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Math Symbols

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Symbol Meaning

In mathematical terms, the meaning of symbol denotes a mathematical representation that bears a certain predefined value. There are various symbols in Mathematics which consists of some predefined values. For the purpose of simplifying the algebraic expressions, we can use those types of values rather than those symbols. Some of the examples include symbols like; the pi (π) symbol which bears the value 22/7 or 3.14, and e-symbol “∈” that represents the set membership in Maths and holds the value e = 2.718281828. This symbol is also referred to as e-constant or Euler’s constant.

Common Symbols and Meanings

There are various mathematical symbols that are quite crucial to students. In order to understand this in an easier way, the list of mathematical symbols is categorized here with symbol definition and examples. There are many numbers of mathematical signs and symbols, varying from simple additional conceptual signs to the complex integration conceptual sign.

The table given below consists of the list of all the commonly used symbols in Maths along with meaning and examples and those notations are classified as per the concept:

Symbols Used in Mathematics


Positive, plus, add



Negative, minus, subtract



Times, multiply


Degree (s)





Is equal to

Is approximately equal to

Is not equal to


Is similar to


Is greater than

Is parallel to


Is less than


Is less than or equal to


Pi, 3,14159

Is greater than or equal to

Is congruent to

(  )

Parenthesis (grouping symbol)


[  ]

Brackets (grouping symbol)

Square root

{  }

Braces (grouping symbol)

Right angle

|  |

Absolute Value Bars



Is an element of


The sum of

Is not an element of


Numeric constant 2.71828

⊂ or ⊆

Is a subset of


Line AB

⊄ or ⊈

Is not a subset of


Segment  AB

The set of


The length of \[\overline{AB}\]

The intersection of


Ray AB

Standard Maths Symbols With Names, Meaning, and Example

Standard symbols in maths enable us to work with mathematical concepts in a theoretical way. Simply to say, in absence of symbols, we are not able to do maths. The mathematical signs and symbols are regarded to be the representative of the value. The standard symbols in maths are used to demonstrate mathematical perceptions. The link between the sign and the value states the fundamental requirement of mathematics. With the help of symbols, some particular theories and concepts are clearly explained. Here is a list of commonly used symbols in the course of mathematics.

These are not only important but some of the most commonly used symbols in the stream of mathematics. It is essential to get fully familiar with all the mathematical symbols to be able to solve mathematical numerical problems effectively. It should be noted that without having proper know-how of the maths symbols, it is highly difficult to grasp certain mathematical concepts on a universal scale. Some of the key maths symbols are summarized below.

Math Symbols

*  Asterisk

≥  Greater than or equal

:  Colon

a^b  Caret

/  Slash

-  Dash/hyphen

≠  Not Equaity

;  Semicolon

Ω  Ohm sign

<  Less than

%  Percentage

x  Multiply/times

()  Parentheses

&  Ampersand

[]  Brackets

-  Subtraction

∞  Infinity

=   Equality

√a  Square root

Σ  Summation

≈  Approximately equal

π  Pi constant

\[\$\]  Dollar sign

>  Greater than

/  Division slash

≤  Less than or equal

+  Addition

∫  Integral

“  Quotation Mark

÷  Division

Significance of Mathematics Symbols

  • Helps in representing quantities.

  • Aids in establishing relationships between quantities.

  • Helps to determine the kind of mathematical operation.

  • Maths symbols are universal and help to make reference easier.

  • Symbols suspend the language barrier.

Use and Applications of Common Symbols and Meanings

As we already know, the concept of mathematics is solely dependent on numbers and symbols. That said, Mathematical symbols are widely used to conduct a variety of mathematical operations. The symbols make it pretty simple to refer to the Mathematical quantities. It is interesting to note that Maths and its operations are completely based on symbols and numbers. The math symbols do not only refer to different quantities but also characterize the association between the two quantities. The mathematical symbols are typically used to conduct mathematical operations under different concepts.

Binary Relations Through Math Symbols

  1. The Equal to Sign (=): The equal sign of the binary relation in mathematics implies “the same as” and was first initiated in the 1557 book introduced by the author: The Whetstone of Witte by Robert Recorde.

  2. The Less Than Sign (<): This sign typically means “strictly less than”.

  3. The Greater Than Sign (>): This sign typically means “strictly greater than”. Both the less than and greater than sign are now used for solving algebraic equations and they first appeared in Artis Analyticae Praxis ad by Thomas Harriot (1560-1621), which was published posthumously in 1631.

  4. The Less Than or Equals to (≤) and The greater Than or Equal to (≥): Introduced in 1974, these signs were refined by Pierre Bouguer (1698-1758) which are also used to simplify expressions.

FAQs on Math Symbols

Q1. What are the Symbols Used for Dealing with Logical Conditions?

Answer: Symbols applied for logical conditions includes:

  • ∀ Symbol: This implies for all (or often, for every). For instance, “∀ squares D, D is a rectangle”.

  • ∃ Symbol: Implies there exist. For instance, (“∃” a horse).

  • @ Symbol: Implies there does not exist. For instance, “@ a unicorn” (yet).

Q2. What are the Symbols Used for Sets of Numbers?

Answer: Symbol ‘N’ represents the sets of natural numbers. The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5… The Symbol ‘Z’ represents the set of integers. The numbers . . . −5, −4, −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…. The Symbol ‘Q’ represents the set of rational numbers. The set of all fractions a/b where ‘a’ and ‘b’ are integers and b ≠ 0. (Note, a rational number can be expressed in more than one manner).

The Symbol ‘R’ represents the set of real numbers which includes things like π, √ 2, −285, 37, log6 .3(π), etc.

Q3. What are the Symbols Used for Dealing with Sets and Elements?

Answer: The symbol ∈ is used to represent that an element is in a set. For example, 7 ∈ Z, π ∈ R. The symbol ∈/ is used to represent that an element is not in a set. For instance, π /∈ Z, √ 2 ∈/ Q (the 2nd one might take some thought to prove).