What is Group Theory?
Group theory in mathematics refers to the study of a set of different elements present in a group. A group is said to be a collection of several elements or objects which are consolidated together for performing some operation on them. Inset theory, you have been familiar with the topic of sets. If any two of the elements of a set are combined through an operation for producing a third element that belongs to the same set and that meets the four hypotheses that are the closure, the associativity, the invertibility, and the identity, they are referred to as group axioms. A group of integers is performed under the multiplication operation. Geometric group theory according to the branch of mathematics refers to the study of the groups which are finitely produced by using the research of the relationships between the different algebraic properties of these groups and the topological and the geometric properties of space. In this article, we will learn about what group theory is, what are the applications of group theory in mathematics and look at some group theory examples.
Properties of Group Theory
Let us learn about group theory math properties.
Consider dot (.) to be an operation and G to be a group. The axioms of the group theory are defined in the following manner:
Closure: If x and y are two different elements in group G then x.y will also be a part of group G.
Associativity: If x, y, and z are the elements that are present in group G, then you get x. (y. z) = (x . y) . z.
Invertibility: For every element x in the group G, there exists some y in the group G in a way that; x. y = y . x.
Identity: For any given element x in group G, there exists another element called I in group G in a way that x. I = I . x, wherein I refers to the identity element of group G.
Applications of Group Theory
Let us now look at what are the applications of group theory in mathematics.
In Mathematics and abstract algebra, group theory studies the algebraic structures that are called groups. The concept of the group is a center to abstract algebra. The other well-known algebraic structures like the rings, fields and vector spaces are all seen as the groups that are endowed with the additional operations and axioms. Groups recur throughout when it comes to mathematics, and the methods of group theory have influenced several parts of algebra. The linear algebraic groups and the Lie groups are the two branches of group theory that have experienced advances and are the subject areas in their own ways.
Several physical systems like the crystals and the hydrogen atom can be modeled by the symmetry groups. Hence the group theory and the closely related theory called the representation theory to have several important applications in the fields of physics, material science, and chemistry. The group theory is also the center of public-key cryptography.
Group Theory Examples
Let us look at some of the group theory examples.
Example 1: Let G be a group. Prove that the element e ∈
G is unique. Also, prove that each of the elements x ∈
G consists of a unique inverse which is denoted by x−1
Consider e and e’ to be the identities.
According to the definition, you get e' = e * e' = e.
Similarly, consider y and y' to be the inverses of x.
Then, you would get
y = y * e
= y * (x * y’)
= (y * x) * y’
= e * y’
= y’
Example 2: Consider x, y ∈ G having the inverses x−1 and y−1 respectively. Determine the inverse of xy.
Solution: The inverse of the product of x and y is given as follows:
x * y = x−1 * y−1
You have (x * y) * (x−1 * y−1) = x (y * y−1) x−1 = xex−1 = e
(x−1 * y-1) * (x * y) = e
Therefore, (xy)−1
= x−1
Before learning group theory, one should have a clear knowledge of what a group is and how to define groups in sets. This will be helpful to understand the ideas of group theory in maths. A group is a collection of similar elements or objects that are combined together to perform specific operations. If any two objects are combined to produce a third element of the same set to meet four hypotheses namely closure, associativity, invertibility, and identity, they are called group axioms. Here is the definition, properties, and application of group theory.
The study of a set of elements present in a group is called a group theory in Maths. Its concept is the basic to abstract algebra. Algebraic structures like rings, fields, and vector spaces can be recognized as groups with axioms. The concepts and hypotheses of Groups are influenced throughout mathematics.
For Example, A group of numbers which are performed under multiplication operation.
Properties of Group Theory
If Dot(.) is an operation and G is a group, then the axioms of group theory is defined as;
Closure: If x, y are elements in a group, G, then x.y is also an element of G.
Associativity: If x, y and z are in group G, then x . (y . z) = (x . y) . z.
Invertibility: For every x in G, there is some y in G, such that; x. y = y . x.
Identity: For any element x in G, there is an element I in G, such that: x. I = I . x, where I is the identity of G.
The common example that satisfies these axioms is the addition of two integers, which is an integer. Hence, satisfies the closure property. The associative property is satisfied by the addition of integers. There is a zero identity in the group, which when added to any number, gives the original number. For every integer, there is an inverse, similarly, when added gives the result as zero. Hence, all the group axioms are satisfied in the addition operation of two integers.
Applications of Group Theory
The following are some of the important applications of Group Theory
If an object or a system property is invariant under the transformation, the object can be analyzed using group theory, because group theory is the study of symmetry.
Rubik’s cube can be solved using the algorithm of group theory.
Modeling of the crystals and the hydrogen atom are done using symmetry groups
Many fundamental laws of nature in Physics, Chemistry, and Material science use symmetry.
FAQs on Group Theory in Mathematics
1. What is Group Theory in Mathematics?
A group is a collection of similar elements or objects that are combined together to perform specific operations. If any two objects are combined to produce a third element of the same set to meet four hypotheses namely closure, associativity, invertibility, and identity, they are called group axioms. The study of a set of elements present in a group is called a group theory in Maths. Its concept is the basic to abstract algebra. Algebraic structures like rings, fields, and vector spaces can be recognized as groups with axioms. The concepts and hypotheses of Groups are influenced throughout mathematics.
For Example, A group of numbers which are performed under multiplication operation.
2. Applications of Group Theory?
Group theory is applicable in various topics of mathematics and science. The following are some of the important applications of Group Theory,
If an object or a system property is invariant under the transformation, the object can be analyzed using group theory, because group theory is the study of symmetry.
Rubik’s cube can be solved using the algorithm of group theory.
Modeling of the crystals and the hydrogen atom are done using symmetry groups
Many fundamental laws of nature in Physics, Chemistry, and Material science use symmetry.
3. What are the properties of Group Theory?
If Dot(.) is an operation and G is a group, then the axioms of group theory is defined as;
Closure: If x, y are elements in a group, G, then x.y is also an element of G.
Associativity: If x, y and z are in group G, then x . (y . z) = (x . y) . z.
Invertibility: For every x in G, there is some y in G, such that; x. y = y . x.
Identity: For any element x in G, there is an element I in G, such that: x. I = I . x, where I is the identity of G.
4. What is a subgroup?
If (G, *) is a group structure and S is a subset of G, then S is a subgroup of G.
if (S, *) is a group structure only if it follows the properties given below.
Binary Structure: ab ∈ S for every a, b ∈ S.
Existence of Identity: Suppose e’ ∈ S such that e’a = a = ae’ for all a ∈ S.
Existence of Inverse: For all a ∈ S, there exists a−1 ∈ S such that aa−1 = e = a−1a.
5. If a and b are elements of group G, such that a, b ∈ G, then (a × b)-1 = a-1 × b-1. Prove that, (a × b) × b-1 × a-1= I
(a × b) × b-1 × a-1= I, (I is the identity of G)
Let's Consider L.H.S
= (a×b) × b - 1 × b - 1
= a × (b×b-1) × b - 1
= a × I × a - 1 (by associative axiom)
= (a × I) × a -1 (by identity axiom)
= a × a - 1
= I
= R.H.S
Hence proved.