Relevance of studying Fraction Number Line
The Fraction Number Line teaches students to see the fractions as parts of something. They help us compare the fractions. They also assist the students in looking for equivalent fractions. If the students know what portion of something they need, they will be able to use it in a more efficient manner such as ingredients for cooking. When it comes to making budgets for the household or for any other sphere, fractions come in handy as that helps people in understanding how much they need to allocate where. Telling the time will also become difficult without knowing about Fractions.
How to Prepare Notes on Fraction Number Line
Go through Number Line on Vedantu
Read up all the information available as well as the examples used
Write down whatever you see and absorb in your own language
Highlight all those points that you consider important
Compare the notes with the content that’s on the page
Revise from these before an exam
Write down as many solved problems as you want to for a clearer understanding
Use examples that relate to you
Some More Examples of Fraction
The fraction 3/5 is read as ‘three-fifth,’ which means 3 parts out of 5 equal parts in which the whole is divided. In the fraction 3/5, 3 is the numerator, and 5 is the denominator.
Similarly, fraction 5/12 is read as ‘fifth-twelfth,’ which means 5 parts out of 12 equal parts in which the whole is divided. In the fraction 5/12, 5 is the numerator, and 12 is the denominator.
Now let us learn how fractions are represented on a number line.
How to Represent Fraction on a Number Line?
Representing fractions on a number line means that we can show fractions on a number line. To represent half (1/2) on the number line, draw a number line and mark a point A to represent 1. Mark another point O to represent 0.
Now divide the gap between O and A equally into two parts. Let Point T represent the point of division. Then point T is ½ of O and A.
Now to represent 1/3 on a number line, divide the gap between O and A into 3 equal parts. Let Q be the new point of division along with T. Now, T represents 1/3 and Q represents 2/3, as 2/3 means 2 sections of 3 equal parts as shown in the diagram.
By using the same method point, A represents 3/3, and point O represents 0/3.
Therefore, we have 3/3 = 1 and 0/3 = 0.
This is how to represent fractions on the number line.
To represent 3/5 on a number line we now divide the gap between 0 and 1 into 5 equal parts and take the first 3 parts from 0 as shown in the figure below.
Now, we get a fraction of 3/5 on a number line.
Here, we saw the representation of a proper fraction on a number line. To represent an improper fraction, we must first convert them into mixed fractions. The procedure shown above is used with the whole number as the starting point.
Fun Facts on Fractions
A blank number line was originally proposed as a visual model or diagram for solving subtraction and addition operations.
An empty or blank number line is a visual diagram of a number line with no numbers or markers and is mostly used for solving word problems.
Log on to Vedantu to understand what fractions and how they fit on the number line are in a better way. Get the best insights from the top experts online and develop a strong conceptual foundation for this topic. You will find your conceptual development quite helpful to study other chapters of mathematics in the same class and later.
FAQs on Fractions on the Number Line
1. What Does the Denominator on a Fraction Represent on the Number Line?
A fraction consists of two parts – the numerator and the denominator. The denominator shows how many equal parts an item was divided into. The word is derived from the Latin word ‘denomino’ (to name). It indicates the number of parts that would equal to 1. If you have 2/2 then it is equal to 1. It means the space between 0 and 1 needs to be split into half. The numerator of your fraction tells you to start at zero and count one unit of size ¼.
2. What Fraction is Equivalent to ¼?
Fractions equivalent to ½ are 2/4, 3/6, 4/8, 5/10,6/12 and so on
Fractions equivalent to 1/3 are 2/6, 3/9, 4/12, 5/15 and so on
Fractions equivalent to ¼ are 2/8, 3/12, 4/16, 5/20 and so on
Fractions equivalent to 1/5 are 2/10, 3/15, 4/20, 5/25 and so on.
So for 1/4, the possible options are 2/8, 3/12, 4/16, 5/20, 6/24, or 7/28. Interestingly these are called equivalent fractions because evaluating these fractions will always give us the same result, i.e. 1/4.
3. How can students learn about Fractions online?
All those students who wish to know about Fractions can study from Fractions on the Number Line with Vedantu. This page has all the information that’s needed on Fractions and can be referred to from time to time. All the problems here have been solved for the sake of the student’s understanding and so, they will not face any issues while going through this. In fact, after scanning this page, they will be better prepared for all their tests. Fractions is an interesting topic as it is applicable in our everyday lives.
4. How can a student learn about Absolute Value?
A student can learn about Absolute Value if he/ she goes to Vedantu and then checks out Fractions on the Number Line. Absolute Value is usually the distance between numbers on the number line. A negative number is never the absolute value. All related explanations have been provided on this page for the students to pick up. Anything that’s not within the course of the syllabus isn’t included here. Students can treat this as a guidebook before their assignments as this will help them stay on the right track.
5. How do students practise sums on Fractions before a test?
All students can practice from Fractions on the Number Line on Vedantu. This page has all those sums that have a high probability of coming for the tests. They can look at the sums and the manner in which they have been worked out and then apply the same to the other sums that they may come across in their textbooks. Regular practice will see to it that they perform exceptionally in the exams.
6. Are Fractions complex to understand?
Fractions can be quite tricky yet extremely scoring. The need to be explained well to the students so that they know how they work Fractions are one of the most important chapters that students will ever come across in maths. They can read up Fractions on the Number Line on Vedantu so as to get a clearer idea. This page has described everything in a proper manner so that readers are able to comprehend all the concepts in the best manner possible. This page has solved problems on fractions for the students to read about as practising sums on Fractions is the most ideal way of understanding them.