A mathematical model describes a system by using mathematical concepts and language. The process through which a mathematical model is developed is called mathematical modelling.
The importance of mathematical models is vast as it has considerable stretch in natural science, which includes physics, biology, chemistry, earth science as well as in engineering disciplines consisting of computer science, electrical engineering. Furthermore, mathematical modelling has a strong presence in non-physical systems which includes subjects like economics, sociology, political science etc. Mathematical models assist in elaborate systems, to learn the effects of different components and to provide predictions about behaviour. In short, mathematics can be applied as a medium to model or represent the real world.
In this section, students will learn about the maths model based on mathematical concepts from class 5-10. Students who are willing to get a clear mathematical concept regarding their respective syllabus can easily refer to this discussion while preparing a maths model.
Maths Models for Class 10
Studies are no longer restricted to only reading, writing and revising. To create various math models, students of class 10 can easily depend on their respective syllabus and several mathematical formulas. Below is a discussion of some ideas using which 10th standard students can make various math models.
1. Circumference of Different Types of Triangles
Exhibit the construction of different types of the triangle by using colourful papers and threads to locate the circumference of the given shape.
2. Venn Diagram of Sets
First, pick up a chart and draw the Venn Diagram of the universal set carrying subsets. Next, distinguish all the subsets using various colour pencils.
3. Representation of Circles, Tangents, Radius, Secant, Chords, Sector-
Draw out different types of circles and its tangents radius, secant, chords, sector in a paper chart.
Maths Model for Class 9
Students of class 9th standard can make use of the following models based on their syllabus.
1. Area of Rhombus
At first draw out a rectangle and outline it with a colour pencil. Then, draw a rhombus inside the rectangle and fill it with a different colour. Connect the corners of the rhombus with a dotted line. This model helps to prove that the area of the rhombus is half of the area of a rectangle.
2. Angle Sum Property of Quadrilaterals
In a paper chart, draw out a quadrilateral and its angles with different colours. Then create a circle by joining those angles to show the fact that the sum of the interior angles of a quadrilateral is 360 degrees.
Math Model for Class 8
The following ideas regarding their syllabus will help students to make various maths models.
1. Algebraic Formulas
To make the algebraic formulas more interesting, students can use various blocks of colourful papers for each term in a formula and paste it on a paper chart following the formulas.
2. Polygons
To make a maths model on polygons, cut various colourful papers and paste it in increasing order on a white chart.
Math Model for Class 7
Students of class 7 can easily create math models with the given ideas.
1. Types of Angles
Draw different types of angles, including acute angle, obtuse angle, right angle with the use of coloured pencils.
2. Lines and Transversal
To show lines and traversal, first take a piece of Styrofoam and cut two parallel lines and traverse it using a cutter. Then point out the eight angles that have been generated by a traversal on the crossing path of two lines.
Math Models for Class 6
By using the given simple models, students can utilize the process in creating them.
1. Prime and Composite Number of Charts
To memorise the prime and composite numbers more efficiently, outline a table in a paper chart. Put the numbers from 1-100 in each block. Then colour only the prime numbers.
2. Clocks
Take a cardboard and needle to create a wall clock and show different timings with the needle.
Maths Model for Class 5
Below are some examples of maths models which help students to easily understand the concept behind it.
1. Shapes and Angles
Take a big paper and draw different shapes such as triangle, rectangle, square with colourful pencils. Likewise, draw different angles.
2. How Many Squares
In a white paper, first draw a big rectangle with a colour pencil. Then, inside the rectangle, draw as many squares as possible with different colour pencils to show how many squares can be drawn in a rectangle.
Students from grade 5-10 who are struggling to comprehend the underlying mathematical concepts of the maths model for class 10 can gain considerable help by following the above-mentioned discussion. In this regard, students can rely on the lessons provided by the online tutoring site named Vedantu. At an affordable price, students can get access to the online sessions i.e. live tutorials, notes by simply registering on the site.
Download the app now to get the best lessons on math models!
FAQs on Maths Model
1. How Can Students Prepare Math Models for Class 10?
Ans. The syllabus of class 10 covers a number of topics. Students can prepare several math models which are relevant to their syllabus. The models which can be prepared based on class 10 include Pythagoras Theorem model, Congruence of Triangle model, comparison of areas of two similar triangle models, finding the angles with the help of the trigonometric model, conic section model etc.
2. What is the Importance of Maths Models?
Ans. Maths models are important to enhance and test the skills of students. The various activities involved in the making of maths models help students to utilise their theoretical knowledge and convert it into practical understanding. Practising helps students to extract more real-life experience out of it and boosts their thinking capacity, which in effect makes students more confident about the subject.
3. How to Make a Can-made Calculator?
Ans. Take a cardboard and make four holes into it. Put moveable numbers in the first, second, and fourth hole and place all the symbols of mathematical operation, e.g. addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. In this way, students can create a man-made calculator and use it in an exhibition to test the skill of the visitors.