FAQs on Reflection and Symmetry
1. Does a rectangle have a diagonal as a line of symmetry?
A rectangle will not have a diagonal line of symmetry like square does because the sides are not of the same length. To understand this, let us take a rectangle with sides ABCD and draw a diagonal line of symmetry which cut through A and C, and when we fold the rectangle so that D touches the corner of B, we won’t be able to do it.
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But if we do this with a square, sides will meet and form a triangle because the square has four equal sides.
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2. What is rotational symmetry?
When a shape or an object turned around from a central point and remains the same from all sides then that object is said to have rotational symmetry.
For example, Square and circle when rotated look the same meaning they have rotational symmetry.
Center of rotation
If an object has a fixed point around which rotation occurs and the object appears same from all sides then that point is known as the center of rotation.
Order of rotational symmetry
To understand it better let’s know what is the order of symmetry, the number of position a shape or an object can be rotated and still look the same is known as the order of symmetry of the object.
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Say if we rotate a rectangle-shaped object from 0 to 360 degrees there will be 2 positions when the rectangle will be in its original shape one is 180 degrees and the other will be 360 degrees so, the order of the rotational symmetry for a rectangle is 2.