What is a Real Number?
To understand real numbers, we first have to understand what rational and irrational numbers are. Rational numbers are ones that can be written in the form of p/q, where p is the numerator and q is the denominator, and both p and q are integers. For example, 7 can be written as 7/1, so it is a rational number. Irrational numbers are numbers that cannot be written in p/q form. For example,√2 is an irrational number because √2 = 1.41421 .. and continues to infinity. Hence, it cannot be written as a fraction and is non-terminating and non-recurring decimals. Rational and irrational numbers together form real numbers. You can also find a worksheet on real numbers at the end.
The real number represents a value of a continuous quantity in Mathematics. A real number can represent a distance along a line. On the other hand, it also represents an infinite decimal expansion. The adjective real in Mathematics was introduced by René Descartes in the 17th century. He is renowned for the real and imaginary roots of polynomials.
The real numbers represent all the rational numbers. For example, the integer −5 and the fraction 4/3. As an example of irrational numbers, we can take root 2, which means 1.41421356, and so on. The square root of 10 is an example of an irrational algebraic number. The real transcendental numbers are also Included within the irrational numbers. For example, one can take π, which means 3.14159265, and so on. Real numbers are used to measure quantities such as time, mass, velocity, energy, distance, and many more. The real numbers are denoted by the symbol R or R2.
Real numbers can represent any point on an infinitely long line. That is known as a number line or real line. In that case, the points representing integers are equally spaced. A possibly infinite decimal representation can dictate any Real number. The real line is considered a part of the complex plane. Also, the real numbers can be represented as a part of the complex numbers.
The set of all real numbers goes upto infinity. Real numbers include all the natural numbers that are also the infinity setting. It does not represent any one-to-one function from the real numbers to the natural numbers. The cardinality of the set of all real numbers is represented by {\displaystyle {\Mathfrak {c}}}C. The statement that there is no subset of the reals with cardinality strictly greater than {\displaystyle \aleph _{0}}N0 and strictly smaller than {\displaystyle {\Mathfrak {c}}}C. It is known as the continuum hypothesis (CH).
There is Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory in the real numbers. That includes the axiom of choice (ZFC)—the standard foundation of modern Mathematics. Also, some models of ZFC satisfy CH, while others infarct it.
What are Mathematical Operations?
The four basic Mathematical operations are addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (x), and division (/). We will now understand these operations on real numbers - both rational and irrational. The real numbers worksheet will help you understand this topic better.
Operations on Two Rational Numbers
These are some of the operations:
Addition of Two Rational Numbers
When two rational numbers are added, the result is a rational number. For example, 0.24 + 0.68 = 0.92. 0.92 can be written as 92/100, which is a ratio or the p/q form.
Subtraction of Two Rational Numbers
When two rational numbers are subtracted, the result is a rational number. For example, 0.93-0.22 = 0.71 which can be written as 71/100.
Multiplication of Two Rational Numbers
When two rational numbers are multiplied, the result is a rational number. For example, 0.5 multiplied by 185 is 92.5, which can be written as 925/10.
Division of Two Rational Numbers
When a rational number is divided by another rational number, the result is a rational number. For example, 0.352 divided by 0.6 is 0.58, which can be written as 58/100.
Operations on two Irrational Numbers
Addition of Two Irrational Numbers
When two irrational numbers are added, the result can be an irrational or a rational number. For example, √3 added to (√3) is 3.46 or 2√3 which can be written as 346/100, which is a rational number. However, when 2√5 is added to 5√3, we get a non-terminating and non-recurring decimal, an irrational number. It is written as 2√5+5√3.
Subtraction of Two Irrational Numbers
Similarly, when two irrational numbers are subtracted, the result can be an irrational or a rational number. √2 is subtracted from √2, the answer is 0. When 4√5 is subtracted from 5√3, we get 5√3-4√5.
Multiplication of Two Irrational Numbers
The product of two irrational numbers can be an irrational number or a rational number. For example, when √2 is multiplied by √2, we get 2 which is a rational number. However, when √2 is multiplied by √3, we get √6 which is an irrational number.
Division of Two Irrational Numbers
Similar to multiplication, we can get either an irrational number or a rational number as a result when an irrational number is divided by another. For example, when √2 is divided by √2, we get 1 which is a rational number. But when √2 is divided by √3, we get √2/√3, which is an irrational number.
Operations on a Rational and an Irrational Number
Addition of an Irrational and a Rational Number
The sum of a rational and an irrational number is always irrational. For example, when 2 is added to 5√3, we get 2 + 5√3, which is a rational number.
Subtraction of an Irrational and a Rational Number
The difference between a rational and an irrational number is always irrational. For example, when we subtract 5√3 from 2, we get 2 - 5√3, which is irrational.
Multiplication of an Irrational and a Rational Number
The product of a rational and an irrational number might be rational or irrational. For example, when 2 is multiplied by √2, we get 2√2 which is an irrational number, but when√12 is multiplied by √3, we get √36, or 6, which is a rational number.
Division of an Irrational Number with a Rational Number
When a rational number is divided by an irrational number or vice versa, the quotient is always an irrational number. For example, when 8 is divided by √2, we get 8/√2, which is an irrational number. The answer can be further simplified to 4√2 which is also an irrational number.
Operations on Real Numbers Worksheet
Example 1:
(7√3) x (- 5√3)
Solution: (7√3) x (- 5√3)
= 7 x -5 x √3 x √3
= -35 x 3
= -105
Example 2:
(3√27 / 9√3)
Solution: (3√27 / 9√3)
= 3√27
= √3x3x3
= 3 x 3√3
= 9√3
= 9√3/ 9√3
= 1
Here is some fact that student must know about
Integers, rational, and irrational numbers are all included in real numbers.
Some Numbers are Not Real (imaginary, complex).
Real numbers can do arithmetic.
Every real number has a decimal representation.
There is nothing but all the real numbers in the number line.
The real number is used to measure quantities.
All Cauchy sequences converge towards the real numbers.
To understand the topic further, operations of real numbers worksheets might be of great help to students.
FAQs on Operations on Real Numbers
1. What are the Properties of Real Numbers?
The properties of real numbers are applicable in addition and multiplication. When we add two real numbers, we have to keep in mind the
- Closure Property: If a and b are real numbers, a+b is also a real number
- Associative Property: a+(b+c) = (a+b)+c
- Commutative Property: a+b = b+a
- Additive Identity: a+0 = a
- Additive Inverse: a + (-a) = 0
For Multiplication -
- Closure Property: If a and b are real numbers, ab is also a real number
- Associative Property: a x (b x c) = (a x b) x c
- Commutative Property: a x b = b x a
- Identity Property: a x 1 = 1 x a = a
- Inverse Property: a x 1/a = 1
Another property holds true for both multiplication and addition - the distributive property, which is the same in both cases and says a x (b + c) = (a x b) + (a x c) = ab + ac.
2. Are There Non-Real Numbers? What are They?
The two kinds of numbers known to us are real numbers and complex or imaginary numbers. We can represent any given number y as y = a + ib, where a is the real number and ib is the complex part of the number. Like we mentioned earlier, real numbers are a combination of all rational and irrational numbers which include whole numbers, repeating decimals and non-repeating decimals. If we take the number 3 + √-5, 3 is the real part and √-5 is the complex part of the number.
3. What is the set of Real Numbers?
Real number is a set of numbers that include every positive number, negative number, and a decimal number. All these numbers are included in the number line. The real number is represented by the symbol R. 0 is also considered the real number. Including 0, all the positive and negative numbers are included in the real number. The set of a real number is represented by Z.
4. Is 0 a real number?
Real number includes every positive, negative as well as any decimal number. There are also whole numbers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, and virtually any type of number. 0 is also a number as it is not an imaginary number. So, it is a real number. 0 can be put as a real number logically.
5. What is the difference between Real Numbers and Natural Numbers?
Real numbers include any number from a positive, negative, decimal number, whole number, rational number, and also irrational number. On the other hand, natural numbers include only positive numbers. A natural number is basically used to count. It is denoted by the symbol N.All rational number is real, and this statement is not valid.
6. What is the importance of studying Real Numbers?
Real numbers are all the numbers on the number line. There is an infinity number in the real number line. Their types and categories are important because they can give anyone more information about the problem anyone is looking at. So, it is essential to study and apply Mathematics.
7. From where can students gather knowledge about the Real Number?
The real number is one of the essential topics in Mathematics. So if any student wants to go through this chapter and gain a proper lesson, then the answer is straightforward, and students can search and find this topic on any online learning platform. If any student searches for the best one, the result is Vedantu.
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