Application of Geometry in Day to Day Life
Since old times, geometry has been a part and parcel of human civilization. The advent of a wheel is also the experiments done by the early men with instruments to find something that will reduce friction. It was established as a subject by Euclid, the Father of Geometry. He derived from two words, ‘geo’ means earth and ‘metron’ means measurement. In this section, we will study the different uses of geometry in daily life. If we observe closely, we will find the application of geometry in day-to-day life. Keep on reading to find interesting facts about the uses of this remarkable mathematical subject and its uses in different domains.
Many students feel that Geometry is a challenging topic, while some even enjoy practising this subject. However, there are several reasons behind teaching Geometry to students from an early age and the most important reason of all is its use in day-to-day life. Therefore, the students must understand this concept well.
Vedantu also offers the students a complete guide on Geometry in daily life, from basics to advanced, and even clears the doubts of the students in a way that is comprehensible and understood. This guide helps students cement whatever they have studied firmly.
What is Geometry?
A significant part of mathematics, geometry is a domain where the features and traits of different shapes, sizes, diagrams, angles, positions, etc are studied and defined for the understanding of the academicians and students. It is an important part of mathematics that has been used in other subjects as well. Its existence can be tracked down to thousands of years back during the Egyptian civilization. The Indus Valley Civilization also showed the existence and use of geometry. They were the first to find and use the properties of obtuse triangles. Since the 6th Century BCE, the Greeks refined the concepts of geometry exponentially.
The natives of this civilization researched and found the existence of different types of shapes in nature. They also invented a few and found that the four-sided pyramid is extremely stable. A pyramid took decades to complete but is standing the test of time amidst an arid desert for thousands of years. If you observe very carefully, you will find the best examples of geometry in our daily life.
How did Geometry Evolve?
The existence of geometry can be traced back to the era of early men. At that time, this subject did not have any existence but the use of geometrical concepts can be witnessed from the fossils, ruins, and artefacts. The invention of the wheel is nothing but the application of the concept of a round object minimizing friction. This is one of the best 5 uses of geometry in our daily life. Even at this date, we find driving vehicles on a circular tire quite convenient. This is how geometry evolved and was recognized as a subject during the time of the Greek civilization.
The prime expansion of the geometrical segment of mathematics took place during the Greek civilization. Renowned mathematicians and philosophers such as Euclid, Thales, Archimedes, and Pythagoras explained the different aspects of geometry and established a platform for further innovations. The concepts we study relate to the application of geometry in daily life and the foundation has been developed over the years by these civilizations.
Thales proved many mathematical functions and relationships and constructed the base of geometry. Pythagoras established the fact that the sum of all the angles of a triangle will always result in 180 degrees. The name of the theorem that explains the relationship between a perpendicular, a base, and the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is named after him.
In the 3rd Century BCE, Euclid gave geometry a constructive base when he wrote books on different concepts. His book ‘The Elements of Geometry’ depicts how he laid out the exceptional foundation of different aspects of geometry that are being used to date. His concepts such as two points can be joined to give a straight line and the quality of all right angles is still used.
Benefits of Geometry in Daily Life for Students:
Geometry has several day-to-day implications and hence, it is necessary to learn for the students. Here are a few ways that highlight its significance-
Studying geometry provides the students with many foundational skills and helps them to build their logical thinking skills, deductive reasoning, analytical reasoning, and problem-solving skills. Thus, contributing to their holistic development.
Geometry as a concept allows the students to connect mapping objects in the classroom to the real-world contexts in respect to their direction and place developing their practical thinking.
Also, understanding spatial relationships are important in the role of problem-solving and higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) which Geometry allows students to learn.
It finds huge applications in the real world as it helps us in deciding which materials to use, which design to make, and even plays a vital role in the construction process itself. Thus, it is useful for the students.
5 Uses Geometry in our Daily Life
1. Construction of Buildings
The best use of geometry in daily life is the construction of buildings, dams, rivers, roads, temples, etc. For ages, geometry has been exceptionally used to make temples that hold the heritage of our country. Some of these famous temples are even counted as miraculous developments done by people with primitive instruments.
2. Computer Graphics
The audiovisual presentation in different segments such as education, entertainment, etc uses geometry as a part of the art and creativity. Computer graphics is a prime application of geometry in day-to-day life we can consider here. Smartphones, laptops, computers, etc are designed using geometrical concepts. The games we play also use geometry to find relevance between the distance and shapes of objects designed.
3. Art
Another excellent use of geometry is how artists use the concepts to design the best paintings and express their ideologies. The use of colours, brushes, and different strokes give birth to excellent artwork. Artists also design apparel, accessories, and other items we use. You can understand the importance of geometry in daily life.
4. Measuring Orbits and Planetary Motions
This concept is used by astronomers to track stars, measure the orbits and distance between planets and satellites. Scientists also measure the factors and set the path of satellites launched. This is one of the best applications of coordinate geometry in daily life.
5. Interior Design
The applications of coordinate geometry in daily life can also be found in interior design. Setting new items in an open space is done perfectly using the concepts of coordinate geometry.
FAQs on Geometry in Daily Life
1. Cite an Example From History Regarding the Use of Geometry in Our Daily Life.
Geometry is as ancient as the world is, with the evolution of mankind and the development of things, this subject too started to bloom. Even with the invention of a stone tyre, geometry has its connection. The Egyptian civilization used geometry to measure, survey, and build different complex structures on the land with remarkable efficiency. The execution of Egyptian scholars was highly accurate. This can be proved by the big structures of pyramids standing and amazing the entire world to this date. They also calculated the movement of the stars and used the coordinates to position the pyramids accordingly.
2. Where Can You Find the Application of Differential Geometry in Daily Life?
The application of differential geometry in daily life can be found in the field of geology. The most prompt use is in structural geology, where differential geometry is used in analyzing and describing geologic structures. Another use is in computer vision, where differential geometry is used to analyze the shapes. Then it is even used in image processing to process and analyze data on non-flat surfaces. Thus, differential geometry has a lot of applications in daily life. So, it is required that the students thoroughly study Differential geometry.
3. Why Should You Study Geometry?
Geometry is an imperative part of human life even in the unknown phases of our daily lives. It helps us in many ways, including some of the following:
Studying geometry gives us knowledge and builds concepts related to shapes, surfaces, volumes, lines, angles, etc. These concepts can be used in different aspects of life.
Studying geometry provides the students with many foundational skills and helps to build the necessary skills in life.
At a basic level, the geometry subject is important as it creates a foundation for the more advanced mathematical learning that lies ahead.
Geometry introduces various important formulas, such as the Pythagorean theorem which are used across science and math concepts.
It is also part of the foundational knowledge for certain careers in the field of STEM.
4. What is the main point of geometry in daily life for the students?
As Geometry refers to that branch of mathematics that is focused on the measurement and relationship of lines, angles, surfaces, solids, and points, it becomes necessary for the students to practice the same to their best. For example, calculating the triangle's angles is an example of geometry. Similarly, it is used in several basic methods to calculate more specific ones and obtain the desired result like geometry is used for calculating the Pythagoras theorem, etc. as part of the maths concepts. The students can refer to the study material available on Vedantu. The resources are free of cost and can be downloaded in PDF format for their ease of access from Vedantu’s website.
5. Who all use Geometry in their daily life?
Geometry is used by every person unknowingly in their routine life. However, the common jobs that regularly use geometry to fulfil their responsibilities include the following:
Mathematics teacher
Fashion designer
CAD engineer
Game developer
Interior designer
This list includes many other professions, however, the use and implication changes from role to role as an Architect may use complex geometry to solve or design their projects whereas the geometrical requirement of a fashion designer may be different.