, is called the base. The number of multiplications is called the exponent. For example, 5 is multiplied 3 times. So, 5* 5* 5 = 53, where 5 is base, 3 is exponent, and 53 is power. This expression 53 is known as 5 to the power of 3. Thus, you can take any multiplication factor to multiply the same factor multiple times and convert into power expression. After that, you will be able to identify the base and exponent from the expression.
General Form of Power and Exponent
Power and exponent are used to simplify the multiplication of the same factor. The power expression represents the whole process and the exponent defines the time of the factor to be multiplied. If the factor a, is multiplied for n times, the power expression is an. Here, an is expressed as:
an = a* a* a* ……. * a (n times)
Hence, we can say that it is a simplified method of repeated multiplication.
Laws of Power and Exponent
The laws of exponents and powers are mainly based on the exponent part. Therefore, the laws are also known as the laws of exponents. The laws are defined below with expression.
Multiplication Law
This law defined that, when two exponents are multiplied with the same base factor, the two exponents are added in the result. The base or multiplication factor remains the same. The expression of multiplication law is:
am * an = am+n.
Division Law
As per division law, when two exponents are divided with the same base factor, the two exponents are subtracted in the result. The base will remain the same. The expression of this law is:
am / an = am-n.
Negative Exponent Law
As per negative exponent law, if any base has a negative exponent, it comes in the reciprocal with positive power to the base. The expression of negative exponent law is given below as:
a-n = 1/an
Rules of Exponents and Powers
There are several specific rules of exponents and powers. The rules are dependent on the laws of exponents. Here, we have given a brief explanation of the rules. Suppose, x and y are two integers and p and q are the exponents. Now, the rules are:
If the power of any integer factor is o, the result will be one. The expression of this rule is x0 = 1. For example, 20 = 1.
If the exponent of a power expression is an integer, the result exponent is the product of two exponents. The expression is, (xp)q = xpq. For example, (122)3 = 122*3 = 126.
If the two different bases are multiplied with the same exponent, the result is the product of two bases and the exponent remains the same. The expression of this rule is xp * yp = (xy)p. For example, 22*32 = (2*3)2 = 62.
If two different bases are divided with the same exponent, the result is the division of two bases and the exponent remains the same. The expression is, xp / yp = (x/y)p. For example, 22 / 32 = (2/3)2.
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Applications of Exponents and Powers
In the scientific field, these are the two most applied concepts. There are huge numerical calculations in different scientific fields. That is why exponents are necessary for scientific calculations. The necessity of powers and components can be explained with examples. The mass of the sun is measured as 1,989,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Kg. The distance between the Earth and the Sun is measured to be 149,600,000 Km. These are huge numbers to memorize as well as to calculate. With the help of an exponent, these numbers can be broken into powers of 10. After using exponent, the distance between earth and Sun becomes 1.496 * 108 Km and the mass of the Sun becomes 1.989 * 1030 Kg.
Solved Examples
1. Identify the base, exponent, and power of the following expressions -
(16)2 b) (31)3
The base is 16.
The exponent is 2.
The power is (16)2.
The base is 31.
The exponent is 3.
The power is (31)3.
2. Convert the multiplications into powers:
5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5
3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3
5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 = 56.
3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 = 38.
FAQs on Exponents and Powers
Q1. Explain Powers and Exponents with an Example.
Ans: Exponents and powers are used to reduce the large multiplication processes. Power is the short representation of that multiplication in which the same factor is multiplied multiple times. Exponent is the number of multiplications of the integer. The integer used for multiplication is the base. For example, the integer 4 is to be multiplied by 7 times. The expression with exponent, power, and base of this multiplication is 47. Here, 4 is the base, 7 is the exponent and 47 is the power. This is the entire process of powers and exponents. Thus, a large multiplication process can be simplified by using exponent, base, and power.
Q2. What is a Negative Exponent?
Ans: Sometimes, the exponent of an integer is negative. Negative exponents have a different indication from positive exponents. When 1 is divided by an integer multiple times, the negative exponent comes. If a base has a negative exponent, it becomes reciprocal. For example, (3)-2 represents 1/32, which means 1 is divided by 3 for 2 times. The concept of negative exponent comes from the third law of exponents. The general expression of the negative exponent is, a-n = 1/an. This is the primary concept of a negative exponent. Negative exponent is used in many large mathematical and scientific operations to the most important laws among exponents.