General Equation of Plane Overview
In normal words if we say then this equation of plane is used to represent the shape on the Rheem dimensional area. There can be four different methods by which a general equation of plane can be derived. If we talk about the equation of a plane, it can be expressed either in Cartesian form or vector form.
When you are available with different inputs then only you can do the work of computing the equation through the plane. The equation in a plane can be expressed in different ways but the different expression for expressing it are as follows
Plane's Equation at the perpendicular distance from the origin
Plane's Equation perpendicular to the given vector says it to be A vector.
Plane's Equation passing through three non-collinear points.
Plane's Equation passing through the intersection of two planes.
In this article you are going to learn about the plane, the general equation of the plane and in thud the details you are going to learn us about what is the plane, concepts of plane in the 3 dimensional Geometry, non Collinearity and the Equation of plane equation of plane on intercept form, then you are provided with the you are provided with done solved Examples and frequently asked questions these solved Examples will help you to get a good knowledge about the topic and about the applications of this topic while the frequently Asked Questions will keep you up to date and will clear your queries . Vedanth has spe illustrations designed this article as a package for the students where they will elaborate concepts knowledge along with it doubts will be cleared and they will have knowledge of how to solve these problems that use their application and finally the most queries are also previously answered.
What is a Plane?
In mathematics, we describe a plane as a two-dimensional flat surface that extends infinitely far and has length and width but no thickness. It is a two-dimensional analog of a point or a line.
An example of a plane would be a coordinate plane. An intercept is one of the several ways of writing an equation of a line. This form of the line equation is named as "slope-intercept form".
The equation of a plane in the intercept form can be made simple by using the concepts of position vectors and the general equation of a plane.
Concepts of a Plane in 3-Dimensional Geometry
For understanding the equation of a plane in the intercept form, it is necessary to first familiarise ourselves with a few important terms, which will help us to get a good grasp of this topic.
We already know what a vector is but let us quickly pull up our socks and rewind our memory a little to have a clear path. A vector is a quantity in the three-dimensional space that has both magnitude and direction. In 3-D Geometry, we usually use the position vectors to represent the position of a point in space which serves us as a reference to the point in any question. It refers to a point in the question with respect to the origin in 3-D Geometry.
We already know that there can be multiple planes passing through a single point but there can be only one plane that can pass through a given point which will be perpendicular to a given vector. The equation of such a plane will be,
\[(\overrightarrow{r} - \overrightarrow{a}) . \overrightarrow{N} = 0 \]
One thing that we must note here is that r and a are the position vectors but N is a normal vector i.e. the vector perpendicular to the plane in the question. This same equation can also be written in a Cartesian form as well. The equation of such a plane whose direction ratios are provided by A, B, and C respectively would be,
A(x − x1) + B(y − y1) + C(z − z1) = 0
Non - Collinearity and the Equation of a Plane
What if we were to write an equation of a plane that passes through three non-collinear points? The name already suggests that non-collinear points are the points that do not lie on the same line. The Vector equation of a plane passing through three non-collinear points can be written as:
\[(overline{r} - overline{a}) . \begin{bmatrix} (overline{b} - overline{a} \times (overline{c} - overline{a} \end{bmatrix} = 0\]
Here, a, b and c are the position vectors of the three non-collinear points, when referred to from the origin. In Cartesian form, we can write it as:
|\[\begin{vmatrix} (x − x_1) & (y − y_1) & (z − z_1) \\ (x_2 − x_1) & (y_2 − y_1 ) & (z_2 − z_1) \\ (x_3 − x_1) & (y_3 − y_1) & (z_3 − z_1) \end{vmatrix}\] = 0|
The above equation is in the Cartesian form of an equation of a plane that passes through three non-collinear points in the three-dimensional space.
The Equation of a Plane in Intercept Form
It is not unknown that the general equation of a plane can be written as
Ax + By + Cz = 0, where D ≠ 0
In the equation above A, B, C are the coordinates of a normal vector to the plane, whereas (x, y, z) are the coordinates of any point through which the plane can pass. Now, let us consider that this plane makes intercepts in the three-dimensional space at points A, B, and C on the x, y, and z-axis respectively. Therefore, the coordinates of these points can respectively be (a, 0, 0), (0, b, 0) and (0, 0, c). Thus we have:
A (a, 0, 0), B (0, b, 0), and C (0, 0, c) as the points which can be cut by the plane on the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis respectively.
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Since the plane too passes through each of the three points, we can substitute them into the general equation of the plane and we will have:
Aa + D = 0
Bb + D = 0
Cc + D = 0
In other words we can write them as: A = – D/a , B = -D/b , C = -D/c. Substituting these values of A, B, and C in the general equation of the plane, we can get the equation of a plane in intercept form, which can be written as:
\[\frac{x}{a} + \frac{y}{b} + \frac{z}{c} = 1\]
The equation above is the required equation of the plane that cuts intercepts on three coordinate axes in the Cartesian system. Therefore, this is how we can simply obtain the intercept form of the equation of a plane that is if we are provided with the general equation of a plane. By making such simple substitutions with the help of the intercepts, the derivation of the equation of the plane can be achieved.
Solved Examples
1. Find the intercepts that are cut off by the plane 2x + y - z = 5.
Ans: 1) Considering the above equation and dividing it by 5, we will get: \[ \frac{2}{5} x + \frac{1}{5} y − \frac{1}{5} z = 1\] ….. (1)
\[\Rightarrow \frac{x}{\frac{5}{2}} + \frac{y}{\frac{5}{1}} − \frac{z}{\frac{5}{1}} = 1 \] ….. (2)
known that the equation of a plane in intercept form is, \[\frac{a}{x} + \frac{b}{y} + \frac{c}{z} = 1\]
where a, b, c are the intercepts that are cut off by the plane at x, y, z axes respectively.
Therefore a = (5/2), b = 5, and c = -5.
Thus the intercepts that are cut off by the plane are (5/2), (5), and (-5).
2. Find the equation of a plane with intercepts 2, 3, and 4 on the x, y, and z respectively.
Ans: The equation of a plane with intercepts 2,3, and 4 on x, y, and z can be written as:
\[\frac{a}{x} + \frac{b}{y} + \frac{c}{z} = 1\]
Intercept on x - axis = 2 Therefore, a = 2,
Intercept on y - axis = 3 Therefore, b = 3,
Intercept on z-axis = 4, Therefore, c = 4
The equation of a plane would be:
\[\frac{x}{2} + \frac{y}{3} + \frac{z}{4} = 1\]
\[\frac{6x}{12} + \frac{4y}{12} + \frac{3z}{12} = 1\]
6x + 4y + 3z = 12
FAQs on General Equation of a Plane
1. What are the Different Types of Equations of a Line?
Different types of equations of a line are:
Equations of Horizontal and Vertical Lines:
Horizontal line equations are in the form of y = b, where b represents the y-intercept.
Vertical line equations are in the form of x = a where a represents the shared x coordinate of all points.
Point Slope form of Equation of a Line: Point slope form equations are represented in the form y-y₁=m(x-x₁).
Two-point form Equation of a Line: Two-point form equation can be represented in the form (x₁, y₁) and (x₂, y₂).
Slope intercept form Equation of a Line: Slope intercept form of an equation can be represented as y = mx + b
Intercept Form: Intercept form of an equation of a line can be represented as xa + yb = 1
Normal Form: Normal form of an equation can be represented as x cos α + y sin α = p
2. What is a Plane in mathematics?
In mathematical terms planes can be referred to any two dimensional double ruled surface that is sensed by two linear and independent vectors. The angle that is formed between these two intersecting planes can be known as the dihedral angle. If we generalise this plane to some higher levels or you can say higher dimensions then such planes can be called the hyperplanes. Any equation or any kind of graphs can be made only in these dimensional planes . In mathematics, especially for the graphs and equations of planes, there are three dimensional planes.
3. Which site will provide me with the detailed information about the equation of plane?
If you are trying to learn about equation of plane or general equation of plane then you can co sides Vedantu for your help. Vedantu will help you to clear your doubts and besides this it will help you to increase your knowledge. This chapter is well explained by vedantu on its website, you can go there and just by clicking on the option of download you can get the knowledge of this topic. Equation of planes is quite a tricky topic and will require the help of the experts and this website vedantu provides you with the help of experts specially.
4. How can you express a plane?
In order to express a plane, say if we are provided with a line and we need to explain that line in a plane. For that, we need a point B and along with it we are required to have a vector say V along this line. Besides this we can also start up with the two points namely b and a , and after this we are going to take v= a-b. You describe any plane we need a vector n and a point say it to be Q that will be perpendicular to the given plane. This is the way in which you can express a plane. Besides a two dimensional plane you can be provided with a higher dimensional plane such as is the 3 dimensional plane.
5. How are the notes provided on the General Equation of planes by vedantu helpful?
The notes that are provided by vedantu especially for this topic general equation of plane are important as well as helpful for the students as they contain information of the whole chapter in a much simpler language. Not only this but you are provided with the solved questions for this chapter too.Vedantu has the main aim of clearing the basic as well as the main concepts of all the chapters and for that you are provided with the solved examples and along with this the notes and articles are also provided that are specifically designed by experts of each subject for improving the capability of students to grasp more information and score good in their examination.