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The word Jacobian is used for both matrix and determinant. Jacobian has a finite number of functions and the same number of variables. The functions undergo partial derivatives concerning the variables and are arranged in the rows accordingly. Just like matrix, Jacobian matrix is of different types such as square matrix having the same number of rows and columns and rectangular matrix having the same number of rows and columns. 


What is the Jacobian Matrix?

Matrices have a unique representation and are found in different sizes and forms. Matrices can be classified based on ranks, order, and the content of the matrix. In high school, we have come across different types of matrices based on different parameters. Matrix helps us to simplify calculations, even the complicated calculations performed by computers are first broken into matrices and then solved. To understand the Jacobian Matrix, we need to understand the concept of vector calculus and some properties of Matrices.


As mentioned above, the Jacobian matrix is a result of partial derivatives of its functions concerning variables. The word Jacobian is also used for the determinant of the Jacobian matrix. This matrix contains all partial derivatives of vector functions. Now, the question arises, what is the use of the Jacobian matrix? Jacobian is used for various purposes like in finding the transformation of coordinates called Jacobian transformation and differentiation with coordinate transformation.


Characteristics of a Jacobian Matrix

A Jacobian matrix is a matrix that can be of any form and contains a first-order partial derivative for a vector function. The different forms of the Jacobian matrix are rectangular matrices having a different number of rows and columns that are not the same, square matrices having the same number of rows and columns. Given below is a representation of a Jacobian matrix in a more rigorous mathematical sense.


f: Rn → Rm is a function that takes as input the vector x ∈ Rn and produces as output the vector f(x) ∈ Rm. Therefore, the Jacobian matrix J of f is an m×n matrix.


Variable x is usually the entry for the matrix. Knowing this is highly imperative, as this indicates that the function is differentiable at the point x. Being differentiable at a point indicates that the matrix can be mapped and given a geometric and visual approach to understanding the equations at hand. Polar-Cartesian and Spherical-Cartesian are the most important kind of Jacobian matrices. These matrices are extremely important, as they help in the conversion of one coordinate system into another, which proves to be useful in many mathematical and scientific endeavours.


The importance of the Jacobian matrix is critical in all fields of mathematics, science, and engineering. One prime example is in the field of control engineering, where the use of Jacobian matrices allows the local (approximate) linearization of non-linear systems around a given equilibrium point, thus allowing the use of linear systems techniques, such as the calculation of eigenvalues (and thus allowing an indication of the type of the equilibrium point). Jacobian matrices are also used in the estimation of the internal states of non-linear systems in the construction of an extended Kalman filter. Basically, we can conclude by saying that Jacobian matrices maintain a truly unique and important place in the world of matrices!


Jacobian Determinant

If the Jacobian matrix is a square matrix, then the number of rows and columns is same, thus it can be written as m = n, then f is a function from ℝn to itself. From the Jacobian matrix, we can form a determinant, known as the Jacobian determinant. The Jacobian determinant is sometimes called "Jacobian".


The Jacobian determinant at a given point gives important information about the behaviour of f near that point. If the Jacobian determinant at p is non-zero, then the continuously differentiable function f is invertible near a point p ∈ ℝn. This is the inverse function theorem. Moreover, f preserves orientation near p, if the Jacobian determinant at p is positive. Similarly, f reverses orientation, if it is negative. The absolute value of the Jacobian determinant at p occurs in the general substitution rule because it gives us the factor by which the function f expands or shrinks volumes near p. The Jacobian determinant is used when making a change of variables when evaluating multiple integrals of a function over a region within its domain. The magnitude of the Jacobian determinant arises as a multiplicative factor within the integral to accommodate for the change of coordinates. This is because the n-dimensional dV element (parallelepiped in the new coordinate system) and the n-volume of a parallelepiped is the determinant of its edge vectors. The applications of Jacobian matrix include determining the stability of the disease-free equilibrium in disease modelling.


Solved Examples

Question 1.  Let x (u, v) = u2 – v2, y (u, v) = 2 uv. Therefore, find the Jacobian J (u, v).

Solution 1: Given that x (u, v) = u2 – v2 and y (u, v) = 2 uv.

We know that,


\[J(u,v)=\begin{bmatrix}xu & xv \\yu & yv \end{bmatrix}\] and \[J(u,v)=\begin{bmatrix}2u & -2v \\2v & 2u \end{bmatrix}\]

Therefore, J (u, v) = 4u2 + 4v2.

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FAQs on Jacobian

1. What is vector calculus and how is the Jacobian matrix related to vector calculus?

Jacobian matrix can be explained accurately only with a basic understanding of vector calculus. A Jacobian matrix consists of a function that takes a vector as an input and produces as output the vector. Vector calculus deals with the differentiation and integration of vector fields which is a set of vectors aligned in a particular direction in space (Euclidean space). Vector calculus is important in the field of differential geometry and differential equations. It is also used in all strata of physics and is also employed in classical mechanics and electrodynamics.

2.What is the matrix inverse of the Jacobian matrix?

According to the inverse function theorem, the matrix inverse of the Jacobian matrix (of an invertible function) is the Jacobian matrix of the inverse function. Inverse functions are functions that can inverse other functions. In simple words, an inverse function starts with the output answer and then performs an operation and brings back the starting value.

3. Whether Jacobian is a matrix or a determinant?

Basically, a Jacobian is the determinant of the Jacobian matrix where the matrix contains all partial derivatives of a vector function. The main use of Jacobian is found in the transformation of coordinates as it deals with the basic concept of differentiation with coordinate transformation.

4. What are the applications of the concept of Jacobian matrices?

The concept of Jacobian matrices is part of mathematics and has its application and usage in the field of Physics – general relativity, Robotics, mechanical engineering, differential geometry, etc. as you grow higher in standards, you will learn more about its applications and wide usages. For now, students should focus on strengthening their core concept so that in the future more information and knowledge can be added in layers on the base we build now. 

5. How important is the topic ‘Jacobian’ for JEE Mains advance? 

As per the analysis of the past year's papers of JEE, we have analysed due importance given to the topic. A student cannot skip the topic if they want to excel in the exam. Every year both JEE mains and Advance have questions on the topic and if you follow the interview of the toppers, they have mentioned the topic on their study list. So, students are recommended by our subject experts to understand the concept well and practice the related questions from the compilation of last year's papers.